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I've been staying with finneas, claudia and billie for the past week and my parents are furious about It. They been sending constant threats to us all if i dont come back home to them, I dont want to go back at all because of that now. I know how they will treat me because of this but I am still so so so grateful for finneas and claudia letting me stay here.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I hear finneas shout at someone as me and billie lay in her bed watching tv, I was laying with my head on her shoulder with her arms around me like usual "sir you need to move, we are here for Olivia Miller" as soon as I heard my name said aloud I looked up at billie.

We quickly jumped up as we heard people starting to walk in and out of the different rooms of the house and finneas shouting.

Suddenly the door slammed open and those same familiar men were back...

The men in all white from the mental hospital...

Why are they here?

What did I do?

What's going to happen to me?

"Olivia Miller right?" One of the men said to me, I nodded slowly as I looked up at him "perfect well it's time to go, guys" he said then signalled for the other men to grab me by my arms like they did the first time.

"what the fuck is going on!? Get off me!" I shouted as they dragged me out of the room. Everyone was shouting at them and begging them to not take me away.

I looked back at billie who was stood in her room at the end of the hall way, she was silent, she was just stood there with hard tears streaming down her cheeks. It was hard to look at her like that, but just made my heart ache.

I kicked and screamed trying to break free but eventually I gave up and caved.

I was handcuffed up in the back of the van they came in, the back doors of the van had little windows so I could sort of see out of them, I saw finneas yelling at one if guys, claudia was on the brink of tears as she also shouted at them and billie was now stood by the front door still crying. I dont think she had really processed that I'd be gone for a while until out of no where she came running at the van.

She came to the window where I could see out and she could see in, we both placed our hands together over the glass and she mouthed to me the words "i love you" i couldn't help but smile through my tears and I said it back before we were separated.

I stared out the window at them all holding each other as they got smelling and smaller.

After a while of sitting and waiting in the back of the van I ended up falling asleep, as I slept I had a dream about billie. It wasn't anything to special I just hugged her, but it was a proper hug that was warm and tight like we relied of each others touch.


"Olivia it's time to wake up" I heard a really familiar voice call out, I slowly opened my eyes to see Cheryl leaning over me with a little smile "it's nice to see a familiar face liv" she said cheerfully.

I just looked at her as painful tears started to build up in my eyes, I sat up and leaned back again the cold stone wall. Cheryl looked at me with a sad frown then sat down next to me. she pulled me into a embrace, knowing this would be the only human touch I'd feel for at least a couple weeks I held onto her and took it all in because you cant have visitors until you've stayed for 2-3 weeks.

I let out all the tears and cried into Cheryl's chest "why the fuck am I back here!?" I cried out, she rubbed her hand  up and down my back as she listened to me go on and on about not wanting to be here right now.

Once my cries had finally quieted down she pulled away and looked me in the eyes "Olivia you are strong and powerful and you've done so much, you got in touch with billies brother and managed to get her out of here, you got a job and started your life there are so many other things" I just listened to her words as I felt the tears fading away "you will get through this, you being here is just a little bump on a bumpy ride, it will pass and go before you know it" she smiled and I managed to give her a little smile "thank you Cheryl, it means alot to hear you say those kinds of things"

We sat and talked for a bit because It was in the middle of the day so I had a few hours before dinner was served to me and everyone else in the hospital.

"Alright Liv, you should probably get out to the home room and maybe try to meet some new people, I know you can because look at you and billie right now" she said with a warming laugh making me laugh a little too, I smiled at her and nodded

She got up and left to go do her other duties, I looked in the little plastic nailed to the wall as a "mirror" and I made sure I looked a little better and not like I'd been crying.

Once I was finally done I brushed my hair and walked out of my room, I headed into the main room where there were three tables, a TV and a little mat infront of the tv. There were 5 people spread across the tables and 3 sat on the little mat by the tv.

There was this guy sat at one of the tables alone, he had black hair that wasn't long but it was short, he had tattoos running up both his arms and a few small ones on his face. He was just looking down.

I gulped and walked over to his table and lightly tapped on it to catch his attention but not alarm him "hey could I sit here?" I said quietly.

He looked up at me and nodded "sure" he had a deep voice that fit his look perfectly "I'm Olivia" I said with a smile, he looked over at me again and smiled too "Gustav, but you can call me gus"

"Well gus, it's nice to meet you"

He seems nice.

I wouldn't mind having a friend around here.

a/n: hey guys sorry for the slow update my phone is currently broken and it's making it pretty hard to type up everything so sorry if my posts are late.

I also just wanted to talk about the character 'Gustav'. His face claim is lil peep but specifically this era

he looks like this with all the tattoos and everything but his hair is just plain black in this book

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he looks like this with all the tattoos and everything but his hair is just plain black in this book.

I understand he passed away in 2017 so all my condolences to him family and friends, he will forever be missed by everyone.

That's all I had to say so I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters :))

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