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"We do have an old community room on the floor above this one, you could use that and we could send some people to help you clean it up?" Finneas' nurse Sarah answer back to me asking if there were any spare rooms where me and billie could just chill out and spend the night so billie would get to stay close to Finneas.

I had been able to get pretty close with Sarah over the time that Finneas has been in the hospital, we have a lot in common and she reminds me a lot of Cheryl.

"Yeah that would be perfect Sarah, thank you so much for all your help, I just want to cheer billie up a bit" I smile at her and she does the same back "of course liv, i understand, the room is a couple doors down from the elevator upstairs"

She searches through her pockets for  a few minutes before pulling a bunch of keys out and looking through them all pretty quickly, she finds one specific key and smiles "here's the key for the room since its locked for safety precautions" she hands me a small key and I nod. I thank her and walk off to go find claudia.

I go back to Finneas' room and I ask claudia to come and talk to me outside "so I thought about what you said about spending some time with Billie...so I asked sarah about freeing up a room and I managed to get a key for an old community room upstairs" I held out the key and claudia smiled "that's great do you need help setting it up?" I nodded "yeah that would be nice, I've got most of the supplies like cute fairy lights, some snacks, I managed to get a little roll in tv to watch movies, blankets, you know?" Claudia bode back to me as a reply then we made our way upstairs to go and check out the room.


"Wow you really did this place up, I left you for an 2 hours liv" claudia laughed as she looked at the decorated room that was once full and empty "yeah I got some doctors to bring old beds in, I set up the tv and got signal to it, I set up lights and blankets" I said as I looked around noticing how good and different I made the room look.

"So when are you going to bring Billie up here?" I thought about when the right time would be to bring Billie then I decided "maybe in like an hour just so I can sit with you all for a bit then we can come up here know Finneas is stable and okay" claudia nods and smiles "sounds like a plan to me, let's go"

We walk out the room and I lock the door behind us so no one can get in hen we get into the elevator to go downstairs.

Once we're downstairs I quickly go to a vending machine and I get a couple bottles of water for all of us then I go back to finneas' room to sit with them for a little while. When I walk in Billie smiles at me and pats the chair beside her, I nod then hand claudia a bottle of water before sitting next to Billie.

She very slowly moved her hand from her lap to my thigh, I look down and smile to myself then I place my hand gently over hers.

As we're all sat there having a quiet discussion not to disturb Finneas, billie goes completely silent and stares as Finneas intently "bil? What's wrong?" She has a certain sparkle to her eyes as she smiles "finn?" She says lowly as she picks up one of his hands "he moved his finger"

We all sit waiting for a moment longer staring at the hand Billie was holding then finally his index finger tapped against the palm of Billies hand. Claudia gets up and rushes out to go find Sarah since we were told to tell a doctor about any movement after all the tests and minor surgeries Finneas had from his head injury.

A couple minutes has past and claudia came back with sarah this time "so he moved? Has it happened anymore guys?" I nodded because since claudia had left Finneas very slightly opened his eyes and moved his hands some more.

We talked to sarah about finneas' movements so she checked him over and made sure nothing was wrong before look back to the three of us sat there watching over her every move, she smiled and said "good news, nothing is wrong so he can only get better from here and onwards"

I looked at Billie and she was just intensely staring at Finneas with a smile "he's getting better bil" I said cheerfully as I hold onto her hand tightly.


About 30 minutes past and claudia had fallen asleep in her chair that as sat next to Finneas "hey bil.." I said quietly making billie move her glance from Finneas to me, she gave me a questioning look and waited for me to continue "come with me, I want to show you something"

I held my hand out for her and she took it after a few seconds. We walke doubt of finneas' room and I guided her to the little elevator up to the next floor, as the doors of the elevator closed behind us Billie pulled me closer to her and wrapped her arms around my waste.

I naturally melted into her touch and kissed her cheek "I'm sorry i was weird with you earlier liv" Billie said softly as she lightly pressed her forehead to mine keeping us close together "dont apologise bil, I should have involved you more when we were with gus"

We stood in each others arms few a few more minutes until we both heard a little ding and the elevator doors opened "oh right I forgot, come on bil!" I pulled away and grabbed her hand, I dragged her out the elevator and down the hall towards the room.

The hall was quite dark and kinda creepy, this whole floor was all just square rooms that surprisingly weren't used so often, there were only a couple of light in a few rooms that had some patients in them.

I lead billie a few rooms down to the room sarah had allowed me to use. as we got to the door of the room I quickly unlocked it then turned back to Billie "okay bil I'm going to need you to close your eyes for me" I smiled at her until she closed her eyes and I quietly opened the door and guided her into the middle of the room and closed the door behind us.

"You can open your eyes now" I say as I stayed behind her so she could see the whole room and all the decorations I had put up for the occasion "this is...amazing" she said lowly as she looked around in amazement. Billie turned back to me and smiled "I love it, how did you manage to get all this done, and a tv, you're magic liv" we both laughed before engulfing each other into a long hug.

We eventually broke off the hug and sat down on the bed, we got all cuddled up under the millions of blankets I had bought and put on a couple of Billies favourite movies to play after each other 'fruitvale station' and 'the Babadook'.

I looked up at Billie as I layed in her chest and she looked back at me, she then leaning in a planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Liv..I want to tell you something, I know I've said it before I right now I really mean it..."

"Of course bil, what is it?"

"I..I think I'm inlove with you.."

a/n: hey guys I just wanted to give you a quick message before finishing up this chapter. So i know i haven't posted and i think i explained what's been going on recently in my other chapter but to sum it all up I've just had a lot of personal issues that have stressed me out giving me absolutely no motivation to write but I'm really trying. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter :)

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