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For the last few days me, claudia and Billie have been worrying about Olivia, she hasn't answered any phone calls or texts from any of us, I didn't want billie to worry more and end up doing something stupid to herself form the anxiety.

I agreed to drive over to Olivia's house to go check on her with Billie, I'm a little worried about taking billie there just because of her parents, we met once briefly at the hospital but they were mainly just angry about billie hurting Olivia and they were also really drunk.

"Come on finneas!" Billie snapped as she rushed out to the car with a bag full of thinsg for Olivia, she insisted on getting Olivia a little care package just incase something had happened.

"Billie stop stressing, we'll get there" I grabbed my keys and phone and followed out behind billie to the car, I called out a goodbye to claudia who was waiting by the front do then I got into the car with billie.

I started up the engine and started driving easy from the house "what if she's hurt, or she was sent away somewhere, or shes being kept there against he-" billie started to worry and shake a little but i cut her off as soon as i could "billie stop it, she is fine!"

For the rest of the car ride Billie continued to worry and create little scenarios of the worst possible cases, I tried my best to shut her down on that topic but she still managed to completely convince herself all kinds of things to do with Olivia being hurt.

Finally we pulled up at the house, billie was already out the car way before me "finn hurry up" billie said trying to get me to move quicker.

I got out the car and made my way over to the front door of the house with billie "alright bil, I'm going to do the talking alright?" I gave her a little smile and she nodded "yeah" I nodded bakc to her then knocked on the door three times.

As we waited for an answer I felt billie tap on my hand which was a little signal be mad eup when we were much younger, it was a way of billie telling me she felt anxious and scared for what whatever was happening.

I looked down at her then wrapped an arm around her and held her close to my side, she pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at me.

Eventually the door opened after I knocked a couple more times, Olivia's dad showed up on the other side of the door when it opened "what the fuck do you want?" He groaned as he looked aus up and down "we are here to see Olivia" I flashed him a bright smile and he rolled his eyes at me.

"You cant see her" he said quickly before going to close the door, I crammed my foot into the gap so he wasn't able to slam the door in our faces "we would like to see Olivia" I said in a calm yet stern tone.

He just looked at us and went to slam the door but once again I stopped it but with my hand this time.

"For fuck sake! Whatever!" He snapped and pushed the door open making it hit the wall next to it. I smirked an looked back to Billie, she still looked worried so I squeezed her hand a little to try and calm her.

"Let's go bil" I smiled and we walked into the house closing the door behind us.

The house was hideous, there was two leather couches that were all ripped up, stained carp and stained wooden floors, the walls had cracks and holes in them as well as the occasional blood splatters, there were all cigarette butts everywhere and there were drugs scattered everywhere.

I pushed billie out of the room and into a little hall way with three doors. I opened the first and it was a bathroom then the second which was a bedroom but not Olivia's, then finally the third door.

I guessed this one would be Olivia's so I quietly tapped on the door and waited for a second before hearing a little "come in" call out from inside the room.

I looked at billie and nodded then I opened the door, the room wasn't any better than the living room but Olivia did her best to decorate it nicely. As soon as she saw us she sat up in her bed and looked at us "oh- uh- I wasn't expecting you guys, I'm sorry" she said lowly.

I looked around for a second then put my focus back on Olivia "dont apologise, I need you to pack a little bag of essential things" I smiled and she got out of bed "why? what's going on finn?"

"Nothing, i just dont want you to stay here anymore" she raised her eyebrows at my words then a smile came to her lips "are you serious right now finneas?" Billie was smiling when Okivia asked, she looked up at me with a pleading look "of course liv"

"Billie go help her pack, I need to talk to her parents" billie nodded happily and went ove rot help Olivia out but Olivia just looked worried. I gave her a look of confusion and she answers my questions "please just be careful out there, especially with my dad" I nodded to her and walked out of the room leaving them behind.

I made my way down to the Living room where Olivia parents were sat on the couch smoking and watching tv. I walked infront of them "Olivia will be staying with me and billie for a bit" I said with mo emotion "no she is fucking not! She's our kid!" Her dad growled to me as he tried to look past me at the tv.

I rolled my eyes at them "well you're clearly really shit parents so why dont you just let me take care of her for a little while then she can come back" they both looked at me then each other "you think you can insult our parenting! You think you can do a better job at raising a bratty teenage girl, go ahead" her mom smirked at me and I did the same back "oh i know i could raise her 10x better than you pieces of shit" I said before walking of to go check on Olivia and Billie.

Olivia's dad shouted a few things at me but i didn't care to listen and I just kept walking to Olivia's room.

When I walked in Olivia wa pretty much all packed up and ready to go so we made our way out to my car, I loaded her few bags of stuff into the trunk of my car and we all got into the car.

Billie and Olivia sat in the back together talking through the whole ride.

I'm glad to see billie happier than she was before seeing Olivia.

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