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After I woke up I looked at my surroundings again remembering how when I was last awake Brandon wa syelling at Finneas about Billie putting me in this hospital, if I'm being honest I didn't care that billie hurt me I just wanted to see her beautiful face and tell her how sorry I am for all the shit I said to her. I didn't mean any of the things I said I was just angry that she wouldn't except the fact that ik with Brandon now.

"Knock knock livi" I heard one of my favourite voices chime from bear the door, I looked up from the book I was reading to see Brandon stood there "hey baby" I smiled as he leaned ove rmy bed and kissed my forehead "hey listen when you get out of here in a couple hours do you want to come to my place? I want to take care of you liv"

He smiled and I nodded to him softly, we sat there talking for a really long time until there was another knock at the door causing us to pause thinking it would just be a nurse coming to check up on me.

It wasn't a nurse, Claudia walked in smiling "bil is here" Brandon looked back and forth at us "No I dont want her seeing liv" he replied to claudia sternly "Brandon not right now" I said back, he huffed and stormed out the room. I brushed his reaction off and sat up in my bed.

I made sure I looked alright in one of the side mirrors then I nodded it Claudia giving her the signal to call finneas in who was with billie.

A few minutes after claudia walked out the room to get them they walked in, first finneas walke din with a smile then billie who looked heartbroken.

Finneas whispered something into billies ear before they walked out the room to give us a little privacy.

"Billie...I'm really sorry for what I said" i said to her as she just stood by the door looking down "dont apologise liv, I hurt you, it's my fault you're in here, I'm so stupid" she began to get a little shaky and angry with herself but I did my best to help her "bil come here" I called out as I carefully moved to the edge of the bed being cautious of my leg.

"Seriously get over here" I said with a laugh managing to crack a smile out of her, she eventually came over to and I pulled her closer. I wrape myself arms around her neck and held her close to me, it took her a second but she ended up holding onto me tightly.

We hugged for so long, it felt like forever and it felt amazing to have her in my arms. I knew I was supposed to be scared of her after what she did to me but that only made me want her more, I continued trying to ignore those feelings because now I have a boyfriend who a complete angel and would do anything to keep me safe.

So I thought...

a/n: sorry about this chapter being shorter than normal I just wanted to build the tension up a little. Enjoy :))

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