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"Hey baby! Give me a hug" Brandon said cheerfully at the front door after he just showed up without warning "what are you doing here?" I asked looking back to see billie stood in the living room looking pretty upset.

"Because you're my girlfriend, buton a real note I was just driving by and I saw no cars, you home alone babe" he said with a smirk that i denied "no I'm not, billies here" when I said that his smirk dropped and turned to frustration "great, always ruining shit for us" he grunted "dont fucking talk about her like that!" I snapped and he rolled his eyes.

He pushed past me and walked into the living room "I want to talk to that fucking freak!" I rushed over to him trying to stop him but he walked over to Billie.

"What's the deal with you!? It's like you're fucking obsessed with her!" He said to Billie aggressively who just stood there looking at him showing no emotion "I'm talking to you!"

"Brandon get put of here for fuck sake!" I shouted at him and he ignored me "you sick fuck! Olivia will never love you!" Brandon said loudly, I looked at Billie and I could tell her blood was boiling.

Billie threw a hard punch at Brandon, she hit him in the face causing his lip to start bleeding "you fucking bitch!" He yelled out in pain then he swung at her, within seconds they were a bloody mess, I had tried shouting at them but that didn't work so I threw myself in the middle of them "Brandon get the fuck away from her!" I shouted as I stood my ground in front of Billie who's nose was bleeding and she had a pretty large cut across her cheek bone.

I push Brandon over an dove until he was closer to the front door than he was to Billie "Brandon what the fuck is your problem!?" Billie sat down on the couch just watching us fight as she held her nose.

"You know what Brandon! I'm done with your shit! we're done!" It was also relieving to say those words to him "you're fucking kidding me! She hit me first!" He shouted back at me trying to act all innocent "you deserved it! Now the the fuck out of here!" I pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face, she banged on the door for a few minutes but soon gave up and left.

I rushed over to Billie "bil I'm so sorry, I didn't know he'd show are and staring shouting at you and I didn't think you start figh-" billie cut me off allowing me to take the breath I didn't know I was holding in "its okay, I liked hitting him. Oh and hearing you dump his ass" we started laughing then I grabbed her a some tissue and band aids for her face.

We sat watching a movie for a bit as Billie held her nose in a tissue after I had cleaned up th cut on her cheekbone.

"Billie I like you a lot, wait no I love you..and I want you to know that from now on it's you and me" I said as I looked over at her, she gave me a smile and said "I love you too, it's you and me against the world" I leaned in a kissed her lips softly "you know watching you shout at him was really hot" billie whispered softly into the kiss "dont remind me of him, I'm thinking of you" she chuckled at my comment and continued to kiss me, it naturally got really heated and there was a lot of tongue action throughout the kiss as well as a lot of touching everywhere.

I pulled back from Billie and looked at her, she gave me 'the look' and I instantly knew what she meant "are you sure bil?" She nodded and pulled me back into a kiss in which I pushed her back on the couch and got on top of her.

At sat on her stomach with my legs either side of her looking down at her, billie ran her hand up my waist and under my shirt pushing it up a little, she looked up at me as she pushed my shirt a little more and I nodded. She pulled off my shirt leaving me in only a bra and my sweatpants and started kissing my neck, the feeling of her warm breath upon my neck drove me absolutely crazy.

"Stop teasing bil!" I moaned out lowly as she left dark bruises all over my body "we aren't doing this of Claudia's precious couch" Billie whispered making me laugh until she caught me by surprise when she stood up holding me in her arms, I wrappe myself legs around her waist lightly kissed the back of her neck.

Billie carried me to her room closing the door behind her, she dropped me down on her bed and got on top of me, I've never seen this side of Billie but I wont say I dont like it.

After that there was a lot of kissing and touching, I fact way more than touching  but I dont kiss and tell


"Wow" I le tout a breath as I layed back in Billies bed next to her "was it okay?" She said as she looked over in my direction "are you kidding me Billie? That was fucking amazing!" I gasped and she smiled.

I rolled over onto my side and I layed my head down her chest "I love you Olivia Miller" i giggled at her comment and looked up at her "well then i love you too Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell" we both started laughing.

"We should probably get cleaned up, finneas and claudia will be back soon" I said as I sat up grabbing one of Billies oversized shirts from the floor and putting it on, billie nodded to me and sat up too. I walked out to the bathroom and took a quick shower then Billie did so too.

"Guys we're back!" Claudia shouted as she and Finneas walked in through the door, I walked out of Billies room and to the kitchen "hey you two" I smiled at them, claudia raised her eyebrows at me "you seem happy, what's going on?" I looked down for a second and decide to not tell them what actually happened.

"Oh nothing me and Bil a real good movie" they nodded silently to me and continued unpacking the shopping.

Billie eventually walked in and Finneas looked over at her "hey billi- what the fuck happened to your face!?" I completely forgot about the fight she and Brandon had "brandon showed up...there was a fight" I said quietly, finneas looked furious "how could you let him fucking hurt Billie!?" Claudia tried to calm him down as he shouted at me.

"no! I wont fucking calm down claudia! That asshole layed hands on my sister! I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!"

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