Chapter 38: The First Night

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Paige's point of view:

When the car pulled up to the apartment I parked it and got it, rushing to open the door for my bride. She giggled as she took my hand, walking in front of me. Without warning I scooped her up into my arms and carried her in, despite her requests to put me down once we were inside. I finally did drop her, onto the bed. I flipped done on top of her, hovering so I didn't crush her petite body.
"Hi wifey" she giggled and played with my hair.
"Hey sweetheart". I pecked her lips multiple times, not actually keeping our lips touching for long. She groaned in protest and put her head behind my neck so that I'd be stuck kissing her.
The kiss started off slow and passionate, filled with love. There was little to no tongue, mostly just enjoying the shape of each others lips and face. I slowly left her face and started trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone, and to the exposed skin on her chest. She moaned and grabbed my hands so they were intertwined to the side. I continued to kiss her neck, and undid our hands so that I could take off her dress. It wasn't hard and soon she was left in a white bra and pantie set, looking beautiful. She took off my suit jacket and vest, and I assisted her with my shoes and pants. Soon we were half naked and kissing again, enjoying the feel of one another's bodies. I took the next step of taking off her bra, my member hardening at the sight of her pink nipples hard and ready for attention. Gently I grabbed her right breast, massaging it with my hands while my mouth paid special attention to her nipple, sucking and licking all around it.
Deciding it was time to move on, I repeated the action to the other breast, Juliet's moans being music to my ears. She was grabbing onto my back, pressing our bodies together while I was giving her the attention.

After being down with her breasts I moved down to her pantie covered pussy. I couldn't wait, reading the material off her hear and getting the first look. She moaned as I dug right in, face to "face". I moved my tongue in a counterclockwise motion and then switched to clockwise, getting the full width of her goodness. She withered underneath my grip, so I took my hands and played with her breasts, giving her the full experience.
I could tell she was going to orgasm soon so I picked up the lace, sticking two fingers in my beautiful bride while my tongue was lapping up all her goodness. Within moments she unraveled underneath me, moaning and groaning. I lapped up her juices and sucked a bit more, enjoying the slightly salty taste that was my wife. When I moved up her body, I placed might kisses from her belly button, stomach, chest, neck, and finally her delicious lips, giving her a passionate kiss to remember.
"Hm, off now" she pulled at my boxers, with my fully hard member begging to be released. At that moment I remembered something.
"Babe, I don't have any condoms".
She looked at me first with disappointment and than with confusion.
"I thought you just got some at CVS"
I shook my head, wanting to hit myself. I was still on top of her, but had my hands propped up so I wasn't completely crushing her.
" you dumbass, your pull out game is terrible"
"I know I'm sorry Jules, maybe I could try the pull out game and see how it goes.."
"Fine, just because I'm desperate" she pulled me done so that I was completely on top of her, our bodies fitting perfectly.
"I love you" she said, twisting my hair.
"Hm, I love you more"
I reached done and stroked my member, getting it ready. When it was I slowly inserted it into Juliet, loving the response her body was giving me. She clawed at my back, while I massaged her breasts and kissed her neck. I quickened my pace and she flipped us ver so she was now on top, riding me. I have to say see my new wife ride me was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Juliet continue to ride me, both of us groaning in pleasure. It wasn't until I flipped us over and went at a slower and more passionate pace that I could feel her walls squeezing my member. I wanted to be passionate and make love, not fuck my wife.
She decided that it was time to quicken the pace when she moved her hips in sync and grabbed into my boobs, squeezing the nipples. It was a sensory overload since I was also holding into her sides and tangling our legs and feet together. I grunted by nonetheless matched her pace and started feeling my balls tighten up and tingle, letting me know I was close. Without warning she flipped us around and ride me while sucking on my breasts again. The image of her plus the pleasure rose me over the top to the best orgasm I've ever had. We both moaned and groaned as I did a final thrust, releasing my seed into my new wife.
When I slowed down I stayed inside of Juliet, basking in the moment. I rolled to the side and spooned her, grabbing the covers and pulling them over our baked and sweaty bodies. It wasn't long until we bo the fell asleep, tired from making love.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it was weird writing since it was mainly smut. Please comment/vote and thank you for reading!

- Jane

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