!!Author's note!!

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Okay so this is the start of this new book, I first would like to start by saying this book is completely fictional, none of this book is real and it's not based around anything that's happened in real life. The character billie portrays is not based around her real self in any way at all whatsoever.

A lot of the topics in this book might be highly triggering to lots of individuals so I'm sorry if reading this book effected you in any way.

Some of the things I will be writing about in this book are pretty unfamiliar to me, by that I mean some of the things I haven't personally dealt with in my life so feel free to correct me on anything if you think I've written it wrong or I've portrayed it in a bad way. I'm completely open to all feedback so please speak up if you feel theres something I could improve on

That's all I have to say for now so you may read on. Enjoy...



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