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After the visiting time was up WE WANT OLIVIA BACK NOW and Olivia left I made my way to the home room where everyone else was and I sat down trying to HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK ABOUT HER distract myself from what I ahd just seen, i mean i knew Olivia WE JUST WANT HER TO BE OKAY wasn't mentally okay but what was the reason she did that to herself, her SHES SO BEAUTIFUL perfect skin WHY CANT SHE SEE HOW AMAZING SHE IS.

I starte thinking about it more, I felt my breathing WHAT IF SHES DOING IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW start to get heavy and my mind start to WHAT IS SHE GETS HURT BADLY FROM IT go crazy.

Within seconds I was a mess, I was screaming and shouting, throwing things around, then I was pain down to the ground.










"SHE'S OKAY! SHE WILL BE FINE! SHE WILL STAY WITH ME!" I screamed down WHAT IF SHES NOT OKAY the halls as I was violently dragged away from the NO WE HAVE TO SEE HER AGAIN main room by two men, my vision was a WE CANT LET HER GO blurry wreck. I was soon thrown into one of those I HATE THESE ROOMS cell like rooms, the room was just stone everywhere, no I HATE THE FLOOR furniture at I HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING HERE all just a toilet and a mat on the floor to sleep on.

I had been IM ALWAYS IN HELL WHEN SHES NOT NEAR in one of rooms many times before they all just seemed to get NOTHING EVER GETS BETTER worse and worse, I hated it in here, there was nothing to think about, nothing to WHATS THE POINT distract me, nothing to motivate me to try and get better.


A couple days later, I was still stuck in that same room. I only got 10 minutes a day in the yard area outside and 20 minutes to eat so not much was happening until I heard the door loudly push open.

"Billie, you have a visitor" I looked at the man WHO IS VISITING standing there in confusion, it wouldn't be Olivia, today is not I WISH IT WAS THE DAY SHE VISITS the day she usually comes and my family I WISH FINNEAS COULD STILL COME dont visit me anymore, not after what I did. I almost stabbed THAT WAS A TERRIBLE DAY my mom the day I was told I was being sent back here.

"Who?" I said as I told ANSWER US NOW me to get up so he could walk me down to the room "I cant say, it's a surprise i was told" i rolled WHY CAN TYOU FUCKING TELL ME my eyes and kept walking until I was there and I walked TIME TO SEE WHO IT IS into the room with no clue who would be there.

As soon as i walked in NO WAY my jaw dropped to WE'RE ALL SEEING THINGS the ground and I instantly ran at them being completely engulfed in their arms "finneas! I missed you so much!" I said I CANT BELIEVE FINNEAS IS BACK into finneas' chest as he held WE ALL MISSED HIM SO MUCH onto me "I know bil, i know, I missed you too" I looked I HOPE HE STAYS FOREVER up at him and he smiled then kissed my forehead.

"How are you here?" I asked "mom and dad dont know im here so I dont know how much I can visit a week" he replied, that FINN WILL LIKE OLIVIA started the conversation about Olivia. I told finneas WHO WOULDN'T LIKE OLIVIA all about Olivia and how she visits every couple I HOPE SHE VISITS SOON of days, I explained how happy she makes me.

finneas told me about SHE SEEMS NICE his new girlfriend Claudia, he seemed to be YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH OLIVIA really in lover with her, the feeling he felt for claudia were BILLIE HAS A HUGE CRUSH ON OLIVIA what I felt for Olivia but I didn't know how to put them into words.

soon our hour NO DONT EVER END PLEASE came to an end and as usual I got jittery and shaky FINNEAS IS THE BEST but finneas helped me calm down just like WE STILL MISS OLIVIA Olivia did. It was the best seeing finneas again , him and Olivia are  THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE EVER the only people who actually bothered to stay in my MY SHIT LIFE MORE LIKE life.

after the hour  NO NO NO was fully up and I had given DONT GO PLEASE finneas a HE GIVES THE BEST HUGS EVER long hug goodbye I was taken back to the same GREAT IM STUCK HERE AGAIN room to sit and do nothing all day.


I want to found about who this girl is that billie is talking about non stop, it seems like billie really likes this girl.

Once billie goes I head up to the reception to see what I can do.

"Hey jannet do you have a number for Olivia Miller?" I ask Jannet the receptionist with a smile "yes i do, but finneas you know i cant give that information out" shit "come on please, j want to meet that girl who is making my little sister so happy" I said hoping she might give in for me, she sighed "fine but dont tell anyone"  she laughed as she wrote down the number on a piece of paper then passed it to me "dont worry, you're secret safe with me" I laughed then walked out the entrance.

I worked back to to my car and got in next to claudia who sat waiting for me "how did it go?" She asked and smiled "it was great, billie looks amazing. Shes been talking about this girl and I got her number, so I'm hoping I can meet her"

We talked about Olivia and how happy she makes billie, I could see how much she meant to billie with the amount of pure passion billie had in her eyes whilst she spoke about her.

I dialled the number I was given into my phone and out it on speaker, me and claudia sat there listening and hoping this mystery girl would pick up her phone.

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