Chapter 39: Honeymoon part 1

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Juliet's point of view:

It was the next morning, and I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I reached my hand over to the other side of the bed expecting to feel Paige but only felt a cold bed.
Last night was a night to remember, I loved every second of it. The love, passion, and trust we put into each other was magical. Paige was fantastic, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was pregnant.
Looking down I was naked so I pulled on a shirt and tied my hair in a messy bun, heading to the living room. I heard some crackling of something and when I looked in the kitchen Paige was making breakfast In boxers and a sports bra. I walked up and she looked behind her and smiled, giving me a light kiss.
"Good morning my love"
"Hm, good morning" I kissed her neck before sitting down at the table. A minute later she came over with a big stack of pancakes, bacon, and coffee.
"Thank you my love" she smiled and bent down to kiss me again, the lingering taste of syrup on her lips.

Our flight was leaving at noon, but we had already packed so all that we had to do was say goodbye to everyone for a week. I couldn't wait to go and it just be the two of us, especially in one of those private villas where you can do basically anything.

After breakfast we got dressed and headed over to Helen and Daniels house. Apparently Matthew had missed us last night and wanted to call but Helen didn't let him since she wanted us to have the alone time as newly weds.

The house was still partly decorated from the night before, and when we pulled up I got a look at Paige and her beauty. She was wearing a light blue shirt with a dark green and blue plaid shirt open rolled up to her elbows and then jeans with converse. She looked delicious.
"Babe, stop looking at me like that or else imma have to do things to turn" her voice faded off as she got closer, until our noses were touching.
"Hm, and what'd be so wrong with that Mrs. Sims"
She growled and adjusted her jeans, I knew she wore tight ones on purpose.
"Damn you and your beauty Jules. I mean seriously how lucky am I" she motioned towards my clothing, which was a light pink sundress with a jean jacket and my vans. It was a simple yet comfortable outfit. She kissed me lightly before turning off the car and running around to my side to open to the door for me.
"Thank you my love" she nodded and held out her hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Always and forever sweetheart" she closed the car door and we made our way to the house. When we hit the sidewalk leading up to the house, the door burst open and a estates Matthew came running out followed by a distraught Helen.
"Oh my, it's just you two" she swiped her hand across her forehead.
"Mama, mommy" yelled Matthew, jumping into Paige's arms and extending his other arm for me to cuddle in close.

After our little reunion the time came to fast that we had to say goodbye and part ways. Paige and I each got at least 5 hugs each from Matthew and Helen wasn't much better.

The flight was 9 1/2 hours from here to Maui, but I think Paige was set on watching her favorite movie, "Knives out". I was going to read.
Paige bring the gentlewomen that she was helped me with my luggage and bags as we boarded the plane, and even gave me the window seat.
It would be a late evening flight so we got dinner, the choice between chicken or fish.
Due to the time difference it'd be mid afternoon in Hawaii so we decided to have a relaxing rest of the day at our villa, swimming, playing games, etc.

~Time skip~

I was getting ready to change into my suit and Paige was supposed to be doing the same.
"Babe" I turned around to see a naked Paige holding two swim trunks, one blue and one black.
"Which one do you like better, I can't decide" all I could focus on was her member hanging and loosely swaying. Gosh she was big.
"Well the blue one is shorter and tighter, so that one. But, we have a fairly isolated villa so we could go skinny dipping" I bit my lip. Paige's eyebrows shot up, and a smirk appeared on her beautiful face.
" say no more" she threw the swim trunks to the side and ran over to me, picking me up. I squealed as she spun me around, both of us laughing.
"Okay, now it's your turn to strip"
I nodded and slowly did a strip tease, making sure to show off my boobs since they were her favorite. When I turned around her mouth was slightly open and brows up, her member starting to wake up. I laughed and started towards the door, grabbing a towel on the chair.
"Coming babe" I heard pumping footsteps and then she picked me up without notice, swinging me around. When she opened the door all that could be seen was water and in the distance other villas. Paige didn't waste any time throwing me into the warm water, following close behind me. Apparently the jet lag and time difference wasn't bothering her a whole lot.
When I surfaced we had a splashing war, before Paige went underwater and literally kissed my vagina. I sucked in a deep breath as she fingered me underwater, the warmth of the water adding to the pleasure. When she was out of breath she resurfaced, her pixie haircut all over the place.
"Like that Jules".
"Yes keep going" I pushed her head underwater for her to continue. The water was shallow near the villas so we were both able to stand while she was fingering me and I was playing with her hard member. I'd never done anything like this before but with Paige everything was so easy and adventurous that I didn't stress.
Paige was still helping me out and had just come up for a break. She didn't waste anytime to kiss my lips passionately and hard, like she was trying to covey all her feelings into the one kiss.
"Babe we need to breathe, especially with all the hard work I'm doing" I laughed at my own joke. She cocked her head to the side, confused. I explained it to her and her eyes widened before throwing my naked body over her shoulder and dunking up the ramp and into the villa. She threw me on the bed and immediately went inside of me, thrusting hard get smoothly.
" Is this (thrusts) hard work ( thrust) for you babe (thrust)" I was in heaven that I couldn't respond to her so I nodded. She picked me up the pace, our skin slapping together as she kissed me and massages my ass. I knew I wouldn't last much longer and I was right. With one final thrust she released into me, causing me to release as well. She finished with a few slower thrusts and we both moaned and held into each other.
" that (pant) was (pant) amazing (pant)". I nodded in affirmation.
"If you weren't pregnant before than you certainly are now baby" Paige kissed me, her member still inside of me.
"Eh, I'll give it a days then take a test, but for now, let's nap" I rolled over and smushed our bodies together so our front were facing. Soon we both fell asleep for a much needed nap.

Hope you guys liked this chapter, please comment/vote and I'll see you later! Thanks for reading.

- Jane

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