Chapter 23: Moving In

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Paige's Point of View:

Ever since finding out that we were having twins, I've been trying to get up the courage to ask Juliet and Matthew to move in with me. I knew that she might not be all on board since it'd be a big change for Matthew, but I really didn't like having to drive the 10-15 minutes to see them.

Right now I was at work at the café. I usually waitressed but on slower days I also restocked and did housekeeping things. My boss was the best, and had even given me a slight raise after finding out about the twins. After all, I need to support my growing family financially while finishing up college.

I had an hour left in my 8 hour shift when I heard the most beautiful voice calling my name, which belonged to my girlfriend. Matthew was with her, so we all sat down and enjoyed each other's company while Matthew ate his muffin and Juliet had her tea. I figured now would be a good opportunity to ask, since I might not see her for while; she was going back into work.

"Hey baby" I took her small hands into mine, getting her attention.

"I was wondering if you and Matthew would move in with me? I mean, with the babies coming I'd like for us all to be together and have some time to settle in before the due date, and I love both of you guy" I was cut off my soft lips molding with my own. Since we were in public we had to keep it short and PG, much to my dismay.

"Yes" was her reply, looking right into my eyes. I smiled and hugged her, twirling her around in the air. I was glad that it wasn't very crowded since it was a intimate movement. After releasing my girlfriend, I went down and kissed Matthew's cheek. He was still eating his muffin and milk, looking adorable with his styled hair and bright eyes. He was cute toddler that's for sure.

After talking a bit longer, it started to get busy so I had to resume work, meaning that Juliet and Matthew left. The rest of the shift was busy, and I ended up making over $100 in cash, a pretty good day.

When I got home, I heard the bath tub running so I put down my bag and took off my shoes and jacket. I knocked on the door, and once gaining approval opened to see the best sight; both Matthew and Juliet playing in a bubble bath together. Matthew had his little pirate ship and action figures that were both floating in the tub and on the edge.

"Well hello, you guys look like you're having fun" I said, leaning down to kiss Juliet.

She nodded. "You can join if you want, I'm sure Matthew wouldn't mind, and I wouldn't either" she blushed, bringing her attention back to her son.

I immediately took the offer, stripping out of the clothes until I was only left in my boxers.
"Hey sweetheart, do you have any clothes on? Are you okay with Matthew seeing my you know what" I looked down towards my crotch.

"I don't have clothes on, and he's probably going to see it at some point so it's okay. Just try not to get hard because he doesn't need to see the whole thing like I do" she blushed after speaking. I nodded and took off my boxers, letting my penis breathe. I stepped closer to the tub, and Juliet moved so I would be partly behind her but still get to play with Matthew.

When I got in fully, I leaned back against the marble tub, pulling Juliet's body against mine. We molded perfectly together, like we were meant to be. It was a perfect moment; Matthew playing while I was resting and spending time with my favorite people after a long day at work. Juliet didn't make any motions that could result in me getting hard, much to my dismay, but her beautiful naked body being partly on display didn't help my case either.
Matthew was being oblivious the whole time, playing with scuba Steve and Spider-Man. The little things made him so happy and occupied, it hope your kids get that.
"Hey baby, since we'll all together do you want to talk about possible names for the twins?"
Juliet tuned around around, swishing the water around.
"Yes, that sounds like fun!" She turned back and leaned her back against my front. She intertwined our fingers together, so we were as close to one another as possible.
"How about we choose 5 names each that we like, both possible first and middle. Then we compare?" I nodded and kissed the side of her head. "You go first honey".
"Okay, she replied.

1. Abigail
2. Riley
3. Sydney
4. Isabella
5. Hadley
1. Thomas
2. Christopher (Chris)
3. William
4. Benjamin (Ben)
5. Jason

I nodded. "Here's mine"

1. Lilly
2. Rose
3. Jamie
4. Amanda
5. Rebecca
1. Daniel (jr)
2. Michael
3. Shawn
4. Derek
5. Connor
Juliet sighed, leaning more into me. "Theres so many names to choose from, and what will somewhat go along with Matthew Tyler."
"What if we choose one from each. Like one boys name from mine, one form yours, and then repeat for the girl. It'll be fair".
Juliet looked back, kissing my chin. " I love it baby" she kissed my cheek this time. I knew she would've done the lips except Matthew was a foot away and was too young for that.

For the rest of the bath Juliet and I played with Matthew, whether it was action figures or the wind up boat. When it was time to get out, I helped Juliet out and then got Matthew out, making sure they were both settled. I drained the tub, still naked.
"Paige honey cover up please. Matthew's still in here" I looked over to see both Matthew and I looking at me, and when I looked down I saw my semi-hard member.
" shoot sorry baby" I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around my waist, leaving my chest bare. I figured Matthew knew what those were.
Juliet and Matthew exited the bathroom, mentioning something about changing and cookies.
Juliet stuck to her word, the three of us baked cookies and then watched finding Dory. We should've taken a bath after cookies instead of before, Matthew knows how to get dirty.
Juliet decided to go back to there house for the night, so I drove them back home. After a kiss for her and a hug for Matthew, we parted for the night. I couldn't wait until they moved in with me, it'd be the best and worst of times..

Hello everyone, that's another chapter done! Comment any baby names you'd like to see, I'm still trying to find a cute combination from the lists above. Please vote and I'll see you next time!

- Jane

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