Chapter 30: Birth and Naming

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Paige's point of view:

~Time skip~

It was the middle of the night when I felt myself getting slapped. There. I woke up to a distressed Juliet, claiming how her water had just broke. Sure enough there was a wet stain on the sheets. I jumped into action, grabbing the hospital bag at the foot of the bed and putting on some sweatpants and a V-neck shirt. I helped Juliet out of bed, and got her changed into a sweatshirt and shorts. I could tell she was in a lot of pain, and she told me that she was as well.

It took a solid 5 minutes to get into the car and then the hospital was a 15 minute drive. On the way I called mom and dad, telling them that it was go time and they were going to be grandparents in a couple of hours. Matthew was in the back, asleep. I swear that kid could sleep through anything.

When we arrived at the hospital, I left a distressed Juliet and Matthew in the car, running ahead to get help and hopefully a wheelchair. A nice male nurse came to the car with me, helping me put Juliet in the wheelchair and then wheeling her in while I took care of Matthew and the bags. The nurse took us up two floors, where the maternity ward was. Walking past several rooms I could hear the groaning of women either in labor, or in the process of giving birth.

When we arrived, the nurse and I helped Juliet into the bed, and while I situated Matthew and the bags, the nurse took vitals and whatever else was needed. She wasn't technically check in, so I had to do that as well.

Minutes later another nurse came in to properly dress and check dilation. I loved Juliet but seeing another woman inches from her vagina was not the most comforting thing for me to see.

"7 inches, it'll be about another 30 minutes ma'am" said the nurse, moving away from Juliet and writing something down in a notebook. The two nurses them did a few other minor tests and left momentarily. Juliet was sweating bullets and in a pain but holding her hand and realizing she was about to have my babies, she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. Sorry mom.

"Baby, Paige, can you, get me some, ice chips, please" she panted. I nodded till holding her hand and called the help button. 30 seconds later the same nurse came in with the ice chips and a towel. He must've guessed what she needed. I fed her the ice chips and dabbed her forehead with the towel, since she had gotten even sweatier if possible.

After a long 45 minutes or so, a doctor came in and announced that Juliet was fully dilated and that she should begin pushing. A few minutes earlier I got a text from mom saying how they were all out there in the waiting room, hoping for the best.

20 minutes later and Juliet was in immense pain. I could both see it on her face and she was squeezing the life out of my hand. I knew complaining would just make Juliet mad, which was the last thing that I wanted.

After another 15 minutes, I heard the most beautiful baby cry, bringing me to tears. I looked over the sheet and saw a baby girl covered in goo and crying, but nonetheless healthy. She looked so beautiful.

"Is she alright Paige?". I nodded, wiping the tears away. "She's so beautiful". The nurses were doing tests on our little girl, and requested that Juliet push again. A minute later another beautiful cry was heard, and when I looked, it was a boy! I updated Juliet and the nurse came over, giving us our baby girl all cleaned and wrapped up. I could already tell that she had my nose and her mother's dimples. She'd be a heartbreaker for sure.

The other nurse then brought the little guy over to us, and I got to hold him since Juliet had the girl.

"Have you decided on names yet" asked the nurse. I looked at Juliet who was already looking at me.

"yes, this sweetheart is Jamie Isabella Simms, and this little dude, he's Benjamin Christopher Simms" I finished and kissed Juliet's forehead.

"Beautiful names" replied the nurse as she then walked away. I could tell that Juliet was exhausted and was having trouble keeping her eyes open. Luckily there was already two bassinet's next to the bed so I placed Jamie in one and then Ben in the other. Soon Juliet was asleep, and holding my hand. I kissed it and then decided to carry out the twins, one in each arm out to the waiting room. I alerted the nurse and then slowly walked out with the twins.

Mom was the first to notice, and she gasped and ran up to me. The others followed and swooned around the newborns.

"So, what's their names" asked Mom.

"This little girl is Jamie Isabella, and then dad, you're holding Benjamin Christopher. Both healthy and happy, and Jules is asleep".

I let the family visit with the sleeping twins for a few more minutes and then headed back into the delivery room where Juliet was. Poor baby was still sleeping soundly, hair in a messy bun and lips parted. God she was beautiful. I wanted to put more babies into her. I don't think she'd agree on that last part though...

It was now around noon, and Juliet had just woken up. She was breastfeeding Ben while I cradled Jamie in my arms, playing with her adorable little fingers. Ben looked exactly like Juliet, with the exception of my eyes. Jamie was more of a mix with my brown hair, Juliet's eyes and dimples, and then my nose.

"Baby could we switch babies please? I bet Jamie's ready to be fed" Juliet look over at me. I nodded and helped her switch babies. Now I had Jamie in my arms, playing with her little fingers.

A few minutes ago mom and dad came in to visit briefly, since they had gone home and then come back. They looked much less tired and much more excited. Sleep sounded really nice right about now. Mom was going to get Matthew from grandma's house since they let him sleep.

"Honey" I was brought out of my thoughts by Juliet.

"Yes, do you need anything, should I get the nurse, what's wrong"

She giggled. "Oh no, you're one of those parents. I was just thinking that maybe we should have Benjamin tested to make sure he really is a boy, and not like you".

"Oh, I didn't even think about that. I'll ask the nurse" I reached for the call button.

When the nurse came in I explained the situation and she took Benjamin from me to test. That hour and a half waiting time was excruciating. I didn't mind what the results were, but we'd have to change his name and it'd require a talk about his identity later in life.

"Alrighty, sorry for the wait. Are you two ready for the results" Juliet and I both nodded, and I grabbed her hand.

"Your little baby, is indeed a boy. So you have nothing to worry about he's healthy and happy" I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank you nurse Elliot, we really appreciate it" exclaimed Juliet, squeezing my hand.

Nurse Elliot nodded and walked out.

"I'm so glad he's a boy and not a girl with a dick. It'd be a awkward conversation to have when he's older and I don't want anything bad to happen to either of my babies". I frowned at Juliet's words.

"babe, what do you mean by you're so relieved. I'm a girl with a dick, and that never bothered you. Why would it bother you with Benjamin?" I was a little upset.

"Oh, well I was surprised and a little taken aback out at first when you told me, but unlike Benjamin I'd get over it and learn to love him no matter what.

"Wait, you were grossed out by me? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Baby I never said you were gross I was just caught off guard. You were made that way and I love you no matter what. Plus there was nothing you could've done about it" she shrugged it off.

I guess she had a point, although I was a little upset about her word choice.

At the end of the day Juliet was wrapped up in my arms and the twins were sleeping peacefully, at least for now. It hadn't been the most relaxing day, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

That's another chapter. I hope you guys like it and please vote/comment about further topics to include in the book. Thank you for reading!

- Jane

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