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Weeks passed and I've been working with CPS to get enough evidence to prove that Olivia is in danger when she is living in the house with her parents. There has been a few suprise visits to the house to see her parents and the drugs, and her room, just the general living state of the house.

After a bunch of house checks and stuff like that they decided that the best for Olivia would be to get her into care so for a few weeks shed have to go to foster homes which I hated the thought of after hearing all those kinds of nightmare stories about horrible foster homes. But by doing all this eventually me and claudia would be able to trial for custody of Olivia so she would be in the safest place possible, and most importantly she'd be close to Billie.

I visited Olivia in the hospital a few days prior to her being taking into care just so she would know what the plan is for us to get custody of us and she would get to say a goodbye since none of us would know where she will go for foster care.

I told billie about it too, she wasn't very happy about it first because she would get to see Olivia for at least a couple weeks knowing all of this stuff takes a while to process. But soon after me and Claudia explained everything to her and that hopefully in the end Olivia would be with us for good she opened up to the idea and didn't mind it so much.

"Come on bil we have to go to the hospital to get Olivia out" I called out from the front door waiting for Billie to hurry up, she has been dreading it because none of us know how long it will be until we see Olivia again. "But I dont want to say goodbye to her" she groaned.

"Bil i promise you will see liv again, I cant say when but I know you will" I smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

Me, billie and Claudia were finally all in the car and ready to go, I look up into the mirror to check on Billie in the backseat and she was listening to her music so she'd be good for this ride.

Me and claudia talked about everything we could do to help Olivia throughout all of this as we drove down to the hospital.


Once we were finally at the hospital all three of us walked inside to see a few people in suits and Gerald Humphrey from CPS sat in the waiting area presumably waiting for us to arrive since I had especially asked them to wait for us to say a probe goodbye before taking Olivia away.

"Its great to see you Humphrey" I said as we shook hands "you two Mr O'Connell" claudia shared a smile with them all before Gerald spoke up again "alright we have them bringing Ms Miller up here now so that's all we're waiting on" I nodded to him and we all sat down to wait.

Eventually Olivia was brought up by one of the big guys in all white, billie got up right away with a huge smile. I brushed Billies hand and she looked back at me, I gave her to look of 'wait a second' she nodded and stepped back a little.

Gerald stood up and shook Olivia's hand "I'm sure you're aware of what's happening Ms Miller, we're going to take you down to the HQ and we'll work things out more there" Olivia nodded and smiled at him.

He turned around and motioned for Olivia to come over to us so she did, we all stood up and had a little group hug of just the four of us. after our little hug Billie and Olivia broke off and had there own little hug, this hug seemed a little more intimate than some of their others.

We all said our goodbyes, Olivia have each of us a long hug before Gerald and the others walked her out to their car that they came in, we all walked out too and watched as the car with Olivia in it drove away and slowly disappeared round a corner.

I look down at Billie who's got tears running down her face and I pull her into my arms "it's going to be okay billie" I say aside wonder if doing all this was the rigth thing.

Claudia hugs billie and kisses her forehead like usual before we get back into the care to head home since its pretty late in the evening already. As we're driving back I glance back at Billie and she is still crying whilst listening to her music in her headphones. It's going to be hard for the next couple of weeks.

We get home and Billie goes straight to her room, I knocked for her for a while trying together her to open up to me but I soon gave up deciding she probably wanted to be left alone and I went out to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass of water and leaned up against the counter running my fingers through my hair before feeling a hand rubbing back. I looked down to see claudia stood next to me with a warm smile, I couldn't help but smile when I look at her.

"Everything will work out in the end babe, I promise" she said before wrapped her arms around my waist and resting her head down against my chest, I looked down at her and kissed her head as I placed my arm around her as well.

Will everything work our for us and Olivia?

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