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Two months later


"All rise, this court is now in session"

I stood up from my seat and looked around, my lawyer Mr Johnson stood up next to me and gave me a smile. I looked back to the seating area behind me where Billie, claudia, finneas, gus, sarah, cheryl and a bunch of gus' friends that I'd met were standing. Claudia gave me thumbs up and smiled.

My eyes moved from then to the disgusting man that was standing with his lawyer across from me.

Brandon Adams

He looked the same as he did when I last saw him, he looked like he'd made no effort except for putting on a messy suit.

He was staring forward as his lawyer who looked scruffy and unprepared whispered in his ear, he was probably telling Brandon tactics to make me look like the enemy but that wouldn't happen because I was totally ready for this.

"May all be seated except for Ms Miller" the judge said meaning I would have to go up the sand and tell my side of the story.

"Ms Miller you may take a seat in the stand so we can begin" he said "yes your honor" I replied back before i headed up to the stand and sat down.

A guard came over to the stand and adjusted the mic for me, I nodded to him as a thank you then he went back over to the wall where he was so he'd  have a good view fo the whole room.


Hours went by, I was grilled and grilled until I had shared absolutely everything that happened that day with everyone in the room, since it had been so many hours since we began we were allowed an hour break.

After I got off the stand I made my way out the room where everyone that I'd brought with me was stood waiting for me.

Billie pushed past everyone and came rushing up to me, she engulfed me in a massive hug. I wrapped my arms around her tightly "you did amazing out there liv" she whispered to me before we slowly broke of the hug.

Everyone gave me hugs and told me how well I did until I walked up to gus and his friends, he gave me a warm hug then I was pulled into a massive group hug with all his friends who had stopped being friends with Brandon after gus beat him up.

"We all think you did great, we're very proud of you liv" ghostemane said to me and the others cheered.

After getting a chance to talk to everyone I went with Billie, finneas and claudia to go get food, we headed to a little cafe that was a couple streets down so we could geta  bite to eat before we had to sit and listen to brandon talking a load of shit to the judge.

Once we had gotten to the cafe the four of us sat down in a little booth, we were given some menus then we sat in silence looking at them for a few second before Finneas and claudia got up to go and order at the tills.

I looked over at Billie who wa ssat next to me and I smiled "I'm so glad we'll finally get that asshole put in jail" billie huffed as she leaned her hea know my shoulder "bil we dont know that he'll even get charged yet, he could tell a totally different story that was completely believable" I sighed and looked down at her.

Billie looked back at me "well i wont stop fighting until he is put away for good" I smiled and kissed her forehead "I hope this goes well me us"

Even claudia and Finneas came back with our food and we started eating  as we all ate our food that we'd ordered we spoke about the court trial. Claudia and Finneas prepared both me and billei for the worst that could happen which was me getting charged for faking the allegations I had put again Brandon.

I was kind of put of my food knowing that if brandon could work his charm with the jury and the judge I could ending being the one put through shit for something he had done.


We finished eating and packed up, then we made our way back to court so we could hear what Brandon had to say about the whole situation then be done with court for today.

After hearing what both me and Brandon remember about the situation we have to come back a few days later to hear what the jury thought of everything which would determine who gets what kind of punishment.

Once we were back at court just before we walked in Billie stopped me and told the others to go in before us. Billie smiled and hugged me "I love you" she said with a smiled "i love you too bil" i smiled back and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

We walked into the court room, billie sat in the audience whilst I headed up to the front where I was greeted by Mr Johnson.

"Are you sure you are ready for this Olivia?" He said quietly as we sat down at our sides table, I took a deep breath and nodded "yeah, it wont be easy but its got to get worse to get better" he smiled at me "I'm glad you're staying positive, hopefully the jury see who the real enemy here is"

Everything went as normal, we all had to rise when the session started to show respect to the judge then afterwards Brandon was put up on the stand to say his side of the story.

The way this event was described by brandon:

"That day Olivia Miller invited me over to her home and of course I said yes because we were previously in a relationship and I missed her a lot, once I got there she let me inside and straight away started kissing me and rubbing up on me. I'm not the kind of guy to rush into sex straight away so obviously I pulled away from her and told her I wanted to slow down because we hadn't seen each other for a while. She listened to me and invited me to sit down with her to watch a movie, so we sat down and within a mayor of second she got onto of me and started forcing herself on me, she wa kissing me and rubbing her hands in private places if you know what I mean. Then after that she took my land and lead me into Billie's room, when we got in there she said 'I want to fuck you right on her bed, I never loved that freak only you baby' I tried to tell her it was weird but she throw me onto the bed and pulled down my pants. I didn't want to do it on someone else's bed or that rushed but she made me, by taht I mean she got on top of me and gave know other choice obviously"

I sat there as he went on and on telling the judge a load of bullshit that wasn't tried. By the end of it I was in tears knowing that the jury could decide taht he was telling the truth then everyone would think I was some kind of slut that forced herself on guys then acted as if I got raped.

a/n: hey guys I'm very sorry about the wait for this chapter but I'm so glad its finally up, I've been stalling on this chapter for weeks so I hope you've enjoy it :)

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