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"GET THE FUCK OFF ME! LET GO OF ME! MOM!" I screamed as the men in white clothing held me by my arms and legs, I looked back at my mother whow a just standing back by the front door staring at me with a smirk glued to her face.

I kicked and screamed until I was handcuffed in the back of a white van, the men in white clothing disappeared off into the front seats and started up the engine of the van. There was like guy with me in the back of the van, he smirked as we dug a needle into my neck and injected me with something that made me extremely tired.

I looked around for a few seconds as I slowly lost all consciousness.

Hold on, let me take you right back to where all of their shit started and how I  ended up in the back of some van being sent of to a mental hospital.

My name is Olivia Miller, I'm 17 years old and I live with both my parents, Carol and Phill

I used to have all the friends, the perfect life, everything you'd ever want. I was one of the "popular girls" with my three other best friends, Casey, Jessica and Ava. It was just the four of us together since middle school when we all met and became best friends. Everything changed when I went to high school, I realised how different I was to them. All they cared about was looking all pretty to get all the hottest boys but I didn't want the hottest boy, I wanted the prettiest, cutest girls more, that's right I realised I liked girls as well as guys and when I tried to tell Casey, Jessica and Ava how is was feeling they thought I was disgusting an dthey told everyone my secret.

After I told them my sexuality they instantly stopped being friends with me an di began getting bullied by a bunch of boys in the year just above me.

With all that stress at school my home life was even worse, my parents were both heavy drug addicts and they didn't give a shit about me or anything other than themselves. I was an only child they didn't even plan me, they made it very very clear I was an accident.

My dad would hit me continuously until I was screaming as loud as possible begging him to stop until I was sitting in my own blood after him hitting me so hard. That wasn't the only way he hurt me, he had been touching and raping me since I was only 9 but he taught me to think it was all normal until I finally realised it was wrong.

Now onto my mom, she would beat me if I did anything wrong. Like if I didn't clean the house straight after school she'd throw glass bottles at me letting the glass peirce into my skin. Shes burn me with her cigarette whenever she was in a bad mood and needed something to get rid of her anger.

There was so much more abuse physically an mentally that drove me to such depression.

The reason I was being dragged into the back of a psych ward van was because I was tire dof all the shit I was going through, i wanted to end things so i could finally be at peace. I stole a couple of dad's razor blades from his tool kit that he had only ever touch when he was angry and wanted to  smash things. Anyways after I stole it I went to the bathroom I sat into the floor and cried, I cried as I dug the blade into my wrist and I dragged it through my skin tearing it to pieces.

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