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I was woken GOD WHAT TIME IS IT up really early but the sounds of someone WHO IS CRYING, IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE CLAUDIA crying and trying to explain something in detail but only making it sound like one whole WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT  mush of words.

I sat up in bed and picked up my phone, nothing I WISH THERE WOULD BE A TEXT FORM LIV out of the ordinary so I just got up and walked into my bathroom to freshen myself up a little more to go NO IDEA WHO IT IS investigate the crys from down the hall way.

They sounded oddly I KNOW WHO IT IS BUT I ALSO DONT KNOW WHO IT IS familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on who it was.

Finally I realised those mystery crys were Olivia's WHY IS SHE CRYING crys, I dropped WHO UPSET HER everything I SWEAR TO GO I WILL KILL THEM and raced down to hallway to the living room where WHAT HAPPENED THOUGH Olivia, Claudia and finneas were all sat.

Claudia was holding WE NEED TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON Olivia in her arms and finneas had an ice pack placed over WHATS HAPPENED TO FINNEAS' HANDthe knuckles of his left hand and hold Olivia's hand with his right one.

Finneas looked I NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON over in my direction after noticing me and he got up. He pleaded me FINALLY I WILL FIND OUT WHATS HAPPENING WITH OLIVIA into the kitchen so Olivia and Claudia wouldn't hear us.

"Look billie you need to stay calm when I tell you this because Olivia is really fragile right now.." he TELL ME ALREADY looked down like he was going to tell me HURRY UP FINNEAS something bad "finn just tell me what going on" I replied, he paused for a second then FINALLY spoke up "her and Brandon got into a fight and he hurt her..." HE FUCKING DID WHAT.

As soon as i heard the HE IS DEAD words I SWEAR I WILL FUCKING MURDER HIM I felt pure anger and hatred for Brandon, I wanted I WILL to kill him.

I looked I WILL FOREVER PROTECT OLIVIA FROM NOW ON back at finneas and he placed his hand on my shoulder to calm me "bil right now you need to go out there and be there for Liv, worry about Brandon later okay?" He I NEED TO BE WITH LIV RIGHT NOW smiled and pulled me into a hug "yes finneas" he kissed my forehead softly and let me I NEED TO CHEER HER UP out of his embrace.

I walked out of the kitchen leaving finneas there I CANT WAIT TO HUG HER AND PROMISE TO PROTECT HER and I headed back to the living room where claudia noticed me and got up, she I WONDER WHAT SHE SAID whispered something into liv's ear before she walked off and Olivia looked back I COULD LOOK AT HER BEAUTIFUL FACE FOR HOURS at me standing by the doorway.

I made my I HOPE I CAN CHEER HER UP AND MAKE HER HAPPY way over to her quickly and she stood up, as she did so I noticed the bruising OH BRANDON REALLY IS DEAD NOW on her neck and it infuriated me even more STAY CALM STAY CALM STAY CALM STAY CALM YOU CAN DO IT BILLIE but I did my best to hide it.

I wrapped my I LOVE HER HUGS arms tightly around her waist and held onto her I WANT HER TO FEEL LOVED AROUND ME as she hooked her arms around my neck. We stayed like that for a few seconds I WILL MAKE TODAY THE BEST IT CAN BE FOR LIV I PROMISE before deciding to go into my room to sit and chill out for the rest of the day.

Claudia called in I CAN HAVE HER COMPANY FOR THE WHOLE DAY sick for Olivia so we had the day to do whatever I WANT TO MAKE TODAY WORTH IT we wanted.

I set up HOPEFULLY OLIVIA WILL LIKE THIS some blankets hanging from my bed to I HOPE THIS MAKES HER A LITTLE BIT HAPPIER create a little den like space for us and I got a some of our favourite I ALWAYS MAKE SURE I HAVE ALL HER FAVOURITE KINDS OF SNACKS AND DRINKS snacks to enjoy during the movie. Me and TODAY WILL BE GOOD Olivia layed in my bed watching a movie on the small tv I had at the end of my bed.

I put on a ITs ALL GONNA BE OKAY  chilled out movie that would be background noise whilst I COULD TALK TO HER NONE STOP FOR DAYS we talked, after leaving it on I felt Olivia snuggled SHE MAKES ME FEEL SO MANY DIFFERENT FEELINGS up into my side placing her head on my shoulder.

I looked down SHE IS SO DAMN PERFECT at her and her eyes stayed glued to the SHES SO CUTE WHEN SHE IS FOCUSED OF SOMETHING screen, I smiled to myself and continued watching the movie.

"Liv...?" I said quietly I ADORE THE WAY SHE LOOKS AT ME and she glanced up at me "yes?" Her tears were now I COULD STARE AT HER ALL DAY EVEN AFTER HER CRYING gone just leaving her eyes a little puffy "why did he hurt you?" I asked DID I JUST MAKE A SHITTY MISTAKE not knowing if I should've.

She looked down FUCK DID I UPSET HER BY ASKING THAT for a second staying silent SHIT SHIT SHIT "I'm sorry I shouldn't have aske-" I quickly rushed I PROBABLY JUST SCREWED IP BIG TIME to say worrying that I might have upset her by I CAN FIX THIS I JUST NEED TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT QUICKLY saying that but was soon out to a halt when she I SHOULD'VE JUST STAYED QUIET THIS ISN'T ANY OF MY BUSINESS interrupted me "bil it's okay...I wont go into detail but he was just really drunk and wanted me to do some things that I didn't want to..".

she gave I HOPE I DIDN'T MAKE HER MORE UPSET OIT IT BY ASKING me a warm smile and FEELING HER TOUCH IS ALL I'VE EVER WANTED placed her head back down to my shoulder to continue watching the movie.

Soon the movie came to a slow end and Olivia SHE LOOKS SO CUTE had fallen asleep but with her head now on my chest so I I BETTER NOT WAKE HER UP AND RUIN HER PEACEFUL SLEEP carefully and slowly moved down so she'd be more I NEVER WANT TO LOOSE HER comfortable then I wrapped an arm I WISH WE COULD STAY LIKE THIS FOREVER around her, holding he close to me.

I eventually feel asleep too as I held her  close to me...

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