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When gus dropped me off at the hospital it was pretty late but not to dark out so I managed to stay by claudia rule.

As soon as I walking through the front door Billie srushed up to me and started shouting at me in front of everyone "what the fuck is wrong with you Olivia!? You're not going out with that junkie ever again!" I looked up at her as everyone stared at us.

"Billie dont do this here please.." I looked down as she continued to shout at me "I know you're screwing that fucking low life druggie!" "Billie stop yelling at me I'd never cheat on you!" I snapped back which only made her more angry at me.

Hearing her say those words made me think of Brandon when he accused me and cheating on him with Billie, I really never thought o would then of Brandon when looking at Billie.

"You're a fucking lying!" She screamed then pushed me back with so much force making me fall to the ground, I looked up at her full of fear until I was in complete darkness after she hit me instantly knocking me out.


"You're awake" I heard a warm familiar voice say, I slowly open my eyes more to see claudia standing over me, I look around and I see that I'm in my own hospital room "what happened..?" Claudia looks down, she looks sad and I dont know why, I dont remember what happened "billie hit you.." as soon as she brought up Billie hitting me it all came back to me "i..remember"

I look at the door an didn't see Billie looking through the glass at me, she looks sad an guilty for what she did but I dont look at her right now "claudia can you get gus to come here now?" She nods and gets up to go make the call on he phone in Finneas' room.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling when I here the door creak open "liv.." I hear, my head snaps forwards and i see Billie stood by the door "i dont want to see you billie" I roll over and turn my back to her but she stays stood there "I'm sorry liv, I really am" she says, I can tell shes been crying from the sad tone she is talking in. It breaks my heart to listen to her but I'm not ready to forgive her yet "leave me alone"

Its silent for a second before I hear the door creak closed, i turn back and Billie is gone. Part of me wanted he to stay and keep pushing me to talk to her but then I honestly dont want to see her at this moment.

Claudia come back into my room a few minutes later with a smile "gus is on his way, it will be nice to properly meet him" I smile back.

Me and claudia sit and talk for a little while until there was a little knock on the door, I thought it may be billei so I didn't want to look up "come in?" claudia called out to whoever it was and the door opened revealing gus.

He looked heartbroken seeing me like that "you must be Gustav, liv talks about you alot" claudia says as she stands up, gus smiles and laughs "yeah call me gus please, and all good things I hope" he shakes her hands and they talk a little bit before claudia walks out and leaves us alone.

Gus sits down in the seat that claudia was previously sat in and he looks at me "what happened? How did this happen?" He looks me dead in the eyes waiting for any answer.

I broke the eye contact and looked down "billie..she got angry and she has a hard time controlling herself..." I felt guilty about telling him Billie did it because I didn't want him to think badly of Billie

"She what? Are you serious? That's no excuse to hurt you, she cant her angry and think it's only to leave you with a black eye" he said sternly as he held onto my hand "gus dont worry about it, we are working on it and shes getting better I promise" I said trying to convince him that billie isn't like this usually.

We talked for a while until sarah walke din with a warm smile "everything is okay with you liv, you are free to go but just take it easy" I nod and smile back to her "thank you so much sarah I'll be out of here in 10 for you" Sarah flashes me one more quick smile before she walks out.

"I'll wait outside whilst you get yourself ready and maybe we can go back to my apartment, I live with tracy" gus smiles and gets up to go to the door "yeah that would be great I'll be out in a minute" he nods and walks out.

I quickly change out the hospital gown I was dressed in, I did my hair and I always leave a little makeup in my bag so I put a thin layer on so I look a little less like I've been beaten up.

After getting ready I was walking towards the door when I heard two familiar voices shouting back and forth at each other, it suddenly hit me, I let gus go out there whilst Billie is just wondering around. I rushed out the room to see gus and Billie stood in the middle of the corridor shouting at each other. I quickly made my way over to them and tried to stop them.

"You cant just hit her when you get angry you asshole! Do you know what she went through with Brandon!?" Gus shouted, I managed to get in between the two of them "guys stop it! No more fighting!" I pushed both of them away from each other "she has no excuses to hurt you when she decides to have a tantrum!" Billie looked hurt that he wa stalking about her like that, I mean he had no idea she had schizophrenia.

"Gus stop shouting at her you dont know anything about her! She is schizophrenic!" Gus went completely silent after i shouted at him and billie was just stood there silently looking down.

"Its me or him" billie said bluntly as I stood in the middle of them "atheists not fair bil" I looked down knowing I would feel guilty no matter who I chose.

"Liv you know much much I like you"

"But liv you know I'm inlove with you I told you before our second first time"

"Me or her liv..."

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