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a/n: I'm going to skip Olivia going to all the different foster home because I just dont think it would be worth reading and it would most likely get boring after a while. So I'll do a month long g skip then I'll explain about Olivia's last foster home before being fostered being Finneas and claudia at their house. Just remember this is all a month forward from the last chapter. Enjoy...


I've been moved from house to house for about a month, I've seen houses worse than my parents house but ive also seen really good houses that I actually felt safe in. I'm currently in one of the best houses so far I'm staying with a family of three, theres the mom Eliza, the dad Marcus and they have a daughter named Amira who was 10.

I've become pretty close and they only live like an hour away from Finneas and Claudia's place. CPS made sure to keep me close by to keep an eye on me and a make sure I was safe and happy.

"Liv! Liv! Wake up!" I heard Amira calling at to me as I slowly opened my eyes, she burst into the spare bedroom I was staying in and she danced around the room a little. I sat up rubbing eye and watching her "what's going on A?" I asked and she stopped jumping around "you get to see billie!" I had told her about Billie and how much I missed her so Amira knew who she was and how happy I'd get if she were brought up in conversations.

"What?" She grabbed my hand pulling me out of bed, I started laughing and got out of bed "come talk to mom!" She dragged me downstairs after I had made sure I looked somewhat alright. We headed downstairs to Eliza and Marcus sat at the table smiling, Eliza was on the phone to someone so we quietly sat down next to them and waited.

"Alright, thank you so much I will let her know, its later today right? Great" she said before hanging up on the phone call and putting her phone down. I pretty much know what's going since Amira told me about be able to see Billie again.

"That was CPS finneas and claudia have managed to become foster parents so they are legally allowed to take you in" she smiled and I smiled back, all three of them knew about Billie, finneas and claudia because I had gone on and on about them for most of my stay.

"In a couple hours you will get picked up by the same people you took you from the hospital and your social worker cristina then you will get to Finneas and claudia's" cristina is my social worker and probably my best friend, she may be much older than me but I love spending time with her, she has helped me out so much throughout the month.

"Thank you so much Eliza, also I just want to say I appreciate you guys so much and everything you've down for me" I said happily "you dont have to thank us, we just want to do some good in this bad world, I hope you enjoy yourself out there liv" Marcus said with a smile "I know someone shows going to miss you a lot" Eliza laughed as we all looked at Amira who had now gone to go watch tv on the couch.

"I'll miss her too, and you guys of course" I looked down knowing I would honestly miss them a bunch "well we're only an hour away so if you need anything you know where we all are" hearing those words made me feel safe and like there were actually people looking out for me.

We spent the rest of the day rigth up until I had to leave playing silly board games and making memories for us all to remember.

"They just pulled up, you ready to go liv?" Marcus said as he tapped kn the door, I was packing up the last fo my things as he came in "yeah I'm done...now" I dragged it out u till I finished zipping us my bag.

I went to pick it up and Marcus beat me to it and grabbed it before "get out there  liv I got this" we both laughed out and i walked out before him holding the door even though he was able to do it himself.

We walked into the living room together and cristina was stood with Mr. Humphrey, they both smiled at me "now is the hard part where I have to say goodbye.." I looked down knowing this wouldn't be so easy.

Amira made her way up to me and hugged me tightly "I'll miss you liv, your like an actual sister to me" I felt myself starting to tear up as she spoke "I'm gonna miss you as well Amira, I'll come visit you as much as a can I promise"

I said my goodbyes the Eliza and Marcus giving them both hugs, tears were shed but they were happy to see be go somewhere where I'd be much happier.

"Alright let's get on the road. a favour Gerald, take her bag" me and cristina laughed as she ordered Mr. Humphrey, he did as he was told and grabbed my bag.

We walked out the house and out to their car, me and Cristina got into the car as Mr. Humphrey put my stuff into the trunk.

Finally we were going driving off to eventually go back to the place I call home. "So how was your stay withEiza and Marcus? They seem lovely and we always get good feedback at their fostering" Mr. Humphrey asked as he drove "it was great, they are honestly the best foster parents I've stayed with"

We continued to talk about my stay with them like I'd usually say every time I was over from house to house by them.


After an hour of endless driving we arrived at Finneas and Claudia's house, as they pulled up Finneas and claudia walked out the house happily.

I opened the door and stepped out, as soon as I stepped out the car I ran into their arms and hugged them tightly "I missed you guys so damn much!" I said cheerfully as they both held me. Soon our little group hug broke up and I looked around hoping Billie would be there, finneas picked up on my confusion and smiled at me "she's in her room, we thought it would be a nice surprise so she doesn't actually know your here right now" I smiled at the thought her surprising her.

"Go right in liv, we'll bring your stuff in" claudia smiled and motioned for em to just walk in.

I nodded to her and made my way inside, I just looked around feeling so happy to be back in this house, finally I was at the end of the hallway. Billies door. I knocked on it lightly and waited  for an answer "come in.." I heard a low voice call out from inside the room.

I walked into the room,it was dark with a low red light on, there was quiet music playing and there Billie was laying under the covers of her bed.

"Bil?" I said and she instantly jumped up realising g who I am, she rushed to get out of her covers that she was tangled up in and she managed to fall to the ground. I burst out laughing and helped her up, she looked at me for a second then hugged me as tight as possible.

"I missed you more than anything!"

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