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A few days had passed since me and Billie had decided to become official, finneas has gotten much better hes now opening his eyes every now and then and hes moving a lot more but he still has a long way to go until he'll be back to his usual self at home.

Me and Billie have been amazing, we spend all our time together either on finneas' hospital room or wondering around the town together getting lost which is surprisingly fun.

I was sat in finneas' hospital room with billie and claudia talking about random things but mainly about finneas' progress since the accident when my phone started ringing. It made us all jump and all attention was brought to me, I looked down at my phone to see the words 'Gustav💖' I smiled and stood up "sorry guys I need to take this" walked out the door and stood in the corridor so I could answer the call.

(Olivia:italics gustav:bold)

"Hey its liv, is everything okay?"

"Hey liv, everything is cool I was just wondering if you want to hang for a bit and maybe meet some of my friends"

"Yeah sure sounds great, I'm at the hospital with bil and the others right now"

"I'll come pick you up in 10 minutes, cool with you?"

"Yeah that would be great thanks gus, I'll see you in a bit then"

"Alright bye liv"


I smiled and hung up, I put my phone back in my pocket and made my way back into finneas' room "hey guys is it alright if I go and see gus for a little while?" Both billie and claudia look at me "it's fine with me just be back before dark" claudia smiles at me and nods.

"I'll be back before dark I promise" we both laugh but billei stays absolutely silent "well hes going to pick me up in a minute so i should probably get down to the lobby" claudia nods and says her little goodbye and tells me to stay safe, I go over to Billie and I lewn down to her "I'll be fine bil, dont worry about me" I say as I kiss her cheek, just as I'm about to pull away I turn back to Billie and I kiuth the words 'I love you' to her and she does the same back to me.

Billie gives me a smile and I pull away from her "bye guys, call me if anything happens" I say happily as I walk out the door and i go into the elevator to make my way down to the lobby.

Ince I get down to the lobby as I'm walking towards the from entrance of the entire hospital I see gus getting out is car right in front of the doors, I smile and walk faster towards him.

I go out the front entrance and when he sees me I Instantly ran into his arm and hugged him tightly "hey gus" I looked up at him and he smiled at me "it's so great to see you liv" I smiled back at him, he hugged for a few minutes until we naturally pulled away and he opened the passenger side door for me.

Once we were both in the car gus started driving "so we're just gonna go back to a friends place and I can introduce you to all of my guys, sound good with you?" Gus says not taking his eyes off the road "yeah of course, I would love to meet the people you hang out with gus" I smiled at him and sit back more in my seat.

A little while later gus pulled into te driveway of a small bungalow and we both got out "do I look okay?" I ask gus as we make our way towards the door "liv you look fine, they'll love you dont worry" he laughs as he unlocks the door and shouts to the people inside "assholes I'm back with special company" I giggle at what he says as I follow him inside.

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