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"Good morning liv, it's going to be a good day I can feel it" claudia cheered in a sing song tone as she came into my room whilst I was still half asleep "I'm not going back there claudia" I groaned and covered my face with my pillow.

"I know it was hard but we have to show up in court today, it's the rules" she sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled the pillow away from my face "I dont want to go to court just to found out that they believe Brandon" I snapped.

"Okay that not how we ar going to think liv, sit up for me" she said with a smile, I sighed and sat up so I was at level with her. Claudia took hold of both my hands and just held then "even if they decide to believe him over you that wont change how any of us feel about you, it wont change how much Billie loves you, it wont change how gus feels, it wont change how any of his friends feel, I mean it" I nodded as she spoke "come on liv, you can do this I promise"

I smiled and nodded my head "you're right, I'm going to go into that courtroom and kill it even if they side with him" claudia smiled and pulled me into a tight hug "perfect, keep that attitude I love seeing you so determined" she said as she rubbed my back.

"Go and get ready, finn is making breakfast" she got up and left the room, once claudia left I quickly got changed so I wouldn't be late for breakfast.

I rushed to the bathroom so I could fix up my hair and make it look a little better, as I was doing my hair Billie appeared next to me in the reflection of  the mirror. She smiled at me and snaked her hands around my waist "good morning beautiful" she rested he head on my shoulders as she held me.

"Morning bil" I said finishing up my hair and turning around to face her "you know, you look so pretty in the mornings" I said to her as I cupped her face in my palms, she blushed a little making me smiled even more.

"I love you so much" billie whispered as she leaned in closer and kissed me "you hav enough idea how much I love you Billie" I giggled and kissed her back.

After a few more minutes of the classic 'I love you' war and some more kissing me and billei finally went out to the kitchen to get and get breakfast.

"Morning lovebirds, I'm happy for you guys but you need to stop with the ten hour make out sessions" finneas said whilst laughing as he dished up the food he'd cooked equally between the four plates "shut up finn they re the cutest, let then make out for ten hours" claudia snapped back in a jokey tone making all of us laugh more.

After dying of laughter for a few more minutes me and Billie sat down at the island was claudia and Finneas gave each of us a plate of hot food then sat down next to claudia so he could eat himself.

"So liv are you ready for later on?" Finneas asked as he ate his food, I gulped and looked at him "I mean I'm obviously really worried but claudia gave me a little pep talk and that made me feel a whole lot better" I said smiling at him and now claudia taht had leaned into the conversation when she heard her name.

"Good I'm glad yoru are feeling somewhat good about it, you just need to keep a positive attitude on the whole situation" Finneas said before eating some more of his food.

We talked more about the possible outcomes of today's court meeting which made me feel way more comfortable knowing a little bit more about what could happen. After we had all finished eating we helped each other clean up thne we gathered all our things in got into Finneas' car so we coudl hea dup to court.

The drive was long but very funny, claudia knew I was nervous so she turned up the radio and we all four of us danced to every song that played, we screamed the lyrics as loud as possible and mad ethe long ass ride really worth it.

We got to court and we headed to the assigned courtroom straight away, we all stood by the doors and huddled up together into a little circle before actually going inside "liv you can do this, whatever happens in there I know me and these two dummys will still love you" claudia said pointed to both Billie and Finneas who just laughed.

"Let's get in there and rock it" I said cheerfully, we held a tight group hug for a few minutes until we finally walked inside the courtroom.

I walked over to the table on my side of the room where my lawyer was sat down, he got up and smiled "whatever they decide it was lovely working with you and if anything ever happens again you just call me and you'll have yourself a free lawyer" Mr Johnson said as he held out his hand, I shook his hand and smiled back.

We made a little small talk until the judge walke into the room and the jury did as well, all the peopel in the jury went and sat in their little seating area.

My heart started to beat as we got closer and closer to the moment where the judge would let the jury know they coudl speak an day what they thought.




"As a member of the jury I will be speaking for all of us when I say this case was tough but we've come up with the fair way to end this" the perosn talking was a women in probably her 40s, she looked as if she'd be one of those really smiley, happy people but obviously now was not the time to be like that.

"The defendant we have decided is guilty is......Brandon Adams"

My heart stopped when she said his name in the same sentence as the word 'guilty' suddenly everything on my side in the audience started cheering and yelling for me, I turned to see them all stood up jumping around, claudia and Finneas were hugging and gus and his friends her jumping around laughing in celebration.

After a few minutes of celebrating we had to go back to being serious so we could find out how Branndon ea going to be charged.

"We have sentenced Brandon Adams to 30 years in a maximum security prison"

I looked over at Brandon and her had his face buried in his hand and was clearly shaking, I couldn't help but laugh. He tortured me for so long and now it was finally all coming back to him.

a/n: aside from finding out Brandon's prison sentence this chapter seemed like a whole claudia appreciation chapter to be honest, I'm not complaining though :)

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