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It's been a month since Finneas woke up and a lot has happened  since then, first of all Finneas got so much better and was able to be released from the hospital and come back home, me and billei are still together and we've only gotten better, we still get into fight but so does every other couple in the world, nothing serious.

Me and Billie agreed I coudl still be close with gus as long as I keep then apart like they are two different worlds which is a valid negotiation. Me and gus still talk.alot and I sometimes see him but I promised Billie I wouldn't drink or do drugs when around him so I stick by that.

I have been experiencing some trouble with Brandon, after his beat him up he has been leaving me multiple threats of texts saying things like he'll hurt me or Billie or claudia or even Finneas. I haven't told anyone about the threats I've been receiving from him because I know it will create a storm of problems for me, thats okay because I can put up for it so a little while longer.

"Hey liv, do you want to come shopping with me?" I heard claudia say as she poked her head in through the crack in my door, I thought about it and looked around to make sure I had clean clothes before nodding "yeah sure, I'll just get ready now"

She smiled and disappeared closing the door behind her, I quickly got ready and did my hair so it looked nicer then I put my usual thin layer of makeup on, after ri was completely ready I headed out to the living room to meet claudia.

She was sat next to Finneas and Billie watching tv as she waiting for me to get ready so when I came out she stood up and grabbed her bags together "wait, where are you going?" Billei said as she looked at both me and claudia "I'm taking liv shopping"

"Be careful, dont go near shady people, stay out of dangero-" billie went on and on until she was cut off by claudia "bil I promise I will protect your girlfriend from absolutely everything there is to be worried about, pinky promise" she smiled and held her pinky out to Billie.

Billie smiled and happily made the pinky promise with claudia, both me and Finneas started laughing at their little moment, billie smiled at me "please be careful" she said and I nodded "I'll be just fine" I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Claudia gave Finneas a little kiss before we said goodbye to the two of them and left.

We got into Claudia's car and we started driving into the city where all the shopping centres would be, as we drove we had loud music playing, we sang and danced along to the music, car rides with claudi were always the absolute best.

Once we were finally more in the city and at one of our favourite malls we parked up and went inside to do a million hours of shopping.


We had been in the mall for well over two hours just going round and wasting time shopping since that was what we came here to do.

We are winding around my favourite store when I see musty pink curls bobbing just over the higher clothing rails, I instantly knew it was Brandon, I panicked and looked around to see claudia was browsing through clothes on the other side of the store meaning if I wanted to go to her I would have to pass brandon.

I crouched down behind the rails holding hundreds of clothes and I very carefully moved around to make sure he wouldn't see me into I lost sight of him.

I scanned the entire store floor looking for his ugly ass but he was bo where to be seen, I let out a huge sigh of relief knowing he never saw me, I turned back around to go find claudia when I bumped into someone much taller than me.

"Oh my god I'm so sor-" I was about to apologise until I looked up and saw that the masculine chest I fell on to wasn't just any man it was Brandon.

I stepped away from him and was ready to run as fast as possible but instead he grabbed onto my wrist before I could go anywhere and he dragged me into a changing room.

"You owe me bitch, pay up"

(1 week earlier)

I felt my phone vibrating on my leg as I laying bed watching Netflix on the little laptop claudia had bought me, I picked up my phone and saw the name 'Brandon🤮' my heart skipped a beat but I took a breath to calm myself day and I picked up the phone call.

(Olivia:italic brandon:bold)


"Hey princess, I've got one more little favour for you"

I gulped and spoke up

"What do you want Brandon?"

"I want to fuck you, you know I miss you baby i just want to fuck you one last time"

"Dont fucking call me that brandon, you disgust me, dont ever come near me again!"

I snapped at him through the phone before evening the call and throwing my phone away from me.

(Present time)

"Brandon get the fuck away from me, I owe you nothing!" I try to push past him but he grabs me and pins me against the wall of the changing room.

"You will shut your fucking mouth, let me fuck you in here and you'll enjoy it, I will leave you wanting more" he whispered to me a shit smelling breath hit my nose making me want to throw up a million times.

I obviously couldn't let this happen to I played nice and begged him to let me go in which I succeeded and he let go of me.

"Are you ready for this baby, I've missed you so much" he said as he undid his belt, I gulped and prepared myself for my next moves.

I kicked him in his crotch instantly making him fall to the ground in pain, I rushed out the changing room but stopped before leaving "fuck you asshole!" I shouted before rushing off to go find claudia.

When I found her I told he ri just felt unwell and went home because I didn't want he to worry or tell Billie and Finneas about Brandon.

We staying in town for a little longer to get some food before we headed back home.

I got lucky there

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