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About a week passed since Billie came out of hospital and I told her about Brandon. Once I told her she left the room and didn't come back, a waited a while until claudia came in and told me I should probably leave. She didn't tell me what was going on but I felt it wa sthe right choice to get home.

Billie has been acting weird since I told her about my feelings for Brandon, like she wont reply to any of my calls and texts but when she does shes really cold and dry when talking to me. I brushed all of this off and used her weird disappearance to see Brandon a lot more.

We hung out a bunch in and out of work and I was honestly feeling this this was going to be something gold between us if something did happen.

I was walking through Shopper's Express doing my daily jobs like checking prices, checking quality, checking how much of an item we have in stock when I heard a familiar voice calling out my name on the loud speakers, it was john "staff announcement, could Olivia Miller head down to isle 7, I repeat Olivia Miller is needed on isle 7".

I looked around for a moment a little confused but I just headed to the isle expecting there to be split food or something.

When I finally got to the isle I turned the corner and saw Brandon standing there in a pink suit matching with his hair. He was holding a bunch of flowers and a little note, I walked towards him "Brandon what is thi-" I was cut off by him silently placed his finger up to his lips and holding the note out to me.

I took the note from his hand and opened it.

Dear new girl.

From the moment I first saw you I knew I had to get to know you, I know it hasn't been a very long time but I feel a deep connection with you.

I like you, I like like you alot.

Olivia miller will you be my girlfriend?


As I got to the end of the note I glanced back up at a brandon who was stood there smiling, I smiled back and ran into his arms "yess! Of course I will Brandon!" I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and he did the same to my waist.

I slowly pulled around from his embrace and looked at his face, we looked deeply into each others eyes for a second before he pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and pressed his lips onto mine. I naturally melted into it and deepened the kiss more.

At that moment we began to hear lots of clapping around us, we looked around to see a bunch of customers and other workers stolf there clapping for us.


A few days passed and I wa changing out with Billie, I had to tell her about Brandon at some point, I had only told Claudia and I made her promise not to tell finneas and Billie.

"Billie?" I called out to her as we sat on a little blanket at a park whilst finneas and claudia went on a little walk around leaving us alone "yes liv" billie replied.

I gulped and took a deep breath, for some reason I was dreading the moments until I had to break the news "I have to tell you something.." I looked down as she glued her eyes onto my face "remember I told you about Brandon, well we just started dating"

I looked back at billie hoping for a good reaction from her, she looked at me blankly for a moment before her eyes went wide and she broke the eye contact, I watched a her heart rate began to rocket up as her chest moved to her breaths. "Bil are you okay?" I reached out and placed my ahd  on her shoulder but she slapped my hand away from her.

I stared at her silently in confusion "billie what is your problem?" She sat up more and away from me "why are you with him?" That was the only with billie said "what do you mean?" She ignored me and stared in the distance as she began to twitch and tic more.

I realised she was about to have an episode so I quickly text finneas so him and claudia could come calm her down hopefully if I couldn't.

"Bil I'm sorry if I upse-" she shook her head at me "dont say anything Olivia" I felt the pain burning into my chest as she called me that, she hadn't called me Olivia since that day I visited her at the hospital.

I just sat there quietly as billie got worse, I didn't want to make her angry because the episode would be worse that way but I just couldn't hold myself from letting the words spill from my mouth "billie you can't angry at me for living my life!" Her head snapped back at me as my voice filled the air around us "what did you just say to me!?" She snapped to me.

"I'm just living my life and meeting new people billie! Just because I have a boyfriend and you have no one!" I have never regretted anything more than what I just said.

Billie sprung up form the floor where we were sat and she started pacing around and muttering to herself visibly getting more agitated "what makes you think you can talk to me like that!" She replied to my aggressive words, I got up and looked at her "I wish I knew how controlling you would be when I met you! Fuck!" I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk away from her when i felt a fist full of my hair get yanked back taking me with it.

I was thrown to the ground by billie, I looked up at her in fear not knowing what move she'd make next "SHOUT AT ME AGAIN BITCH!" She yelled at me before kneeling down to me "I WILL KILL YOU!" I just looked at her as tears fell down my face, at that moment I realised her hand was tightly gripping itself around my neck "billie I'm sorr-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I really thought she was about to kill me right then.

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