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I had one mission and thats as to convince my parents to give the hospital billie is at permission to release her but my mom wasn't having any of it.

I was currently at my mom, Maggie and my dad Patrick's house with claudia trying to get billie out of the hospital so she could stay with me and claudia.

"Mom come on! She your fucking daughter and you're just going to abandon her in that place!" I shouted at my mom "what do you not understand finneas! Billie is dangerous!" She yelled back "honey..she is our daughter" dad said to her and she turned to him "Patrick do bot start with me right now!she is better off in that place than out in the open!" She rolled her eyes and walked towards the kitchen.

"If you abandon billie you have lost me too, I will cut you off, shes my little sister and I'll do anything for her" I said  softly but sternly to her and she swung around "no finneas...you can't just cut us off, we're your parents.." she had pure worry and fear in her voice as she spoke "I want billie out of there now" I replied with not a single emotion "come on Maggie, I know you dont want to loose your kids, billie is getting much better at controlling herself" dad looked at her pleading her with his eyes.

"I'm not saying yes, bit I'll think about it finneas.." she looked down for a second then walked off "just give her some time son, I know she has it in her heart to forgive billie" dad sai dto me with a smile as I placed his hand on my shoulder then he followed mom off to there room to talk.

I turned so claudia who was stood next to me the whole time "what if she says no, I dont want to loose my parents too" I looked down at her with pain in my voice "finny it's going to be okay, everything will be perfect in the end" she cupped my face in her hand and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

Me and claudia soon left the house to let my parents talk about the decision I'd left them with and we headed out to our local store Shopper's Express to get some food for us and our dog peach.

Once we were there we walked in and grabbed a shopping cart, we weren't here for much so we quickly just went around the store putting what we needed into our cart.

We headed over to the tills to pay and we saw Olivia and the usual guy, Brandon, he seems like a good guy but I've whitenessed a fight he had with one of his girlfriends before and hes come into work multiple times completely off his head stoned

I was leaving the store this one time  and he was off on his break with one of his girlfriends at the time, she said something about him maybe laying it off with the drugs and he got really really angry about it, he was yelling at her and in the end he slapped her and called her a bitch for bringing it up.

That whole time I was loading all the shopping I had bought into my car. That's why I was a little worried to see him and Olivia getting along well.

As went to pay Olivia spotted up and smiled, she signalled for us to come to the empty till she wa working at instead of the crowded one we were lined up at. We headed over to her "hey liv, I didn't know you worked here" claudia said to her as I loaded out shopping onto the conveyor belt.

"Yeah I actually just started today, so I can pay to go see bil" she smiled "Olivia you know you could have just asked us for money, after all I know how happy you make her. Anyways yous seem to be fitting in here well" I said to her with a smile and she did the same back "yeah i think I'm getting the hang of all this" she laughed and Brandon corrected her "shes being modest, shes getting this way faster than me" they both laughed and she playfully hit his arm.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Claudia looked at him knowing how he really wa because one of her old best friend's younger sister dated him and would always come home crying over him but they never actually met.

"Oh guys this is Brandon, he's literally my hero for showing me the ropes here" they both laughed but me and claudia faked an awkward laugh.

After that we payed and packed dup all our things, we said goodbye to goodbye to Olivia and Brandon then we headed out to our car to put everything away in the trunk.

When we reached the car we both helped each other pack all the shopping in the trunk then we got into the front seats "god I hate that guy" claudia groaned as she held her hands in her head "I dont want Olivia involved with a guy like him.." I listened to her and ran my hand up and down her back "claud we just have to hope she realises the type of person he is before she gets involved with him" I said to her hoping it would cheer her up a little.

We sat there for a second just talking about Olivia and Brandon before we finally headed home hoping to get a call from my parents about there answer to the decision I gave them earlier.

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