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I sat around all day doing nothing, the only thing I would do was go see Billie, other than that I hardly left the house until I got a phone call.

My phone started to ring whilst I was getting food in the kitchen, I quickly finished and went to my room where my phone was. Once I was in my room I looked at my phone "unknown number? Who is that?" I picked up my phone then answered it "hello, who's this?"

"Thank God you answered, anyways I'm finneas. I'm Billies older brother" I remembered when billie told me all about finneas and how much she missed him when we first met "oh finneas, billie told me a lot about you"

Me and finneas talked kn the phoen for a while about Billie before deciding we would meet up at a cafe nearby to talk and actually meet in person.

I took a shower and change into a navy blue sweatshirt and jeans then I left.

The cafe wasn't tofar so I decided to walk there, i was honestly really nervous, I mean I was meeting billies older brother finneas.

What if he doesn't like me?

What if he thinks I'm just gonna fuck with Billie for a bit then leave?

What if he thinks I'm a horrible person?

What if he thinks and not good enough?

Finally I managed to calm those kinds of thoughts down as I got closer to the cafe.

Once I was there I stood out of view of the windows for a second to pull myself together then I walked right into the cafe. I spotted finneas right away as we told each other what we looked like and what we'd both be wearing.

Finneas spotted me and stood up with a smile, he was sat next to a girl who stood up to. I walked over to them smiling "Olivia, it great to meet you, billie talks the world of you. Also this is my girlfriend claudia" we laughed and me and claudia introduced ourselves to each other then we sat down together.

We all ordered some drinks then we just got to know each other more, finneas seemed like such a great brother and I was half billie had him there for her.


Already a few hours had passed, me Finneas and Claudia had gotten to know each other a lot and we all wanted billie out of that shitty hospital.

We planned that finneas would try to convince his parents to get billie taken out so she could live with him and claudia and if that didn't work he'd do his best to get guardianship of Billie since shes still 17.

All i had to do was keep visiting billie more frequently to keep her on the good side of the hospital so they would let her out if there was permission too.

We finished up our conversations and I got both finneas and Claudia's numbers so if I needed to contact them I could.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways, I made my way home where I was greeted by lovely father.

"Where the fuck have you been all day!?" He shouted "I went to meet a few friends" I rolled my eyes at him and went to walk past him but he pushed me into the wall next to us "dont you dare roll your eyes at me you little bitch!" I looked up at the man stood over me.

"I want you to know you're not going to be visiting billie anymore, she isn't the one paying for the buses you have to take" he said flopping down on the couch and lighting a cigarette "what! You cant stop me from seeing her dad!" He looked at me then he stood up again "I can do what I want and that fuck up girl isn't doing you any good, one day she'll loose her shit and she'll end up killing you" he snapped back then walked off.

I wondered off to my room with tears forming in my eyes, as i closed my bedroom door I layed in my bed crying for hours, I wanted to see billie, I needed to see billie, I couldn't go a week without going to see her.

I decided I was going to get myself a job so I could pay for buses to see billie as much as possible. I started looking on different websites for jobs near me and I found a job I could apply for at a nearby shopping centre called Shopper's Express.

I applied for an interview and then I just sat waiting for a reply.


A day passed and I got a call from the manager of the shopping centre I applied for.

(Olivia:bold manager:italic)

"Hello can I speak to Olivia Miller please?"

"Oh hi this is her speaking"

"Right perfect, I'm John from shopper's Express, I want to talk about your appreciation for an interview"

"Oh yes?"

"I was wondering if you'd be able to come in for an interview sometime this week, you seem great for the job"

"Really? Of course, anytime this week will be fine"

"How about this Wednesday at 1PM?"

"Perfect, I'll be there"

"Wonderful I look forward to meeting you then Olivia"

We finished up the conversation and hung up, I jumped around my room doing my little celebratory dance.

I then headed out to go tell my dad that I now most likely have a job and can pay for the buses I need to take to see billie as many times a week as possible.

"Dad, I just got an interview at Shopper's Express" I said cheerfully as I walked into the living room, my mom was now home so she walked out from the kitchen "why did you get a job?" She said and my dad turned to her "she wants to keep going to see that damn crazy girl from that mental hospital" I rolled my eyes at the way he explained billie.

"God I wish we never fucking sent you there, if we'd just kept you here you wouldn't have gotten so fucking attached to some demented girl" she spat as she lit a blunt an stool a puff.

"Shes not fucking demented! Dont talk about her like that!" I shouted starting to get much angrier "you have some damn nerve shouting at us Olivia!" My dad stood up and looked me dead in the eyes "you can see her but dont come running back to us when her fucked up brain tells her to smash your skull into pieces" he turned around and walked off to the kitchen to get more alcohol followed by my mom.

I rolled my eye knowing that billie would never want to hurt me in a million years.

I walked into my room and started looking through my closet for the perfect clothes to wear for my interview in a two days.

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