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Finally I'm out of WE FUCKING HATE THAT PLACE that hell they call a hospital, I hated that place with every fiber in my body. I'm so I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK THERE glad to finally be out of there and with my finneas, claudia and most WE'RE SO HAPPY TO BE HERE WITH OLIVIA ON THE OUTSIDE of all Olivia.

I was given a I HATE THE MEDS stack load of medication to help me with my destructive DESTRUCTIVE? YOU MEAN PERFECT mind, I hate the meds they would force down my throat because they made YEAH THEY TRIED TO SILENCE US feel all dizzy and out of it but the new meds they gave me are supposed I'LL GIVE THEM A GO I SUPPOSE to be better.

"This is your new room bil" claudia said with a WOW THIS PLACE IS PRETTY POSH smile as she lead me to door down the hall from her and finneas' room, she opened I MISSED THE RED LIGHTS AND THE WALL COVERING TAPESTRIES door and the room was all decorated like my old room at my parents I LOVE MY ROOM BUT I DONT WANT TO BE BACK THERE house.

I stepped into the room and looked around WE LOVE IT HERE ALREADY instantly feeling at home, claudia walked in I HOPW I NEVER GO BACK TO THE HOSPITAL behind me "so what do you think of it? We know you probably want to decorate it so just let us kno-" I engulfed CLAUDIA IS PERFECT FOR FINNEAS her in a massive embrace which she applied to and I HOPE I DONT MESS THIS UP hugged me back "its perfect, I love it! Thank you for letting me stay here"

"Hey! you're hugging without us!" Finneas laughed SIMILAR SO GLAD TO BE HERE INSTEAD OF THE HOSPITAL he dragged Olivia over to us with him and we all held each other in a OLIVIA SMELLS SO SWEET SND PERFECT group hug.

Finneas and claudia left my room to go do their own things leaving me alone with THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE'VE BEEN ALONE WITH HER Olivia, she smiled and pulled me into a second hug but with FUCK I LOVE HER HUGS just us "bil I'm so glad I can see you whenever now" she whispered softly into my ear WE'VE NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE sending all kinds of feeling through my body as I felt her warm breath SHE SO CLOSE RIGHT NOW hit my neck.

I looked into I COULD STARE AT THEM ALL DAY her eyes, they had this slight glow in the THE LIGHTS MAKE EVERYTHING WAY MORE HEATED red lights. We just looked at each other, our bodies THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT FELLINGS AT THE MOMENT inches from touching, feeling her breath brush my lips.

We leaned in NOW IS THE MOMENT to each other's bubbles and just before her lips could link to FUCK HER PHONE mine her phone started ringing loudly, she swung back from my presence NO COME CLOSER AGAIN PLEASE  quickly as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Fuck it's my dad, bil I'm sorry I'll probably have to get going" I nodded SCREW HER DAD WHAT AN ASSHOLE and turned around to grab my old phone from before I was I MISSED THSI OLD THING admitted to the hospital that finneas had gotten I MISS THEM BUT I DONT AT THE SAME TIME from my parents house.

Olivia stayed on the phone few a few seconds IS THAT HER DAD SHOUTING as someone shouted at the top of their lungs WHY IS HE SHOUTING to her OLIVIA DOESN'TDESERVETO BE SHOUTED AT LIEK THAT. Eventually she hung up and she looked at me all sadly, I passed her I WANT TO SEE HER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE my phone I LOVE HER COMPANY MORE THAN ANYTHING and smiled "put your number in it" she smiled back and took my phone.


About a week passed WE LOVE BEJNG NEAR HER Olivia had been hanging out here with me quite a lot, nothing else happened after I WISH WE GOT TO KISS the almost kiss and we didn't bring it up. We spent most of our time laying in I LOVE CUDDLING UP NEXT TO HER my bed watching movies, laughing over stupid things, talking about all kinds of things, and so many more things.

"Billie?" I heard SHE NEVER CALLS ME BILLIE ITS ALWAYS BIL from next to me and I glanced over to look at Olivia "yes?" She looked a WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO NERVOUS little worried and took a deep breath "so theres this guy I work with at work, and his name is Brandon.." I ha d the NO SHE CANT BE INTO SOMEONE ELSE feeling I knew what she WHAT ABOUT US  was going to say AM I NOTHING about him next.

"And I think I might like him but i dont know how I'm supposed to tell him.." she looked NO NO NO NO NO NO NO away and i felt my entire heart shatter into a PLEASE NO PLEASE billion different pieces, I sat up as i felt y blood FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK starting to boil.

I moved over I NEED TO GET OUT NOW to the edge of the bed making Olivia look bakc at me "bil? Are you okay?" I quickly nodded as I felt myself starting SHE'LL NEVER LOVE ME to twitch and my mind getting louder and louder "I-I'll be right b-back.." I stuttered I DONT MEAN ANYTHING TO HER out before I jumped up and went for IM JUST A FUCKING FRIEND  the door, rushed out the door and went down to I CANT LET HER SEE ME LIKE THIS the bathroom.

I was NONONONONONONONONONONO sweating and my heart was racing out of my NONONONONONONONO chest, I sat on the floor of the bathroom as the tears NONONONONONONONO started to flow down my cheeks and my breath got NONONONONONONONO heavier.

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