Chapter 36: Surprise, or not

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Juliet's point of view:

It was as if she was trying to give me a heart attack. Covered in mud, blood, and holding a cardboard box. She looked like an ax murder.
"Hey babe" she was acting as if her appearance was not off putting.
"Hey" I replied hesitatingly and with question. I stood up and walked to her, and when I got close enough I look into the box. There laid the sleeping twins, all covered in mud but nonetheless looked safe. I burst into tears and took one of them- I couldn't tell who- from the box and into my arms, not caring about the mess. I pulled Paige into a hug as well, keeping them close. After all, they were some of the most important people in my life.
"I found them in the abandoned storage facility outside elm and Rogers street. Nobody was there but the hardest part was getting in and out, especially once I had the twins. That's why we're all dirty. I left decoy baby dolls and the police are on the way".
She said that so nonchalantly that It was scary.
"I'm just so glad you guys are okay, you scared me being away for so long" by this time I had picked up the other twin and were cradling them in my arms.
" I wasn't going to stop until they were found. Plus with my awesomeness it only took 3 days to do so" she smiled. " now we can get married babe" she went in for another hug but her dirty ness was off putting.
"Shower" I pointed in the direction.
"Aww man" she looked down and pouted like a 5 year old.
"Fine family bath/shower since you got me all dirty" she looked up and smiled wide, reminding me of the child she was.
"Heck yeah, I'll grab Ben" she took apparently Ben out of my arms are raced to the bathroom, leaving muddy footprints.
Helen must've been in the other room since she came out and when she saw me holding Jamie, she dropped her puzzle and ran over hugging us together despite Jamie being covered in mud.
I gave her the shirt version of the story before I was interrupted by Paige telling me to come to the bathroom. So I excused myself and went to the bathroom. Inside Paige and Ben were naked, and both had shampoo in their hair and soap mustaches. I laughed and took a picture.
"You guys are adorable, I love it!"
Paige smiled and stood up, motioning to hand over Jamie.
While we were undressing Jamie Paige jerked back, almost slipping. When we looked down Ben was trying to grab Paige's member and play with it. He was swinging it back and forth and slapping it slightly.
"If that kid doesn't stop soon I'm going to have a boner". I laughed and stripped down, ignoring Paige's lustful eyes.
"Trust me, I won't allow you to have a boner In front of my kids."
"I thought they were our kids, since I helped make them" her head was cocked to the side.
"It's a metaphor baby" I cupped her cheek, just like I do sometimes with Matthew.

After our relaxing bath, we all got changed and snuggled in the couch. The twins were napping and Paige, Helen and I were watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Another great movie :)

Paige was trying to pronounce the family's last name, since it was Greek.
" Portocolous"
The last one was the closest. I high fived her and snuggled into her side, she made a great pillow.

After the movie ended we remained snuggled up on the couch in each other's arms. She was playing with my hair while I laid my head on her shoulder and played with her fingers.

"Baby, you know this means we can get married right. Now that the twins are back" I nodded in response. "Yes, I was just thinking of that and how excited I am to marry you finally".

"What about Ryan, have you heard any update"
"No sadly, inexhaustible I could've taken him out but there's no evidence that he took the twins so it'll be hard to find him guilty".
I sighed, wanting that odious man away from my family. He needed to let us me once and for all.

Dinner consisted of Helen making her frittata with bacon and broccoli. I think Paige ate half of her food that was made, she just kept eating. I was content with the twins in my arms yet still a little freaked out about the idea that Ryan was out there. Paige must've noticed since she rubbed her hand on my knee and gave me a light smile.
"Tomorrow I'll go and buy some cameras to install around the house, just in case. We'll catch that ding dong sweetie".
I nodded and smiled at her way of cursing around the kids.

The rest of the night consisted of tucking all 3 kiddos into bed, and then snuggling in bed while watching Friends.
"Baby, what actually happened that made you covered in blood and mud".
She looked at me. "You don't want to know honey" kissing my head and pulling me into her lap.
"It's a long and messy story and I don't like replaying it since it doesn't include you or Ben and Jamie being safe".
She was so cute and caring sometimes that I couldn't help but lean up and kiss her delicious lips. She reciprocated and cupped her hand along my jaw, pulling out bodies even closer. The kiss was slow and passionate, her lips molding perfectly with mine. I felt as if I could kiss her forever, which we attempted but all too soon our lungs were gasping for air so we had to separate. Our foreheads were touching as we gasped for air, looking into each others eyes. When we finally caught our breaths I leaned back into the pillow and looked over to Paige who was looking back at me.
She wiggles her eyebrows. "So, baby number 4" I laughed in response.
"Not yet, the twins were just born and my body needs time you horny duck". She looked at me confused and then jumped up and did a plank on top of me, hovering.
"Did you just call me a duck Juliet"
I nodded. She started to tickle me on my sides where I was the most ticklish.
After our little tickle session we ended up spooning together, me being the little spoon and drifted off into a dream filled slumber.

I'm sorry again for the wait, I'm about to go out of town so the updates will be a little odd for the next week or two. Please let me know if you want to see anything in particular happen to the characters and vote/comment. Thanks again!

- Jane

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