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"Its me or her"

I listened to those words come out gus' mouth and they broke my heart, I would never want to loose both him and Billie.

I look at them both for a moment before billie speaks up "I need you liv" she looks so innocent and so apologetic when she looks into my eyes but I'm snapped out my thought when gus say something "I will treat you right and never lay a hand on you without consent" I look up at him and he looks so truthful and honest, like he really cares.

I stand in between them both and carefully think to myself in silence, they start comparing themselves to each other and fighting over it, I listen to it all until I'm done with it.

"I'm not doing this bullshit with you, fuck both of you this shit is not fair at all!" I snap at them before walking off and leaving both of them stood together "come on liv wait!" Gus called out to me but I just kept walking as much as I wanted to turn around I physically couldn't.

I called an uber and waited outside the hospital, as I sat on a little bench by the front entrance waiting for my uber claudia showed up "hey liv, billie told me what happened" she gave me one of her famous smiles that just instantly made you feel appreciated, she sat next to me and looked at me "I just cant believe they'd put me in that kind of situation" claudia nods to me "I know liv, I know"

We sat and talk and decided I would just go home for next and me and Billie would talk at some point, so would me and gus but it would be hard to tell when for both of them.

I got up from the bench as my uber pulled into the drop off and pick up bay, claudia pulled me into a long hug "it's going to get better liv, I promise" I smiled at her and nodded "thanks claudia, I'll see you in a bit" she smiled back and made her way back into the hospital to go wait by Finneas.

I got into my uber and told the driver my address then I just sat back and thought about gus and Billie, I made up little scenarios in my head of things I could have done differently to make them like each other but in the end there really wasn't anything that would make then anything close to friends.

About 15 minutes later the driver pulled into Finneas and Claudia's driveway, I thanked the driver an shot our the car. I made my way inside and went straight for my room, I just wanted to think about the past events.

I ended up falling asleep for a couple hours to be woken up by a knock on my door, I groaned and rolled over to face the door as it slowly opened, billie walked in. I looked up at her for a moment then I slowly sat up so she could sit on my bed.

Billie walked over to my bed and sat down, she still looked just as guilty as before but that didn't stop me for breaking the eye contact we had, I kept my eyes off her until i heard a little sniffle which instantly made my head point in her direction.

"Bil..?" She looked up at me with tears running down her cheeks, I couldn't torture her anymore. I sprung forward and wrapped my arms around her neck tightly, she wrapped her arms around me and adjusted me in her lap "I-I am...so s-sorry...liv" she managed to get out as she cried harder "stop it Billie, it's okay"

We layed down in my bed, billie was laying cuddled into my side with her head on my chest, I was able to calm Billie down to the point where she wasn't crying so much.

We were just talking quietly about things with each other when claudia burst in through the door "guys we need to go to the hospital! Finneas is fully awake and talking!" She said happily making both of us jump up and rush to get ready.

I didn't really care so much about how I looked up just threw on some shoes and rushed out of my room to meet claudia and Billie by the front door. We all quickly made our way out to the car and claudia immediately started driving as soon as me and Billie were buckled up in the bed.

Billie looked so happy as we headed up to the hospital, but made me even more happier than I was seeing her getting so excited to see her brother properly awake for the first time in weeks.

About 10 minutes claudia parked up in the parking lot of the hospital and we raced inside and up to the floor that finneas' room was on.

Once we got to his room we went inside to see maggie and Patrick sat with him and talking to him, they all went silent as we burst in through the door.

"Claudia..?" Finneas said as he looked up to her with a smile, Patrick moved out the way so claudia could sit next to him for a bit. Maggie and Patrick both came up to me and billie to say a little hi but Billie wasn't to keen on talking to them so she went past and sat next to Finneas so she coudl talk to him with claudia.

"Well its lovely to see you guys, I'm so happy that finneas is getting better" I said to maggie and Patrick, they smiled an said they'd leave the four of us with Finneas for a while since they got a chance to talk with him before we arrived.

I sat next to Billie and Finneas looked at us both giving us a strange look "you two dating yet?" I felt my cheeks heat up as he asked and I looked at Billie, she nodded to him and he smiled "i told you she liked you bil" he laughed and she went bright red "shut up finn!" We quickly said making us all burst out laughing.

It was nice having Finneas back

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