Chapter 25: Ryan Returns

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Juliet's Point of View:

~Time Skip~

A month later Matthew and I were finally fully moved in with Paige! Each weekday was the routine; wake up, work/school, homework, dinner, bed. Sometimes sex was sprinkled in here and there, I mostly initiated it since I was 5 months pregnant and supersized.

We were currently having dinner at the Simms's house, eating a delicious BBQ and having a small pool party. Earlier I was too self-conscious to wear a bikini but being the sweetheart that she is Paige convinced me to wear my dark blue one. Little things like that made me made me fall in love with her deeper.

While we were all eating, Paige was goofing around with Erin. It was nice to see her in her natural element. Plus her wearing a sports bra and swim trunks made her look sexy as hell and I wanted to rip all of clothes off and make love until we passed out. Sadly there would be to many witnesses.

Daniel went in the house and moments later came back with a stone cold face on.

"Juliet, um, I'm real sorry but you should probably get to the front" he rubbed the back of his neck, just like Paige.

I tried to stand up but failed, I was really big, due to the twins. Paige must've seen me since she came over and helped me up, walking me to the door even when I said I didn't need it. When I got there, I got the surprise of my life.

"Juliet, baby doll, how's it going" Ryan moved forward with his arms open, as if he were trying to hug me.

Paige stepped into protective mode and stood in front of me, blocking the view of my ex.

"Ryan, I suggest that you leave before a restraining order is put into place" I couldn't believe how calm Paige was speaking. When she slightly turned around I saw the fury in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Paige, was it? Yeah, this is none of your business so I suggest you scram before I beat you up" he laughed at himself, pretending to dust off his hands.

"No thanks, I don't want to hurt anyone, nor do I want my pregnant girlfriend of twins to get hurt either" she put an emphasis on the word twins and pregnant.

Ryan's eyes bulged out of his sockets as Paige stepped back and hugged me from behind, tucking her head into my neck. I lightly kissed her head, and wiggled my ass since I could feel her member make an appearance.

"The fuck, you're a girl, and underage. I'm going to call the police. Juliet needs a man in her life not some d*ke with a dick. That's disgusting.

I could feel Paige tense up. She went back to standing in front of me protectively.

"No you dipstick, what's disgusting is you saying those things to your ex wife. I thought you were a decent man but I was wrong. You are a terrible person.

Ryan went in for the punch, but Paige pushed me back and ducked, socking him in the groin. I think Paige pushed me harder than she meant since I couldn't regain my balance and fell against the grass. Ryan being the dick he was laughed.

"you just pushed your pregnant girlfriend and she fell. Some mother you're going to be" he taunted Paige, while holding his junk. His very small junk might I add.

"I didn't mean to to that, and we all three know it. But Ryan, that looks like it hurts, how big is it" she pointed towards his crotch.

He smirked. 5 1/2 inches bitch. Yeah that's not impressive.

"Well, bitch, mines bigger, so suck it" she stuck out her tongue. Meanwhile Ryan looked like a ghost.

"T-that's not possible, you're a girl, mine's bigger. I'll bet $500 on it".

I knew for a fact that Paige's was way bigger so I knew she would easily win the money.

"Deal dipshit. Let's go inside and compare" she started to walk inside.

"No, no, no, out here. You scared I'm gonna beat you? There's no way you're bigger" Ryan's taunting continued.

"Fine, let's make it 1,000 then. It'll be much better when I win the money and your dignity" Paige smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. I could see her buddy poking out of her swim trunks. Great, now I was horny.

"Since you're so confident, drop the shorts first Ryan"

He smiled and hook his fingers in the waistband, lowering everything down until his bare, hairy junk could be seen.
"Remember this Juliet, we got Matthew from this" he wiggled around his junk, smiling proudly.

"Thtat's pathetic dude, I'm way bigger than that and I got Juliet pregnant with twins. Here" she pulled down her swim trunks, revealing her semi-hard member. It was at least 9 inches, probably more since we've used it a lot.
Ryan's face was priceless, somewhere between gobsmacked and humiliated.
"Money dipstick" Paige held out her hand, Swim trunks still down. Ryan reached down to grab his wallet, pulling out his checkbook. Paige leaned forward to make sure it was the proper amount, which she smiled so I assumed it was. Both of their pants were still down, so the sight of Paige's member was delightful.
" Good, now give me the money and never show your face again. Juliet is happy, without you and you can't come and ruin that. A restraining order will be put forward tomorrow onwards. Now cover up your hairy junk and scram" she pointed towards a beat up silver car at the curb. Ryan gave me one last look before pulling up his shorts and dignity, and walking head down to the car. When he finally pulled away, Paige pulled up her swim trunks and walked over to me, giving me a hug.
"You okay sweetheart" she asked, still hugging me. I nodded and held onto her closer.
"Let's get back to the party alright? I'm craving some ribs".
We walked to the backyard and everyone crowded us, wanting to know what happened. Paige told the story while hugging me from behind, occasionally kissing my neck. It was a crazy day and everyone went back to hanging out and swimming.

After the bbq, Paige Matthew and I headed back to the apartment. I was exhausted and went right to my room, while Paige tucked Matthew in.

"Baby" When I looked Paige was leaning against the door, crossing her arms.
I couldn't take it anymore and broke down in tears. I felt warm arms around me as I buried her arms in my head. I cried my eyes out, her comforting me the entire time.
I might've cried myself to sleep since when I woke up Paige was cuddling me while asleep, snoring softly. It was dark outside and in the room, but I knew in Paige's arms I was safe.

Another chapter is done! Please comment and vote and what you want to see next in the story. Thanks again!!

- Jane

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