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After I broke down to claudia and completely spilled everything out that had happened with Brandon she promised me we'd get justice and everything would be okay.

She told Finneas exactly what I had told her and he straight away came to me and made sure they were doing everything possible to make me feel comfortable and happy after what Brandon did which I thought was sweet of him.

Now the only thing that is putting me down is the thought of telling Billie, Finneas and claudia have been encouraging me to tell her because they think she'll understand but in my head I can see her taking it the wrong way because I've explained it badly and thinking I purposely cheated on her with my ex which is the complete opposite of what went down that afternoon.

After I had breakfast with claudia I decided it was the write time to tell Billie, I had been talking to claudia and planning out everything I was going to say to Billie. After a while of planing and overthinking it I finally decided now was the time.

I finished eating and helped claudia tidy up then I made my way to Billies room, I stood in front of her door as I looked at the name written on it, it took me right back to when I looked at her name when I had a gun to my head. The thought made me sick but I had promised myself I'd tell billie nwo so I pushed the thought aside and took a long, deep breath.

I tapped on her door lightly and shortly after I heard her voice "come in!" She called out which was obviously my que to enter her room. I had to force myself to pull the door handle but I managed to do so which impressed myself because i didn't think I'd be able to step foot in her room after the trauma I had gotten in there.

I walked in and closed the door behind me "hey bil" I said softly, billies face lit up as soon as she saw me and she hopped up from her bed to give me a hug.

She came over to me by the door and gave me a warm hug, I melted into her touch and held onto her tightly. Being in her arms made me a whole lot happier and more comfortable than I originally was before.

Billie obviously noticed something was really off with me and she gave me a look full of confusion and questions, I gulped and looked at her, as I looked into her eyes I could feel a lump starting to form in my throat "bil theres something I need to tell you.." I managed to say before my eyes started to water.

She looked even more confused as she saw the tears in my eyes "what is it?" She said in a worried tone. I took her hand and pulled her over to her bed so we coudl sit down because I knew this wouldn't be easy for me to say and it really wouldn't be easy her to listen to.

"So a little while ago I started getting messages from Brandon..." I started with telling her about the threats and then the one phone call u had received from Brandon then finally the most important part which was obviously him coming to the house.

I took it slow with her and told her every little detail because its what she deserved after I'd kept it from only her, she kept her cool until I told her Baker what he did to me which is when things started to get bad.

As I told her she start twitching and shaking which was for Billie a sign she is about to have an episode, it kind of caught me of track because she had been really good recently, she hadn't had any uncontrollable episodes in a really long time.

After her twitching, shaking and muttering to herself for a while she started to get much worse and ending in her screaming about killing Brandon and feeling guilty for not protecting me.

I felt horrible knowing she was feeling guilty over something she really had no control over.

After about two hour managed to calm billei down myself, fin was and claudia rushed in as soon as she start getting louder but I had told them I needed to do this myself and I succeeded in that.

We were sat on the floor of her room with her red lights on because they called her down, Billie was sat with her knees pressed to her chest and I was behind her with myself wrapped around her.

I whispered good things to her because I know that works all the times I've helped her calm down.

At the end of it we just stayed there holding each other "I should've stayed with you that day.." billie muttered quietly as she sniffed, I looked down at her and lifted her chin so she could look at me, I placed my hands on her cheeks so I could cup her face an didn't smiled "bil there was nothing that could've been done to avoid that, neither of us knew he'd show up" i wiped the few tears that had been slowly sliding down her face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you liv, I love you so much and I'm sorry" she cried more as she spoke and she layed her head on my shoulder pressed against my neck.

I looked down at her and played with her hair "billie I love you more than anything and I cant have you feeling guilty for something that's not yoru fault so please listen to me when I say this" I paused so she could move her head a little to look into my eyes "this was no one's fault except Brandon's and you couldn't have stopped it from happening I promise you"

she gave me a little smile after I had finished talking leaving us both in silence in each others arms.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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