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It's been a couple days since I met gus, we've gotten to know each other a lot more and I've learned that he's a really nice guy and he's in because hes a drug addict and his parents didn't want to pay the price of a rehabilitation program.

Surprisingly enough I felt totally comfortable with opening up to him, I told him out my parents and I told him about Billie and how we met in here. I basically told him the story of my boring life which he seemed to find interesting.

"Gustav you know you can't be in here, it's out of bounds to be in another patients room" one of the nurses said as she walked into my room to do her daily checks on everyone since it was cheryl's day off, her name was Sharon.

"Come on you know I don't like being called Gustav" gus groaned out as he got up from my bed where we were sat looking at some comic his mom had brought his at visiting once, we liked to read it and add funny voices to the little characters. "Cant he just stay for a little bit longer, you can clearly see we are just reading a book" I said rolling my eyes.

"Look you two, I would love to let you be but it's the rules so gus out you come" she said with a frown "plus dinner is in a few minutes so you both might as well come out" she smiled then walked out the room.

"Well we should get going" gus said as he got up from my bed stretching a little, I looked up at him watching as he yawned and stretched. I wont lie he's honestly really attractive, sometimes I cant myself staring at him, his silky brown eyes, all his intricate tattoos, his long dark hair, his bright glowing smile. I could go on and on.

Me and gus made our ways out the the home room and sat around with a few other people that we had introduced ourselves to, some new and some old. I didn't really get a chance to meet many people last time I was here because I spent most of my time alone with Billie since shes not the type to happily go and sit with a crowd of people.

We made friends with this guy called Aaron, he was a really cool dude, he was a rapper. He started making music benches has dissociative identity disorder and he thought it would be cool to have music with all of his different personalities and identities. It sounded crazy when he first explained it but soon it started to actually sound like a pretty cool idea to show awareness for his disorder.

We met this other guy who was called Lucas who also had Schizophrenia like Billie but he had a much more mild case of it meaning he didn't have episodes as bad as Billies and he had them a lot less frequently than she did.

We had ourselves a little friend group but me and gus usually just hung out alone together.


The next morning at mid day after lunch me and gus sat in the main room just talking about random things until Cheryl walking in and looked around for a second because spotting me and coming over to me and gus.

"Liv I have some news you'll love" she had a huge smile on her face as she spoke, I looked at her then gus and we both shared the same look of confusion until Cheryl finally spoke up again.

"So you have a few visitor here to see you" as soon as she said visitors I thought of Billie and i immediately got excited "is it Billie?!" I said cheerfully and she nodded, I jumped up from my seat.

I looked back at gus and smiled "I'll see you in a bit gus?" I said and he nodded with a smile knowing I had been talking about eventually being about to see Billie none stop.

Cheryl took me down to the visiting room and I took a deep breath before walking in just so I could collect myself.

I walked in and was instantly held into a tight embrace from the girl with the vanilla scent. I held onto billie as much as I could knowing I only had an hour to see her "I missed you so much bil" I whispered I to her ear in a soft tone.

After what felt like forever we were brought about from our embrace and I went over to give Finneas and claudia each hugs since they just stood there as me and Billie held onto each other for dear life.

We all sat down, Finneas and claudia in front of me then Billie sat next to me smiling. "So how has it been in here?" Finneas asked "shitty as usual, but I met this guy called gus, well Gustav. Anyways he's really nice and I don't feel so alone now" I said happily, claudia and Finneas gave each other a look then just smiled it off which was weird.

We talked more about how I'm doing in here and how they're all doing their best to get my put of here which I appreciate a bunch.

"So have you heard from Brandon?" I asked lowly, as I asked I felt Billie move a little and I looked over to her, she had a blank face showing only the smallest bit of sadness "yeah he actually called your phone so I picked up and explained, he said he'd do his best to visit sometime soon?" Claudia replied back to my question with a small smile.

We continued talking for a while until we only have 20 minutes left of the visiting hour. Finneas and claudia stood up and smiled at both me and Billie "alright, we'll give you some time alone for a bit" claudia said happily as they both made their ways towards the door and left us behind.

I looked at Billie then I turned my chair so I was naturally facing her, she noticed me do that and did the same thing "I really missed you liv" billie smiled at me, I looked back at her and smiled too.

I stood up and looked down at her dat there "come here you bozo, I want another hug" I said to her making her laugh and jump up from her seat. I wrapped my arms around her neck to soon feel Billies around wrap back around my waist and pull me to her body.

I bury my face in the crook of her neck and I close my eyes, for a moment I forget that I'm trapped in some horrible place away from Billie and I imagine I'm back on the outside and in Billies room again.

I feel Billies hand running up my back giving me shivers, the good shivers that make you feel warm inside.

I eventually open my eyes and look back up at her, she looks back at me locking us both into a mesmerising gaze. We hold it for a few more minutes before we found our faces getting closer and closer, I feel her warm breath hit my lips.

"Billie...we shouldn't.." I said in a breathy tone, i didn't want this to end at all but I'm still with Brandon and I don't want to loose Billie at a friend as much as I want her as more.

Billie pulls back a few inches so we aren't to close and she saying "you're right...now is not the right time" we shared a little smile before I got back up on my tip toes and kissed her cheek.

"Please come and visit again bil, I'm really glad I got to see you to day" billie nodded to me and pulled me closer again for another quick little hug "of course I'll come back for you Liv, I'll always come back if you're here" I smiled when I heard her voice.

Just like that she was gone and I was back in my cold hospital room thinking about her touch and missing it so much.

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