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It was the day of my interview, even though it wa just for a food store I wa still really really nervous. I woke up pretty early to make sure I was completely ready and knew everything I was going to say to hopefully get this job.

After practicing everything I was gonna say I went to go get showered and dressed to head down to the store, as i shower i though about billie, I though how hopefully one day soon I'd be able to see her out of that horrible hospital.

I eventually got out the shower and change into a casual but smart little outfit then I put a thin layer of makeup over my face then I was finally done and ready to rock this interview.

I checked the time one I was finished getting ready, the clock read 12:35pm. I wa sin perfect timing so I grabbed my bag, my phone and my keys and I left my room "where the fuck are you going?" My dad groaned from the count. Mom had kicked out of their bed legs night after a huge fight they had last night about something.

"My interview dad, I told you about this a couple days ago" I looked down hoping he'd still let me go out "whatever just go" he rolled his eyes and held his head in his hands.

I walked out a a brush of relief flooded my body and I mad myself way down to the store.

I took a few deep breaths before walking into the store, I saw a talk boy with dark skin and faded pink coloured hair. He was dressed in the obvious store uniform so I approached him.

"Hey I was wondering where the manager is? I have an interview in a couple minutes" I smiled at him and he did so back "you're Olivia Miller right?" He said back to me and I nodded "cool I'm Brandon (q), John told me to keep an eye out for you. I'll take you to the back office where he is"

Brandon lead me to the back and right to the office, me and him talked on the way down to the office and we seemed ot have a lot in common and we got on really well.

Finally we reached the office an she looked at me "well good luck in there, there nothing to worry about John is a great guy" I smiled back and thanked him before he made his way back to the tills where he was working.

I took a little breath then knocked on the door, I wa invited in so I opened the door an John stood up form his desk with a smile "hello Olivia its great to finally meet you" he put his hand out for me to shake so I did "yeah, you too"

We sat down and talked through everything, john was a really nice guy and he made me feel okay to open up about why I dont have any useful qualifications. I told him about my mental health and how is went to the mental hospital and why I need this job.He was a really understanding man.

"You know what Olivia, I don't know you that well yet but I cant tell how much that girl means to you so I'm going to give you the job" he smiled, I looked at him with pure shock "wait really!?" I asked and he nodded "of course, you can start tomorrow. You'll be up on the tills with Brandon, he'll show you what to do, and if you could just tell me your sizes so I can get your uniform for you to change into tomorrow"

I told him my sizes and then we talked a little more about my hours.

After we finished I gave him a little side hugged and thanked him then I left his office and walked back out to the main store, I had a little change in my pocket so I grabbed a drink and walked ove rto the till that Brandon was at.

He smiled when he saw me "how did you do?" I smiled bakc as he scanned my drink and placed it to the side "looks like you're going to be showing me how to use this thing tomorrow" I pointed down to the till and laughed.

He gave me a little fist bump "congrats new girl" when he said that to me it took me right back to when me and billie first met and she called me the new girl.

I said goodbye to brandon and left with the drink I bought. I made my way home and when i walked in my parents were both sat on the couch smoking blunts together "hey guys, guess what!" I said happily to them "I got the job!" My mom rolled her eyes "you know you'll make hardly any pay and you wont be able to see billie as much as you want to" she said focusing her eyes back on the tv.

"My boss said he'll give me extra pay because I explained what I need the money for" I put my bag down and my dad spoke up "he's only doing that because he wants to fuck you, he's probably just some old ass perv" I felt hurt that they had no hope in this new job and they just criticized it.

"Wow you could have been a little happy for me" I grumbled then walked to my room and I felt my dad eyes burning into the back of my head "watch your fucking attitude you little bitch!" I ignored him and slammed my door only to hear him yelling again "slam my fucking door again! I dare you!"

I layed in my bed a just hoped thinsg would go right, I thought about Brandon, he's really nice and I honestly cant wait to work with him.

I eventually fall asleep after a while and I end up sleeping right to the morning since it was pretty early when I fell asleep.

a/n: what do you guys all think of this book so far? let me know if theres anything you'd like to see happen in this story. Enjoy :))

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