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A week has gone by since Brandon apologised to Olivia and they are now fully back together, unfortunately I bad to be the one to break the news to Billie about them again, let's just say she wasn't happy at all.

I know how much Olivia means to billie, Olivia is one of the first people to actually give billie a chance in life, everyone else just stereotypes her as a crazy violent girl that could kill you if you ever looked at her wrong.

Billie is nothing like that, she is kind hearted and warm. She just wants the best for the people around her and sometimes she just finds it hard to control what the voices in her head say which is okay.

That's why I want Olivia and billie to stay as close as possible, whatever that means, but Brandon is getting in the way of that. i know Olivia cares about him and really likes him but he's obviously not good enough for her, and she'd be treated much better by someone who cares. I wont name names but we all know who would be a good match for liv.


I knocked on billies door lightly hoping she'd answer me, shes been in her room for a few days only coming out to use the bathroom. Shes been like this since I told her about Brandon and Olivia.

"Bil can I come in?" I spoke softly into the door, I didn't hear a fully answer just billie mumbling something. I took that as a yes and slowly walking in.

She had her red lights on and she was wrapped up in the covers just laying there. I looked at her and I felt her pain, I know exactly how Billie feels about Olivia, I know my sister more than anyone and i know when shes in love. This has only happened once before when she was a couple years younger from now.

There was this girl that billie fell head over heels in love with, her name was Jessica. They met in school before billie was taken out for attacking a couple student, anyways back to Jessica.

They met in school and she gave billie a chance much like Olivia, they spent everyday together and they did absolutely everything together, that was until Jessica got a boyfriend and that hurt billie in many ways to the point where she most killed him.


"Finn! Get out here! The school just called we need to go up there right now!" I heard my dad yell form the living room, as soon as she brought up the school meaning billies school I jumped right up. I didn't even care about what I was wearing and I put shoes on, I grabbed my phone and ran out of my room.

I went to my parents and they looked so panicky, we got into the car and raced up to the school where police cars were parked up by the entrance and there were two ambulances.

We rushed into the school and we got told where to go, we went down to the cafeteria to find billie being pinned down to the floor on her front by police whilst some guy was laying on the floor with a in his chest inches from his heart then Jessica kneeled next to him frantically crying.

Billie was screaming and crying as she tried her best to get out of the grips of the officers. We waited for the guys and Jessica to leave before I got the Officers to let billie go so I could try and calm her down.

My parents went to go talk to the principal and different police officers as the ones in the cafeteria let go of her.

I pulled her I to me and held her to my chest as tight as possible knowing that always helped her "Billie it's okay, I promise you it's okay, you will be okay" I said with a shaky voice. I wasn't only trying to convince but I wa straying to convince myself that too.

Billie clutched her arms around me and held onto me like usual whenever she would have an episode, we sat there for what felt like forever as she cried hard into my chest begging me to stay with her and not let the bad people take her.

The bad people are the police officers that had her pinned down.


I sat down on the edge of billies bed next to her and I placed my hand on her shoulder to shake her a little, I did so and soon enough she turned to lay on he back and she looked up at me.

"What do you want finn..?" She murmured out in a sad quiet tone, I gave her a weak smile "bil I know its hurts to see someone you care about so much be with someone else, but it will get better I promise" she just looked up at me her red eyes showing she had been crying before I came in.

I motioned for her to sit up, she hesitated for a moment but eventually sat up and I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you billie, you know that right?" I said as i kissed her forehead and held her close to my chest like always whenever she is down about something. I felt ther head nod a little against my chest and I smiled "I love you too finn" she says into my shirt making it very muffled.

We stayed like that in a tight embrace for a few more minutes before Iet go of her and she sat back against the headboard of her bed.

I moved up close to her and we talked for hours about feelings and how we were feeling.

Billie really opened up to me about hwo she was feeling towards Olivia and Brandon being together, it was a mixture of anger and pure sadness which was understandable but she was also happy for them as long as Brandon was making Olivia happy and keeping her safe.

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