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As I looked at the positive pregnancy test in my hand I could feel my heart starting to race and my breaths getting thicker.

I sat there as tears ran down my face until I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard knocking on the door and claudia talking through the door "hey liv? Is everything okay in there?" I could stop crying, I couldn't bring myself to talk "olivia, can you please unlock the door?" She said in a more serious tone.

I decided the best thing I could do was let claudia in and show her the test so we could start figuring out what we were gonna do about the baby that would be in our lives in seven months.

I turned the lock and claudia came inside "liv? What the matter?" She said as she kneeled down next to me, I didn't say anything and I just handed her the test on the side that I hadn't peed on because thats gross. She looked at it and her eyes widened "oh.." I nodded to her knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"Look let's not stress over this right now, let's go back and see the doctor" she looked up at me with a smile "come on liv it's going to be okay" she cupped my face and wiped my tears away "I'll will be here every step of the way, and I'll support you through whatever you choose to do about this pregnancy" she said as she pulled me into a hug.

I held onto her tightly for a few minutes until we pulled away and I got up so I could make sure I looked alright before walking back out to the doctor.

I looked at myself in the mirror, claudia appeared and placed her hands on my shoulders "stop stressing liv you're a beautiful girl" she smiled making me smile too "billie think so as well" she laughed and so did I.

"Let get out there" i said and claudia nodded, she held my hand as we made our way back down to the doctors room.

We talked with the doctor and found out it was too late for an abortion not taht I wanted one, even though this was Brandon's baby it's still deserved a chance and I'd raise him or her to be better than their father.

I was given a first time pregnancy package with just gave me information about what I should be eating, best ways to prepare for the baby, what I will need for the baby, all sorts of things like that.

After the appointment was over me and claudia walked back to her car and just sat in it for a few minutes talking.

"What am I supposed to tell Billie 'oh hey bil, you thought Brandon was out of our lives well your wrong I'm pregnant with his baby'" I said sarcastically "no we will tell her and finn together that way I can do most of the talking and we'll be in a room of three other people so if she does get upset we can all help to cheer her up" I nodded to claudia as she spoke.

The whole drive home i sat there dreading the moment Billie would find out, I dreaded the horrified look she'd have on her face.

Claudia pulled in the driveway and took her seatbelt off "claudia I cant do it, billie will hate me" I felt tears staring to form in my eyes as I spoke "you know Billie could never hate you, she adores you liv" I shook my head at her "I'm not doing this claudia I cant" i cried out.

"Look I'll make this a little easier, how about you go on a walk, clear your head and I will ho in there and tell them both, I'll text you when it's safe to come  back but you really don't have anything to worry about" she said with a smile and i nodded "just take a walk and please stay out of danger and keep your phone on at all times" I nodded again "yeah I'll stay safe, thank you claudia"

She laughed "liv you dont need to thank me you're like a little sister to me I'd honestly do anything to help you" I smiled and leaned over to hug her, she hugged back and kissed my cheek "I'll go and tell them now" I nodded to her and got out the car.

I just wondered around praying that Billie wouldn't leave me because of this.

Claudia... (this is new but no complaints)

After liv left and I promised her I'd do my best at telling Billie an Finneas in the most calmest and positive way positive I got out the car and set kn my mission.

I walked inside the house and within second Billie was rushing around asking where liv was and if she was okay.

"Bil she is fine shes gone for a walk, she has something to tell you but she scared and worried so I'm going to tell you instead, you too finn" I said to Billie then catching finneas' attention "is she leaving me!? Does she love someone else!?" Billie started breathing faster and pacing around a little.

"No Billie she love you, and shes not leaving you I promise just let me talk to you and tell you what's going on" I said calmly to her as I placed a hand on her shoulder so she'd focus on what I was saying.

The three of us say down on the couch and looked at me with the most worried look ever "so we went to the doctors and they ran a couple tests and they didn't show any Illnesses so the doctor suggested she may be pregnant.." I gulped and looked down "obviously it was a possibility so liv took a pregnancy test and it came back positive..." I looked at Billie and she just sat there in pure shock "oh.." that was also she said.

Finneas went to touch her shoulder but she jolted away from him "billie.." he said sadly but she got up and walked towards the front door "billie where are you going?" He asked sternly "I need to see her, I want liv" Finneas looked with a concerned face "it's okay I'll let her know to come back, she thought you would be mad at her"

Billie shook her head "I want to hug her and tell her it's okay, I'm not mad at her i just need to see shes okay" I nodded sent a couple texts telling her that Billie wasn't mad at all she just wanted he rot come back so she knew she was safe and okay.

Billie sat at the window by the front door waiting for the liv to come back and the minute she did come back Billie jumped up and rushed outside before she'd even reached the driveway.

Once she had gone outside to liv I walked over to Finneas and hugged him "we ar going to be okay I promise claud, I live wants to keep the baby and raise it herself we will be right here for her" he said kissing my forehead, I nodded against his chest.

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