Chapter 28: Proposal

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Juliet's point of view:

This past week Paige has been acting off, and I don't like it. She seems very on edge and nervous about something, probably school related. It just hope I get my old Paige back.
Tonight we were going to a date, and I couldn't wait. It was perfect weather for a picnic, so I secretly hoped that we were going on one far away. My birthday was also next week, and I was turning 34. The twins might end up being my last babies I have, since obviously Paige can't be pregnant.

I was currently bathing Matthew, since we had just come back from the park. I was too big to lean down and shower him so I gave him a bath and sat down next to the tub. In these past few months he had grown so much, and much to my dismay was looking more like his father.

After bathing Matthew it was nap time for him so I put him down and went into the living room to read.

"Pride and Prejudice, not my first choice in reading I must confess". Paige said behind me. Her mouth was right behind my ear and after speaking she bit it lightly.

" Well it's a great book, you should try it" she nodded and leaped over the couch, flopping next to me.


"I'm reading baby"

"But I want attention" she whined, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and laying her head on my shoulder.
"You give the best cuddles Jules". If distracting was a competition, she'd get a gold medal.

"Thank you, how about you play a game on your phone" she shook her head. She was starting to look like Matthew.

"okay, well please don't bother me since this is my quiet time of the day when Matthew's asleep".

Speaking of falling asleep, 10 minute after talking Paige was out on my lap, lightly snoring. She was adorable with her mouth slightly open and her hair all tousled on my lap. She was still holding her phone so I took it and took a picture of her sleeping self. She had a picture of me naked after showering so this was payback.

It was another hour until I heard Matthew calling for me, in which Paige woke up since she was still lying in my lap. She the went about telling me how she was preparing for our date tonight and how I couldn't go into the master bedroom, so I complied and took Matthew into his room to do a puzzle.

A couple hours Matthew and I were playing with his matchbox cars when Paige entered the room. She was showered and dressed in tight blue jeans, and white and green plaid shirt with her hair down. She looked beautiful.

"Honey if you don't close your mouth you're going to look like a trout" was her response. How romantic.

I closed my mouth and playfully glared at her. My hormones and cravings were all over the place, so sometimes she had to be careful about what she was saying.

"Baby, if you want to shower and get dressed I can watch Matthew. We should leave in about half an hour for dinner". I nodded and motioned for her to help me up. It was little things like that that I trouble doing due to the twins.

After showering, I decided on wearing a mint green sundress with sandals, keeping my hair down and wearing minimal makeup. Paige had told me to dress casually and comfortably, so this fit both categories.

Paige and I said our goodbyes to Matthew and Helen, since she was looking after him. Paige then opened the car door for me and helped me in and out. When I did exit the car I saw he were at a place called Pasta Emporium. I smiled at Paige and she returned it, knowing that pasta was one of my favorite foods.

Inside a nice young man greeted us, and led us to a booth isolated from others. There was even a curtain for privacy. The restaurant wasn't crowded but the curtain was nice since Paige was looking mighty fine in her tight jeans.

Paige ended up ordering chicken parmesan and I ordered linguini with clams. We had bread to start us off and for a treat we both got Shirley temples. Paige decided that she wasn't going to drink if I couldn't, which was super sweet of her to do.

In the mean time we talked about seemingly everything; the twins, work, school, the future. Even when our food came we continued to talk, enjoying each other's company. It wasn't until dessert came that I couldn't take how I was feeling. I was so damn horny and Paige's bulge in her jeans didn't help. She was responding to an email and the curtains were closed so I scooted closer to her, and then put my hand on her thigh. She looked up and smiled, then went back to her phone. I crept my hand closer and closer until I was ribbing her bulge through her jeans, getting her full attention. She looked at me wide eyes, but didn't make any motion for me to stop. I continued to rub, and right before it looked like her member was going to burst through the material I unzipped her jeans just enough to take out her throbbing and fully hard member. Since we were in public I wasn't planning on putting it inside of me, since we weren't exactly the quietest people. I grabbed her member and started moving my hands up and down. She moaned lightly, her head thrown back in pleasure. She thrust her hips to match my hand movements, so we were in sync with one another. Even when the waiter knocked on the table through the curtain I didn't stop, I just moved my hand so it was fully under the table and not visible to the waiter. I had to do all the talking since Paige looked ill from having to hold back moans. I was stills stroking her, but in slower movements so the waiter wouldn't get suspicious of what I was doing. Once the waiter left, I puled my hand away from Paige's member and leaned in to kiss her. She wasted no time in kissing me back, hard. There was passion and love poured into the kiss until the waiter knocked again and we had to stop. Paige insisted on paying the bill, which was funny since her member was still hard under the table and she seemed calm, cool, and collected. When the waiter left I leaned down and took her member in my mouth, sucking the heck out of it. She moaned once again and thrusted her hips to meet my movements. I could feel her balls tighten and her moans became more frequent. She finally did cum in my mouth, hard. She moaned a but louder so i leaned up to kiss her and let her taste herself on my lips. We kissed for while, until Paige took her napkin, cleaned herself off, and zipped her member back in her pants.

After we paid, Paige led me to the car where she got out a blanket and a picnic basket. The sun was about to set so we booked it (Not really since I was pregnant) to the nearby park and laid down, her leaning on her arms and my back against her front. She pulled out chocolate covered strawberries and we fed them to each other, acting like lovesick teenagers. At the end of the sunset, Paige had me get off her and she reached into the basket. I was still looking at the sky when she cleared her throat, and when I turned she was on one knee holding a small box. I could tell that she was nervous, since she was sweating and not making direct eye contact.

"Juliet, I love you so damn much. You're the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, and the first thing when I wake up. You're my best friend, just don't tell Erin that. I want to spend the rest of my life laughing, crying, and enjoying life together and all of its possibilities" She opened the ring box, revealing the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. "Juliet, will you do me the honor, and marry me?" I started crying but managed to nod yes during it. She smiled the biggest smile and took out the ring, placing it on my finger. After putting the ring on she went down to two knees and hugged me tight.

"I Love you so much Jules, thank you for saying yes" I nodded and continued to happy cry. We hugged for awhile, until she leaned back and kissed me softly, her hands framing my face. It was a perfect moment, and I couldn't have asked for anything better. I was going to marry the love of my life, not to mention have twins together as well. Everything was just perfect.

That's a wrap. Please comment and vote about your thoughts on the proposal, and how you would like the story to progress. Thank you for reading!

- Jane

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