Chapter 14: Family Vacation, plus 2

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Juliet's point of view:

Two weeks later, Matthew and I were still living in our house. I was using my education minor and working as an accountant. It was enough money to pay the bills, I was trying to save the money in my bank account.
I had just put Matthew down for his nap, and was heading to the living room to turn on Friends to pass the time. I was halfway through an episode, when the door rang. I shot up from the couch, not wanting Matthew go wake up.
"Helen, hi, come on in" she smiled and stepped inside.
"What brings you here?"
"Well, I'm sorry to intrude but I wanted to invite you and Matthew to join our family on our annual mountain vacation. We have a cabin in the Appalachian mountains and every year for Christmas break we go up for a week or so. It's  a 3 bed 2 bath cabin that's isolated from others, and about a 5 minute walk to the nearest private like. We can hike, swim, there's a hot tub, play games, anything really. I'm assuming that you probably don't have anything going on so I thought I'd invite you and Matthew to join us. It'll be a lot of fun. We'd leave next Friday in the morning, since the kids don't have school. It's about a 4 1/2 drive and we'll stay until the following Saturday."
"Wow, that's very kind Helen, but I wouldn't want to intrude on family time. Plus it seems like there wouldn't be enough space for Matthew and I to join in the 3 bedrooms" she swiped her hand. "Nonsense, one of the rooms has bunk beds, and there's a pullout couch where the twins can sleep. You and Matthew can sleep in Paige's room, and we can bring an extra pair of sheets. It'll be tight but we'll all friends". In my mind, I wanted to spend time with Paige, even if it was with her family.
"Okay then, we'll go, thank you so much for the invite". Helen smiled wide, "no problem, I'm so excited for you two to come, Paige actually was the one that asked me to invite y'all, and I thought it was a great idea. I'll text you with more details later but I'm so excited for two can come".
"Me to" I smiled and waved as Helen started making her way back home. After closing the door, I immediately blushed at the thought of Paige. She was the one who had wanted to invite us, I could t get it out of my head I thought. It seemed like I had some packing to do though, so I made my way upstairs.

Next Friday:

Today was the day that Matthew and I were joining the Simms on the trip. I barely slept last night, being to excited. I'd luckily packed both myself and Matthew's things, and was waiting for the Simms to alert me that it was time to go. It was around 2:30, so Matthew was starting to get tired.
"Juliet, we're all ready if you and Matthew are" Helen's voice came behind the door.  I opened it and smiled in return. "Hi Helen, yes we're ready just give me a minute to grab the bags". I don't wait for her reply and went into the house to gather everything.
20 minutes later all 8 of us were in there dark blue suburban. Benji the dog came along, squeezed in the back with the twins. I was in the middle row with Paige, and Matthew in the small middle seat. Daniel started up some music and we were off.

It was getting dark by the time we drove up the gravel road to the cottage. The porch lights were on and it looked much bigger than the average place. We all piled out of the car and grabbed our bags, for me that included Matthew. He had fallen asleep an hour ago after playing with Paige, and was a heavy sleeper.
"Alright kiddos, you know the drill. Sam, Lucas you get the bunk room. Paige would you please show Juliet and Matthew where they will be. After we get settled I'll order some pizza". And with that she disappeared into the house. The twins followed shortly after, holding Benji via leash.
"Alright, you ready" Paige asked.
"Yes, lead the way".
She smiled and grabbed one of my duffel bags on top of my suitcase, claiming how I had to carry Matthew so she was helping.
Entering the wooden doors, it wasn't what I was expecting. It was take on a rustic-yet modern architecture. Big wood columns lined the doorway form the inside, revealing a living room and a balcony overlooking it inside. There was a stone fireplace in the center, with couches and chairs lining the surrounding space. It smelled like fresh pine and lavender, probably from the cleaning people.
"You gonna quit staring and follow me or what" Paige looked at me amused, already halfway down a hallway.
"Yeah, sorry, it's just so beautiful here, I love the design".
"Thanks, I like this place more than my own home, especially when the weather is great as well". I smiled and followed her down the hallway. The wooden hallways were decorated with nature pictures, especially ones with wildflowers and mountains.
"Alright, so my parents room is across from yours, which is right here. My room is next to yours and the twins are next to my parents" Paige pointed at various closed doors. I nodded in response and walked through the doors. Paige followed with the duffel bag, her scent lingering in the room. Inside the room there was a double bed with a light blue bed set, with a wooden dresser and white curtains. There were more pictures on the wall and hardwood floors with a light grey rug around a dark-wooded desk.
"So, this is it, let me know if you need anything else."
"Great, thank you Paige, really, thank you" I smiled tentatively and laid Matthew down on the bed.
"No problem". With that she walked out of the room.
I took a deep breath, and laid next to Matthew. He had a light string of drool hanging out of his mouth, his hair all scattered around his sweet face. I took the back of my hand and rubbed it against his cheek. With that, my eyes started to get droopy until I was spooning my son and asleep.

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