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About two weeks passed, I was out of the hospital and doing really good. Me and billie got much closer again although I still think she feels guilty for the incident at the park but I've never on. me and Brandon are doing okay, we've had a couple fight over billie but nothing to big and serious.

He doesn't like billie one bit, I dont get what the big deal is with her to him, she has hardly done anything to give herself a bad reputation to him. Yes she did hurt me but it was nothing major.


🥰Brandon🥰: Babe come overrr pleaseee

Right now? Is everything okay :me

🥰Brandon🥰: yes just come over

I put my phone down and got up, it was already pretty late in the evening so I had to be quiet not to annoy my parents. I introduced Brandon to them about a week ago, they seemed to like him a lot more than billie who they had briefly met when they decided to show up to the hospital drunk.

I put on some clothes and did my ahit up nicely then I headed out of my room with my things.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" My dad called form the couch, i turned around to him "if you think you're going to see that girl you better starting thinking differently" he groaned to me before letting me speak "no actually I'm going to Brandon" I smiled and they seemed to be okay, they agreed and I walked out of the house.

I began to walk up to Brandon's house with was like 15 minutes away from Shopper's Express so it wasn't that far to walk.

As I walked I got my head wrapped around billie and my feelings for her, I didn't want to admit to them in fear that she would think I'm gross for liking her, but then I want to tell her to get of off my chest. There comes my next problem, Brandon, I really like him and I want him in my life but I also want billie but not in a friend way.


"Hey babe" I felt the strong scent of acohol hit me as Brandon wrapped him arms around me tightly, I hated the smell but I got used to it.

We walked into him apartment and it stank of weed, he was clearly really drunk and really high. "Come here sexy" he slurred to me as he said down and patted his lap.

I passed on him and sat next to him, he looked at me and smirked then started kissing me "baby not right now.." I said soft as I pulled him away form my neck.

I looked at him and smiled but he ignored me and kept trying to kiss me and pull off my clothes.

"Brandon seriously not now, you need to rest, look at you" he once again ignored me and I continued to do my best at pushing him away and rejecting his every chance at touching me.

He was calm until he wasn't "WHY WONT YOU LET ME FUCK YOU!? YOU'RE FUCKING BILLIE! AREN'T YOU!" He yelled at me making me jump up from the couch "what! No Brandon! You know I wouldn't cheat on you!" I snapped bakc as he got up grabbing his bottle of beer, he took a long sip before speaking up.

"YES YOU ARE! I KNOW YOU ARE FUCKING THAT FREAK!" he stepped closer to me as he started to shout louder "I'm not fucking billie!"

Seconds after I shouted back I had a glass bottle thrown at me, it missed my head but inches and smashed on the wall behind me. I looked back at Brandon with tears in my eyes as we got right up in my face and continued to shout "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL HER IF YOU KEEP FUCKING HER!!" I then felt his hands on my neck, they tightened and he just looked at me as my vision went blurry.

I was out completely.

My limp body fell to the ground and that was it.

That was it until I jerked awake in the morning, I looked around and Brandon was passed out on the floor next to a bunch of smashed bottles that he'd thrown.

I slowly moved to grab my phone that had fallen from my pocket, I picked it up and thankfully it was unlocked so I quickly scrolled down in my contacts to Claudia's number and I pressed the call button.

It took a few tries before she picked up because it was still pretty early in the morning.

When she answered I told her everything that had happened and where Brandon lived so she could pick me up as soon as she could.

I sat there for a few more minutes just trying to remember everything that happened last night since it's all a blur. I sat up a little more then quietly tried to lift myself up from the floor, I finally managed to stand up and I wondered towards the door.

As soon as I grabbed onto the door handle I held onto it as tight as possible ot hold myself up until I was able to open the door fully.

I made my way out of the apartment and I just sat outside the door on the steps leading down to the parking lot. A couple minutes later Claudia texted me to let me know she wa sin the parking lot with finneas so I carefully got up and tried to walk down the stairs.

As I was just about to walk out I heard the door of Brandon apartment open, I glanced up through the stairwell to see Brandon looking straight back at me "Olivia where are you going?" He said in a calm but eerily weird way.

I ignored him and continued walking out and he came after me.

"Olivia come back!" He managed to race down the stairs at me and he almost grabbed me until he was thrown back away from me by a punch to the face. I flinched for a second then I looked around and finneas was stood there with claudia.

Claudia pulled me into a hug and guided me to walk towards their car.

a/n: sorry about the wait for these few chapters I've been real busy recently. Hope you enjoyed :)

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