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For three days straight I sat in an I HATE IT HERE empty room, the walls were plain white, it drove me I WANT OLIVIA BACK insane being in here alone and left to my own horrible WE AREN'T HORRIBLE thoughts.

After Olivia PLEASE COME BACK left I got angrier and angrier, I couldn't control it. I felt like I lost the WE WANT HER HERE NOW one good thing in my life, Olivia made me feel like I'd never SHE MAKES US SO HAPPY felt before.

I hated it here and everyone in it until Olivia showed us, she made me love this WE HATE IT AGAIN NOW place. She showed me happiness after my parents forced FUCK THOSE SHIT FACED ASSHOLES me to come back here after so many over visits, I used to only miss finneas WE MISS FINNEAS SO MUCH  my brother, my HE WAS THE BEST BROTHER EVER absolute best friend but now I miss Olivia MAKE HER COME BACK PLEASE too.

I heard the metal bolted door open then Ellis GREAT THAT BITCH IS BACK walked In with a smile "Billie you can come out now, I have a surprise for you" i slowly SHE IS FULL OF SHIT  stood up wondering if i should trust that is a good DONT TRUST HER surprise RUN. I decided to go with her and she took me down towards the visiting WONDERFUL WHAT FUCKER IS VISITING room.

She opened FUCK OFF the door into the room and looked at me "go on billie" she had a smile EVIL BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO glued to her face the whole time.

I stood there for a second then WHY DID YOU GO IN I walked into the room, I looked around until I froze when I saw her. Olivia. She WE MISSED HER SO MUCH was sat a MAKE HER STAY FOREVER table but she stood up.when she saw me.

I smiled and rushed HUG HER TIGHTLY over to her and engulfed her in a massive hug, I had only ever hugged WE WANT FINNEAS TO COME BACK TOO finneas like this when he visited "I missed you too bil" she WE COULD LISTEN TO HER TALK ALL DAY let out sweet little laugh as she placed a little kiss DO IT AGAIN OLIVIA on my forehead. Feeling her lips press against my head made me go all red WE HAVE A CRUSHand flustered but YOU LOVE OLIVIA why?

I thought about th last to sentences of the voices ITS TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT and that only made me more flustered, maybe they're OF COURSE WE ARE RIGHT right. Me and Olivia sat down at the table and some talked about what was going FUCK THIS SHIT HOLE on in each others lives.

I hated that Olivia had to go back and live with her abusive HORRIE FUCKERS parents but there was nothing I could do to help her whilst being I HATE IT HERE stuck in this WE SHOULD ESCAPE hell.

for once in the three days of Olivia being gone I actually felt THE HAPPINESS IS LIKE A RUSH OF HIGH naturally happy without any of that shitty IT DOESN'T DO SHIT TO HELP ME medicine, I wish she could I WANT HER TO STAY FOREVER come back for good but that would WE WOULD RATHER HER BE SAFE be seriously bad and I dont want that.

We had and hour together and I could feel the clock TIK TOK TIK TOK TIK TOK clicking inside my brain, its drove me crazy that it sat in the corner of my eye as the hour NO WE WANT IT TO LAST FOREVER slowly closed in. One of the men FUCK OFF YOU UGLY FUCKER stepped out from the corner of the room "alright 5 minutes left girls?"

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I looked down fiddling NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO with my hands as I felt the voices getting ITCANTBEOVER louder and more INEEDOLIVIAHERE powerful, Olivia kept asking me if I was okay PLEASESTAYOLIVIA but I couldn't answer her, I tried to though.

I clutched my NONONONONONONONO hands around my head and I slowly rocked back and SHESLEAVINGYOU fourth trying SHEPROBABLYWONTCOMEBACK to call myself just like the therapist told me to do NONONONONONONO so, it wasn't getting any better until I felt a warming WHOSHANDISTHAT hands running itself up and down my back.

I slowly let go of my head an looked back to see HOW CAN SHE CALM US WITH A TOUCH Olivia now sat right next to me with her PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME OLIVIA hand connected with my back, I turned more so I was facing her more and she I COULD STAY JN HER ARMS FOREVER pulled me closer.

I rested my I FEEL SO SAFE WITH HER ALREADY head down on her shoulder and closed THIS REMINDS US OF FINNEAS' HUGS my eyes as she comforted me and promised PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THAT PROMISE she come back here every other day.

Finally it was time for DONT GO her to go, I was completely called down but it still made me I WANT HER TO STAY FOR LONGER sick to my stomach knowing I wouldn't see her IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER ALREADY for a day.

We both stood up and went a little closer to the door where ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT I had to go first for safety reasons. I look at Olivia THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE and I already miss her, steps forward and places IM ALREADY MISSING HER TOUCH her hand on my shoulder "bil I promise you I will come back right up until you get out of this place however long that is" she SHE REALLY IS LIKE FINNEAS smiled, I wrapped my arms I WANT HER TO KNOW I DO CARE around her waist and pulled her into a HOLD HER FOREVER hug, I wanted her to stay with more for longer PLEASE DONT GO IM BEGGING YOU.

Olivia slowly and gently PULL ME CLOEER AGAIN pulled PLEASE away then the men stepped forward to me "move it billie, time to go back to your room" one FUCK OFF of them said as he encouraged DONT TOUH ME me to start walking NO LET US STAY WITH OLIVIA away from Olivia.

I looked back at WE DONT WANT TO LEAVE HER Olivia one more time before I was pushed NO OLIVIA NO down the I CANT GO ON WITHOUT HER BEING HERE corridor towards my room.

I want back to my room and I just sat there in I WANT OLIVIA silence missing Olivia, I was allowed to leave my room but I DONT EVEN WANT FOOD I just chose not too. It was weird missing someone WE WISH HE'D COMR BACK other than finneas, for a long time it felt like finneas NOW WE HAVE OLIVIA TO CALM US DOWN was the only person I could actually care about but my I HATE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING parents forced THEY ARE SO EVIL him to stop visiting.

I dont know if I have any other kinds of feelings than YOU DO friendship TOWARDS YOU LOVE HER DONT YOU  Olivia but I just know I want her around YOU JUST PROVE OUR POINTS me at all times ITS OKAY THOUGH.

I'll just have to wait and wait and wait for Olivia to come back for me...

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