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I'm so done with this bullshit, we've had enough of Brandon's shit to share around yet Olivia still stayed with him up until today when she finally grew a pair and dumped him once he'd beaten up Billie.

"Finneas where are you going!?" Claudia shouted as I grabbed my keys and walked towards the front door "I'm going to beat his fucking ass, nobody is going to leave a mark on my sister and get away with it" I groan at her and I walk out slamming the door behind me.

I make my way over to my car and I pull out the driveway. As I'm driving I feel the sudden rush of guilt from when I was shouting at Olivia, I didn't mean to I was just angry, I grab my phone from the passenger seat where I'd thrown it.

I was still driving but that didn't I made sure to be careful, I text claudia to tell her I'm sorry for shouting at her and for her to tell olivia I'm sorry to so when I get home its easier to properly apologise.

I sent the text and threw my phone back onto the passenger side, I looked up and the last think I saw was a huge truck flying towards me at full speed.








I slowly open my eyes and I'm instantly blinded by a bright white light, I squint few a few seconds before my eyes have adjusted to the light and I begin to look around. I see claudia laying draped over my bed most likely sleeping and Olivia sat asleep in a lite chair in the corner of the room then finally Billie was sat in the third chair next to my bed but she's awake.

Billie is looking down with her head in her hands, she is slightly shaking and rocking back and forth. I slowly move my finger because I know she'll see it.

I put all my strength in moving my finger and then i finally manage to tap my index finger against the bed. Billie sees and looks at me, her eyes are all puffy and red but they light up as soon as she sees I'm awake "finn..your awake" she moves closer and places her hand on top of mine.

I tried to speak out but I could "no, no dont speak, you'll hurt yourself" she said quietly not to wake up claudia and Olivia who were soon awoken by my parents walking in through the door "oh God my poor little boy!" My mom cried out waking both of them up.

Claudia jumped at her voice and looked straight up at me, her eyes lit up the same way Billies did and then Olivia did the same.

My parents rushed around to te side of me slightly pushing Billie behind and they both held onto my hand tightly.


The doctor came in later on and got some medication pumped into my blood making it much easier for me to move. Fortunately I was lucky enough to only have a broken leg, a few broken ribs and a minor head injury.

I was now able to move and talk a little bit, my parents went to go get some food and drinks for us all so I was just left with Billie, claudia and Olivia.

"I'm sorry..I shouted at you liv" I managed to spit out with a little pain, olivia smiled at me and squeezed my hand "you dont have to apologise Finn, I know you didn't mean to"


We all sit talking g for a while until Billie gets up to go to the bathroom, I instantly have a bad feeling so I get and to go check on her.

After a few minutes of being lost I managed to find the bathroom, I have no ideas how Billie found the way so quick.

I walk in and Billie is leaned over the sink, she's sweating but also crying at the same time. "Billie?" Her head snaps in my direction and her eyes widen "I'm fine" she spits out quickly.

I walked towards her and I grab her hands, I hold them tightly and I look I to her eyes "finneas is okay bil, he has a few minor injuries but nothing severe, remember that" billie just stares at me with nothing but fear in her eyes.

I let go of her hand causing her to give me a confused look, I smile at her then wrap my arms around her and she does the same. For a few minutes Billie is crying into my chest before eventually calming herself down.

She slowly pulls back from me a little and gives me a weak smile "thanks..you're right" she says quietly, I laugh a little knowing she absolutely hates admitting someone is right. I lean in again and place a delicate kiss on her cheek "bil you dont have to thank me, if this my was my situation I'd be scared shitless" we both start laughing again for the never 5 minutes.

I wipe away Billies tears that had been drying to her cheek and we walked out the bathrooms hand in hand "stay positive for me right?" I say to Billie as we walk, she nods and I smile to myself.

When we get back to the room where Finneas was Patrick and Maggie are stood outside of the door, both stop at the sight of them but maggie speaks up "billie you go inside, we would like to talk with Olivia" billie looks at me and I give her a little nod before pushing her to go into finneas' room.

Once billie has closed the door behind her Maggie smiles at me "claudia has told us all about you, we'd like to thank you for everything you have done to help Billie. I just wished that was us looking after her like that" maggie looked guilty about her past with Billie when she sent her to the mental hospital multiple times.

"You dont have to thank me, I absolutely adore bil and I would give up anything to see her beautiful smile" I feel my cheek heat up as I go on and on about how amazing Billie is. I think I mad either way to obvious about how I feel about Billie causing maggie to lean in a little closer to me "she likes you too, I can tell from the way she looks at you" Maggie smiles and she steps back and I immediately start blushing more.

We go back.into the room and I sit in the chair next to Billies, finneas is now able to talk much more and much clearer so we're all just chatting about random things.

I start to see Billie and her parents interacting more, billie glows when she actually having a good time with her family.

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