Chapter 45: Gender Reveal Party

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Juliet's point of view:

Today marks 6 months of my pregnancy, and today we were doing a gender reveal party with the rest of the Simms's family and Erin. We didn't really have any other friends. I was hoping for a girl and I know that Paige wanted a boy so one of us was going to win the $20 bet that we'd placed. 

Paige and Helen were currently setting up the back yard while I was nursing the twins. At this point we had established a schedule of when the twins needed to eat and my body naturally seemed to produce at or near those times. 

"Baby" I was interrupted by Paige calling me. When I turned around she was leaning against the doorway, grinning. 

"The backyard is ready if you want to see it" I nodded and put down Ben in his crib, adjusting my shirt so that my boob wasn't out. I took Paige's hand and she led us to the backyard, which was covered in blue and pink decorations from one side of the fence to the other. Paige wrapped her arms around me from behind, tucking her head into my neck. 

"pretty sweet isn't it" I nodded awestruck. There were streamers, balloons, a white cake, and a banner covering the grassy area. Personally I was excited for the cake. 

Erin and the rest of the Simms's arrived shortly after and the small party began. We played "Pin the rattle on the baby, pink/blue water balloons, and then finally it was time for the cake. Just like at our wedding Paige and I both had a hand on the knife, cutting it together. I wanted our eyes to be closed while doing so but that would be dangerous so we would know as soon as we cut into the cake. 

"Come on, I want cake" Sam groaned, earning a smack on the back of the head by his mom. Helen was carrying Jamie while Matthew was in front of her, while Daniel was carrying Ben. 

When Paige and I cut far enough in the cake, a light pink was seen. We were having a girl! I squealed as I heard a fake groan come from Paige. I turned around and hugged her tight, and she hugged back. When we disconnected I was pulled into a half hug by Helen, since she was holding Jamie. I couldn't believe we were having a girl, not that I didn't love Jamie but now it would be an equal ratio of boys and girls in our family. 

Paige cut the rest of the cake while everyone else sat down and chatted. Now that we knew the gender we could finish up the nursery, buy clothes, and other girly things. 

When Paige got to passing out the cake, we all dug in. It was a vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, and it was delicious. Lucas started choking and we all looked at him. He reached into his mouth and seemed to pull out a piece of paper, like what would be in a fortune cookie. He licked the remaining cake off of it and read it. 

"P.S: Baby #4 will be like Paige, intersex. It is technically a girl" I looked over at Paige who choked on her water. 

"Well, that's not the best news, but we'll still love her no matter what" Said Helen proudly, in true grandmother form. I nodded and agreed, patting a still choking Paige's back. I remember hearing how Paige got bullied in school for being intersex, so I immediately worried about our baby girl. We'd also have to decide on a not so girly name, since we didn't want to hurt her anymore. 

"It'll be okay baby" Paige brought me out of my thoughts by rubbing her hands up and down my arms. She was the best at knowing when I needed comfort. I loved her so much. 

"I'm just thinking about our little girl" I rubbed my belly, Paige's hands going on top of my own. 

The party ended up lasting for another hour and a half, but it was that time of day in the late afternoon where nobody wanted to do anything so we all stayed outside, enjoying one another's company. I sat in between Paige's legs as she played with my hair. She was wearing cargo shorts and a tank top, looking beautiful yet peaceful. We had pizza for dinner, something simple yet delicious since I was also craving pepperoni. 

"Hey Paige" she looked down at me. 

"I thought of a new name for our baby which I really like. What do you think of Skylar?"

"I like that name a lot Jules, honestly" I could feel her smile in her voice. 

" Now we just need a middle name. Maybe Marie, or Hannah after my mom's middle name". 

" I like Hannah, but we don't have to decide now baby, we have some time" I nodded and leaned back into her chest, taking a deep breath. The twins were having tummy time with Daniel and Matthew, and the rest were resting similar to us. It was very peaceful. 

After pizza we decided to watch "Knives Out" together, one of my favorite movies. I was cuddled up next to Paige, with Matthew cuddled up sleeping next to me. Luckily we were at our house already and didn't have to transport the kiddos to and from the car. 

We were at the part in the movie where everything was starting to be sorted out and the previous actions of the characters were now making sense. It was my favorite part, everything coming together. 

When it turned 10 we decided to call it a night. I carried the twins upstairs while Paige got Matthew. Helen, Daniel, Sam, and Lucas left shortly after and then Paige and I snuggled into bed together, spooning. I started dreaming of our beautiful baby girl who was nameless, yet with her condition, one in a million. 

Thank you for reading this chapter. I'm starting to lose motivation for writing, so please feel free to give me suggestions on what to write in future chapters. 

- Jane 

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