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About two weeks passed and everything was going great, I was doing great at my new job, me and Brandon have become real close as friends and have started hanging out on the weekends when I dont see Billie, talking of billie I get enough pay to see her every week day after work and she has softened up to me way more than before.

Finneas has pretty much convinced his parents to give the hospital permission to release billie, they weren't happy with it at all at the beginning but they soon opened up to the idea, I'm pretty sure they were only worried billie would hurt them but billie isn't like that.

Me and claudia have also become way closer and we hang out a lot when I'm not seeing brandon or at work.

My parents haven't really done much apart form yell at me for really dumb and pointless things. And that's about it.

I heard my phone start ringing loudly, I sat up from my bed and searched around for my phone to find it on the floor, I groan and leaned down to grab it.

Finneas, I looked at his name on my screen for a second then I answered it "hello finneasss why are you calling so early?" I slurred out with a yawn "we're going to go get billie from the hospital today, you coming?" It took me a second to take in what he said but I soon realised "wait yeah, of course I am"

We decided finneas would pick me up with claudia form the little cafe we first met at then we'd me his parents at the hospital.

After the phone call ended I quickly got shower and dressed, put  a little makeup on then I was ready to get going. I put all my essentials into my bag then I headed out, my parents were both passed from drinking until late hours of this morning so gladly I didn't have to face either of them.

I walked past them and out the door, my phone started ringing as I began to walk towards the cafe, Brandon's name popped up on my phone and I smiled to myself.

I pressed answer and waited to hear his voice.

(Olivia:bold Brandon:italic)

"Hey livi, wanna hang together?"

Livi wa sthe cute lil nickname he gave me instead of saying Olivia

"B I'm sorry I can't today, I'm going to be busy pretty much all day"

"Awh shorty that sucks, what are you so busy with?"

I went silent for a second debating on whether or not I should tell him more about billie.

"Oh I going to get a friend of mine from the hospital, so if I dont text you back at some point that's most likely what j will be busy with"

"So you're not cheating on me with another dude, right?"

We both laughed through the phone a sweet always made these dumb little flirty jokes.

"No Brandon, I would never do that to you"

We laughed more but I soon wrapped up our conversation and ended the call because I was basically at the cafe.

I saw finneas' car and walked over to it, he smiled and signalled for me to just get in so I did "hey guys, this is huge how did you get the okay from your parents?" Claudia and finneas both smiled at me "oh it took lots of convincing and compromising but finally I got a yes" finneas laughed with a sigh of relief.

We drove to the hospital with music blearing through the car, we were all in  the best mood so that made our little car party even better.

After an hour of driving we finally arrived, finneas parked up a couple spaces next to a car with two older people stood outside it.

We all got out and finneas took me over to meet his parents. Maggie and Patrick, they seemed really really nice and I was glad I was able to meet them.

We talked for a few minutes about Billie before we actually went in to go see her and hopefully get her out.

"Wow maggie, Patrick, finneas, Claudia and Olivia. What can I do for you all, you guy know you cant all see billie at the same time" Jannet the receptionist said to us "no, where not here for a visit, we want to take billie home she deserves it" Patrick said to her and she started grabbing a few bits of paper work.

We sat in the waiting area next to the reception whilst maggie and Patrick filled out all kinds of different forms and agreements then finally Jannet looked at them all and made sure they were all okay "okay guys I'll just call down for them to get her changed and bring her up here" we all thanked her then sat waiting for a solid 25 minutes.

Eventually after what felt like a million years we heard the door going done to all the rooms and the main room open, we all stood up and watched as billie was brought up with two of those men by her sides.

As Billie got closer I could see the biggest, brightest smile form on her face as she understand we were taking her home.

She was only a couple feet away from us when she ran straight into my arms and hugged me the tightest she could, Billie buried her head in my neck as maggie and Patrick just watched not expecting our relationship to be that close.

We slowly pulled away and billie flashed me one of her award winning smiles before turning to finneas and hugging him tightly.

Finneas introduced billie to claudia and they got along really really well it was almost like claudia was the sister Billie never had.

Billie was hesitant to interact with her parents but eventually she let them hug her.

We had to do a few more bits of paper work to make sure everything was in place for billie to come home, after a while of waiting around we were finally able to go home. Maggie and Patrick wen back to their house whilst finneas packed Billie belongings into the trunk.

"I should get home now" I said to them as they finishing putting everything away "come with us, just for a few hours liv please" billie smiled and held her hand out to me and finneas and claudia got into the car. I glanced behind billie and finneas and he nodded so we all got into the car and starting driving back to finneas and Claudia's house.

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