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Wow, two months went by like a second. Me and Brandon are still together, not exactly happily but together. I feel like he's been more distant, we were doing great until he started disappearing during the night and coming back in the morning really early.

I want to trust him but he's making that way to difficult, I feel like I cant talk to him away his weird disappearances incase of him getting angry because that has happened a few times when I've slightly brought it up.

Enough about Brandon now Billie, we are great I've honestly never felt closer to billie. We spend most days together when I'm not at work or with Brandon hanging in her bedroom watching movies or just talking. I still feel so much for her but I just cant commit to them in hear that it might be a mistake, and plus I'm with Brandon and that would make me feel 10x more guilty.

Everything else has been pretty stable my parents just being my shit parents as usual, finneas and claudia being the most chilliest people ever. That about it.


"Brandon! Who the fuck is Melissa!?" I shouted as I held Brandon's phone infront of him showing all the texts between them "none of your fukcing business! Why are you going through my texts?!" He yelled back as he got much angrier, I honestly feared him when he got angry but right now I was livid and didn't give a shit.

"You're fucking cheating on me with some whore! This is why you always piss of and leave me here at your apartment!" I could almost see fire in his eyes as he looked at me, I could feel his eyes burning right into my soul "god you're such a bitch! I'm so tried of this!" That was was made me me hit my breaking point "DONT YOU DARE FUCKING START WITH THAT! YOU'RE JUST A SELFISH ASSHOLE AND I'M DONE WITH ALL YOUR SHIT!" I never intended to get this heated but I had a perfectly fine excuse for being do angry at him.

"YOU'RE DONE WITH ME!? I'VE HAD TO PUT UP WITH BILLIE ALWAYS BEING YOUR FIRST CHOICE!" he was really going to start with all that bullshit, I went back to him after he hurt me, billie always warned me but I never listened. I really wish I had listened now.

"I DONT EVEN GET WHY YOU FUCK AROUND WITH THAT PSYCHO BITCH!" He can talk shit about me all he wants but when he brings billie into this that's when it gets serious. I looked at him with pure disgust "YOU HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO TALK SHIT ABOUT BILLIE! DONT YOU EVER TALK ABIUT HER LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I completely lost it, I threw his phone that I was holding and it hit the ground making it smash.

"THATS MY FUCKING PHOEN YOU BITCH!" I then felt a fist hit my face causing me to fall down to the ground. I looked up at Brandon in terror as blood started to gush form my nose, he just started at me with a smirk "this is for shouting at me!" He growled before kicking me in the stomach.

I curled up into a little ball in pain as I cried begging him to just stop kicking me.

I was continuous for a few more horrible seconds before everything went pitch black and I felt numb.


My eyes snapped open as soon as I woke up, I sat up quickly and looked around. As I sat up I felt all the pain from last night, I looked at my surroundings and I was still laying on the cold wooden flooring with blood smeared all over it.

I managed to find my way to my feet and I wondered to then bathroom. I stared into the mirror am the was blood all ove rmy face from when Brandon punched me, I lifted up my shirt revealing huge red bruises all over my body. It pained me seeing myself like this.

After staying in the bathroom for a fe minutes just to wash my face and make sure I looked presentable to be seen outside I decided I needed to get out of here so I walked back into the living room and to the front door only to get dragged away from it and pinned to the nearest wall.

I looked up at Brandon as he kept his hand placed tightly around my neck "if you fucking tell anyone about this I will kill your precious little baby billie! Understand!?" He snapped, I just looked at him as a single tear slid down my face "do you fucking understand!?" I quickly nodded to him and he let go of me.

"Oh and don't ever shout at me or touch my stuff again" he said calmly but in a stern and pretty scary tone.

I nodded to him once again, I quickly grabbed my things and left his apartment. I made my way down the stairwell and to the parking lot to start walking home.

As I walked around I just felt like crying and screaming at the top of my lungs, I finally felt like I had some power last night only for it to be ripped away from me. Now I'm just stuck in this relationship that is hurting me so much mentally and physically.

I eventually got home and I walked straight into one of my parents fights. Great. I was dragged into the fight they were having and I was forced to put up my walls again. Recently things had been good with them, no fighting, less drinking, less drugs, more calmness and happiness in this house. I was for once in my life feeling safe here and like I could be myself more. But not anymore.

After countless hours of shouting and swearing at my parents went to my room and just cried. I cried for so long, it felt like I was crying forever.

Just when I though thinsg were getting better and I'd find be out of the dark hole of depression I get pulled right back into it.

I just hope I can stay strong...

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