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"Wow, this place is beautiful Brandon" I said happily as I looked around at the restaurant Brandon had brought me to for our date that I decided to say yes to.

We were at a big fancy restaurant that wa really expensive, Brandonw as able to take me out here because he started up in the music career. He told me he's always had a passion for making music and finally decided to just go for it so he got together with a few of his other friends who were already in the music industry to show him the ropes and help him produce his first track.

Brandon's been treating me to things all week to make up for what happened between us.

"Yeah I know right, a couple of my guys said it was nice but this is much more than nice" he replied back to me as we both stared around in amazement of how great this place is.

We made our way very to the front desk where a waitress was stood, we threw me a clearly fake smile then Brnaodn a real one making it very obvious to tell the difference. "Table for Adams" Brandon said with a smile, she looked on her computer for a moment then stood up "alright you too, right this way" she walked off into the main room and we followed behind her.

We were brought to a nice little table by a big window with a perfect view of the sun that wa just beginning to set.

We got the menus and we looked at them "so you're birthday is next week isn't it babe?" Brandon asked as he looked up from his menu, I nodded and he smiled "I'm going to do something so special for you" I giggled as his response "baby you dont have to go that, your company is all I want"


Ten minutes later we had ordered our drinks and they were just brought to us, after getting our drinks we ordered our meals.

Every time the waitress came over she flirted with Brandon and he seemed to act the same back, I ignored it and told myself I was overreacting because I didn't want to start anything with him and ruin this little date we had going on.

"Shes so lucky to have some a great man like you that would take her to such a nice restaurant" the waitress said touching Brandon's shoulder, he looked up at her with a certain sparkle in him eyes that I'd never seen before "oh thank you but I'm sure you have someone much better" they both laughed.

Finally this bitch of a waitress was done flirting with my boyfriend and started actually doing her job, she disappeared off to go serve other people or so I thought.

A few minutes passed and Brandon took a sip of his drink and stood up "I'll be right back, I'm gonna head to the bathroom" he gave me a weird smile and walked off but I brushed it off.

I pulled out my phone and Billie had texted me, I automatically smiled when I saw her name in my notifications.

Bil ❤


il ❤: hey liv, I know you're on a date but just text me so I know you're okay :)

I answered her back telling her that I'm fine and everything was going okay then I put my phone down and waited for Brandon to come back.

Brandon... (ew this will be interesting)

After seeing that fine ass waitress I had to go and work my charm with her and get what I want.

I walked towards the bathroom that was past where all the waitresses 5took the dishes of food from to take to the tables, she was stood there waiting so I glanced bakc and Olivia was distracted on he phone so I made my way the the waitress.

"Hey beautiful" I said slowly and quietly into her ear making her turn and smile at me, I gave her the look and took her hand in mine.

I lead her towards the bathroom and nick her into the mens room, as soon as we got in there I checked around and made sure we were in the clear, as soon as w knew it was empty our lips connected.

It started slowly but got much more heated until we were both in a cubicle, I sat down on the toilet seat and she got onto her knees and started undoing my belt and pants.

I looked down at her watching as he pulled down my boxers and started stroking my member, within seconds I was already hard and she took if in her mouth. I tangled up my hand in her hear and gently pushed her head down on me making her gag.

"Fuck baby keep going" I said as my head tilted back and I continued to push her down onto me.

A few minutes passed and I finally came right into her mouth, I let out a breathy moan and released my hand from her head, she looked up at me with a red face "swallow it babygirl" I said as I bit my lip.

She looked me dead in the eyes and swallowed my whole load, I smirked at her and kissed her afterwards "good girl, now how about you put your number in this" I whispered into her lips as I passed her my phone from my pocket.

As she put her number into my phone I ripped up my pants and did my belt then we walked out to the sinks and got cleans up quickly, luckily we were a couple minutes so Olivia hopefully wouldn't get to suspicious about me going off.

I looked at my phone and saw the waitress' number and saw the name 'Melissa'.

I smiled and kissed her one more time before we walked out "call me soon sexy" I said before we parted ways and I went back to the table now with two plates of food on it.

"Hey baby" i said to Olivia as I sat down again "hey Brand, then food came a moment ago so it should still be warm" we exchanged smiles and started eating "it's fine babe".

Then the night went on and on until me and Olivia were both layed up in my bed naked and sweating...

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