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I miss billie, and Finneas, and claudia, even gus too and I only just met him but I know that I'll have to travel around in foster homes until I can be with them all again, all this will be worth it in the end.

Two days earlier...

Nothing had really happened recently, billie, finneas and claudia came to visit every few days as usual. I had a couple unexpected visits from Brandon, they went better than expected, he was being nice to me like when we first met, he was fortunately did show me the new aggressive side of himself.

I was sat in the main room next to gus, Aaron and Lucas when Cheryl walked in, she had a smile on her face when she approached us all "Finneas has come to visit you, he said its important" she said. I looked back at the others and they shrugged, I stood up and gave gus a little wave before walking off with Cheryl.

We made a little small talk on the way down to the visitation room about how each of our days were going and and upcoming things that were planned. Once we were at the visitation room Cheryl smiled and said she'd be waiting outside the room for me.

I nodded to her and walked into the room expecting to see Billie and claudia too but it was only Finneas sat at the table. Finneas got up with a bright smile on his face "hey liv, how are you doing?" He said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead like usual "hey finn,  what a nice surprise, I've been good you?"

We talked for a little while about Billie and claudia and how they're both doing, he said they were going pretty good.

"Alright, now what I really came to see you for...you remember when I came to tell you about the whole CPS thing well they decided that you aren't fit to live with your parents anymore" he said, I felt a heavy heartbeat in my chest but I couldn't tell if it was excitement or fear for what he'd say next.

"Am I staying with you?" I asked, he looked down then shook his head "no, not yet, you have to stay at a few foster homes so me and claudia can apply to be foster parents so we can foster you" I couldn't help but smile knowing that eventually I'd be back with him, claudia and most of all Billie.

"Liv I just need to know something important...are you and bil..you know, more than friends?" I gulped at finneas' question not knowing what to answer him with because of course I like Billie, I've admitted it to myself I just dont know if she feels the same way. I look Finneas then down again.

"I dont know" that was all i could get out, finneas really made me think about Billie and how I feel towards her. I mean we almost kissed a couple visitations ago but we didn't.

"That's okay, do you have feelings for her?" He gave me one of his warm smiled making me feel more comfortable about coming out about my feelings, I looked at him and nodded "that's all i need to know so i can make sure that CPS know that, I'll do that so they know we might one day adopt you but not for you to be our daughter but to keep you out of your parents house making it okay if you and Billie ever...become more" we shared another smile.

"Also the schedule got pushed up so you'll get picked up not tomorrow but the day after, obviously we'll all come down here to say goodbye to you" I nodded to him "me and claudia have already started doing the paperwork for our home to become a foster home to hopefully you wont be gone for to long"

We talked more and more until our time was up and we both got up "thank you so much Finneas, thank you for doing all this for me" I said making my eyes go a little teary, he pulled me closer and held onto me "you never have to thank em for anything, I want you to be safe and happy olivia"

One day earlier...

I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm trying to figure out how to tell gus that I'm leaving. I'm doing terrible at it, so far I've just avoided him because I feel guilty that I'm telling him so late about everything that's going, I want to tell him about CPS and that I'm going with them tomorrow but I dont think it's a good idea.

"Olivia!" I heard a deep silky voice call from down the corridor, I know it was gus so I started to speed up trying to get down to my room "Olivia you cant run from me forever" he said but I continued to ignore him and I rushed into my room.

I sat down on my bed but within seconds he appeared in my room "Olivia what the fuck is going on with you!" I never hear him raise his voice but this time I did "I'm getting out tomorrow okay!" I snapped back not wanting to see the look on his face.

I eventually did look up and his expression was a mix of shock and sadness "what do you mean? Your getting out?" I nodded slowly "yeah I'm leaving this place, I didn't know how to tell you gus" he sat down next to me and moved a little to face me "you were worried about telling me?" He asked and I nodded.

He looked into my eyes and held my hand "it's okay liv, I understand" he gave me a smile and I did so back "I'll come visit you as soon as I can I promise gus" he had this glow in his eyes that I'd never seen before when I told him that.

"Gustav" cheryl called from outside the door making s both jump "you know what I'm about to say" we all laughed and gus stood up "yes yes, I'm going Cheryl" she nodded and walked off down the corridor. I stood up and instantly found myself wrapped around gus tightly, I didn't want to leave him because he just made this place so much better.

I looked up at him and we shared a smile before walking out of my room together so we could spend more time together

The day I left...

I've been dreading this day since Finneas brought CPS into my life, of course I love and appreciate him doing this all for me but I cant help my nerves right now. I'm honestly terrified about leaving because I have no idea where I'll be going to stay and who I'll be staying with.

Cheryl appeared at the door of my room with a smile "all packed up?" She asked, I nodded as I ripped up the little bag they'd give you to carry your stuff in. "I'm gonna miss you liv, but I also dont want to see you back here"  she joked making the both of us laugh.

"Hey Cheryl do me a favour and make sure gus stays on the right tracks" I smiled as I grabbed my bag "of course I will, I can tell he's gonna miss you a lot"  her words meant a lot to me.

I grabbed the last of my things that I would just carry and we left, as we walked into the main room two men in white showed up to walk me down to the main entrance. We stopped in the home room so I could say goodbye to everyone I was friends with.

Gus, Aaron and Lucas were all sat at our table that we had claimed, when they saw me walk in with the men and all my stuff they stood up.

I dropped everything to the floor and walked over to them, Lucas was closest to me so I went for him first and he pulled me into an embrace "be good on the outside and dont come back here little one" he always called me because the three of them are all three years older than me, I hated it but right now I was okay with it.

I pulled away and looked up at him, I smiled "see you later Lucas"

I moved onto Aaron, he smiled and stuck his hand out for me to shake because we wasn't really one for hugs. I shook his hand and smiled at him "enjoy yourself out there liv" i broke the hand shake and gave him a little fist bump "you too, look after yourself"

Then eventually I was at gus, he was much much taller then Aaron and Lucas so I felt like I was looking up much farther, I immediately clung myself around him and held onto him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head "I will miss you so much gus"

"I'm going to miss having you around here too liv" he said looked down at me as our hug slowly broke apart "I'll visit you as soon as i can"

We exchanged a few more small words before Cheryl reminded me that Billie, Finneas and claudia are waiting. I nodded to her and stepped up on my tip toes to kiss gus' cheek "I'll see you soon gus, goodbye" Aaron and Lucas cheered gus on when I kissed his cheek then they got quiet when i looked at them. We all broke into laughter until I wa slightly pushed along by one of the men in white.

"Its time to go Olivia" he said sternly making me walk forward, I waved at gus and the others then we left.

We made our ways down to the front entrance and Cheryl gave me a hug "good luck liv" she kissed my cheek and I walked towards the unfamiliar people who were waiting with Billie, Finneas and claudia.

Present day...

As we drive away wine of the guys talks to me about what's going to happen but I end up not getting any of it and I just think about Billie and gus.

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