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After the guards came over, cuffed up Brandon and dragged him out of the room I was allowed to leave as well. I smiled at my lawyer and thank him for everything he did to help me through this.

We both walked out the room together so I could see everyone and celebrate.

We made our way out to where everyone was, Mr Johnson turned to me before he left and shook my hand "it was a pleasure to work with you Olivia" I nodded and smiled back at him "you to Mr Johnson, thank you so much for everything" he nodded and walked off in the other direction.

I turned to everyone who had bee silent for the past few minutes and they all burst out with noise, claudia came up to me and hugged me tightly "he's finally gone liv" she whispered happily before she pulled about and I was pulled over by someone else to be hugged and told that I won this battle and I did it well.

Finally I have made my way through the little crowd of people I had to support and I was now looking at Billie who had stayed at the back of the group, I thought she just needed time to process what just happened in there so I let her be until now.

I walked over to billie and she smiled at me, I was a few feet away and she practically ran into my arms slightly lifting me off the ground. We started laughing after we nearly fell over, I looked up at her and kissed her.

"Liv I'm so proud of you" she said cheerfully as she held me close by my waist "It went way better than i expected!" I said happily as I huddled up to her more.

We all went out to a huge restaurant so we could have a massive meal together since we had all gotten very close and we were like one big family which was nice.

The meal was great and we all had a great time, laughing, drinking, making stupid jokes mainly about Brandon and how confident he looked until he heard the member of the jury saying Brandon was the guilty one.


The next morning I woke up to Billie cuddled up to me peppering my face with little kisses, I smiled and opened my eyes "good morning bil" I rolled over and kissed her cheek. Billie smiled more and kissed my lips softly "you seen happy this morning?" She nodded happily "yeah brandon is gone  we never have to think about him again"

Right on que I felt the need to throw up, obviously I didn't want to throw up on Billie or on her bed so I jumped up as fast as possible and ran to the bathroom, I've never run to fast in my life.

I'd been throwing up like a lot recently but I blamed it on Brandon and all the court trials I had to be at but now that it was all over I didn't have anything to be worried about.

I sat on the ground by the toilet and continuously throw up, billie rushed into the bathroom with me and kneeled down next to me "it's okay liv" she rubbed my back and held my hair back as I threw up more.

Claudia eventually came in and took over for Billie whilst she went an shot some water "liv this keeps happening, I want to take you to the doctors" she said she she whipped my mouth with some tissue, I nodded.

Billie came back and gave me a glass of water, the three of us sat on the bathroom floor talking about why I could be so sick. The topic of pregnancy was brought up by claudia which make me feel way worse.

It wasn't that I didn't want kids or I didn't like kids I just didn't want to have kids with Brandon of all people. I didn't want to dwell on this thought since I had no idea if I even was pregnant so I just changed it subject and said it as a little hungry.

We all went to the kitchen to find Finneas making breakfast as usual "theres my three favourite girls" he cheered making us laugh "wait what's wrong? Why do you all look so worried?" He asked as he plated up the food he had cooked "liv was sick again"  Billie sighed as she sat down at the island "I'm going to take her to the doctors though so we can get to the bottom of this" claudia sat with a smile was me and her both sat down next to Billie.

"Good but for now you should eat some of my five star food" finneas said proudly "you need zero star food" billie mumbled loudly on purpose so Finneas would hear.

Both me and claudia burst out laughing and Finneas just stood there with his hand dramatically placed over his chest "wow rude, I dont think you deserve my beautiful home cooked food" he huffed.

Him and billie both started laughing as well, taht lasted for a few more minutes until Finneas handed us all our food then sat down next to claudia.

We all ate then helped each other clean up as usual then I went and go ready so me and claudia could go up to the doctors.

"Are you ready liv?" Claudia asked as she knocked lightly on my bedroom door "yeah I'm ready" I said opening he door and walking out to the living room with her where billie and Finneas were waiting.

Billie jumped up and came to me right away "please call me if its something bad" she whispered a she hugged me tightly "of course bil, you'll be the first to find out other than claudia obviously" I giggle and kissed her cheek.

"Alright bil I need to get going with claudia now" she nodded and pulled away from me "stay safe love you" she smiled at me "love you too" I smiled back then walked out the front door with claudia.

We headed up to the doctors and it didn't take long before we were able to see a doctor.

(Olivia:italics  doctor:bold)

"So what have you been experiencing lately Olivia?"

"I've just been feeling the worst like throwing up all the time, constant mood swings, the worst headaches"

"Okay and when was your last period"

"Now you mention it I haven't had one for like a while"

"Have you had any sexual relations with anyone in the last few months, preferably males"


I looked down think about whether I should or shouldn't explain how my last sexual activity went, eventually I looked back up and saw claudia mouthing something to the doctor making then say 'oh' back so I just assumed she told the doctor.

"I think maybe you should take this text Olivia, just to be sure"

The doctor said she she pushed a pregnancy test across her desk in my direction, I gulped and picked it up.

"There is a bathroom farm the corridor and to the left"

I nodded and got up. I headed down to the bathroom in the direction the doctor told me to go, once I reached teh bathroom I stepped inside and took a deep breath.

I did everything I had to do in order to do the text then I just sat and waited for a moment, minutes past and I finally decided it was time to look and see what result I got.

The whole time I had the pregnancy text face down so I didn't see what it said until now I turned it over and looked for the result of it.

pregnant: ■ ■

Not pregnant: ● ●

My heart completely shattered.

The test read:

         ■ ■

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