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Me and claudia were just casually strolling around the park letting billie and Olivia have their alone time when I got a text form Olivia.

I pulled out my phone and opened the text form Olivia.

Olivia :)

Finneas can you guys come back billie is looking like shes about to have one of her episodes.

When I saw that text pure panic filled my head and my heart "claud, we need to get back to liv and bil right now" I handed her my phone to show he rthe text and she agreed.

Straight away we headed back to them as fast as possible, the whole way there I was trying to think about what could be triggering this episode, we're at a park its peaceful and quiet, there no one to disturb her. It must've been something Olivia did or said to her.

Finally we were at the place where we left Olivia and billie. They weren't there, we glanced around until finally a little down the pathway we spotted them but not in a good way.

Olivia we on the ground bawling her eyes out as billie towered over her gripping onto a handful of Olivia's hair. Billies knuckles were covered with blood and Olivia's nose was jad blood gushing from it "Claudia you go for Liv! I'll go for bil!" I shouted as we rushed down to them.

I wrapped my arms around billies waist and pulled her back, I had always known how to get billie off and away from someone because of all her outbursts she had when we were younger and she tackle other kids form school to the ground until they were crying and begging her to leave them alone.

"Billie! What the fuck are you doing!" I finally tore her away from Olivia as Claudia held her limp, passed out body in her arms "SHE WAS BEING BITCH! SHE SI DATING THAT FUCKING GUY!" i instantly knew she wa stalking about Brandon and I held her tighter "bil it's okay" she sat in between my legs and I slowly rocked her back and forth to calm her down.

Claudia called my parents to come help get Olivia to the hospital to get her check whilst I drove billie home and tucked her into bed to make sure she wouldn't do anything else. After getting billie settled I sat out in the kitchen and I called claudia to see how Olivia was doing.

(Finneas:bold Claudia:italic)

"Hey how's liv doing?"

"Shes stable right now, her nose is fractured and her ankle is sprained badly from I'm guessing whenever she fell"

"Shit, have her parents showed"

I asked because we never got to meet Olivia's parents, she always said they were busy whenever we brought them up

"Yeah, they were in her emergency contacts as well us and billie, anyways they showed up clearly drunk"

I got of the phone with claudia and and left Billie a little note telling her I went to go do shopping so I could go and visit Olivia.

When I got to the hospital I asked the receptionist about Olivia then j was allowed to go and visit her, I walked down a couple corridors and a couple flights of stairs until I was finally at her room.

I knocked on the door and walked in to see claudia and Brandon sat in there talking, as soon as I walked in Brandon stood up "hey Claudia told me you guys helped liv so I just want to thank you for that guys" he smiled, he was actually pretty nice after talking to him for some time but I still didn't want Olivia involved with him.

Finally Olivia began to wake up, she glanced around at us. First Brandon, then me, then Claudia "wheres billie?" Was the only thing she managed to say with her gravely voice "don't worry shes not here" i smiled "who's billie?" Brandon said looking around at us all.

We tried to explain the situation with billie to him but he just got angry that billie hurt Olivia after everything she did for her "no I won't fuckimg calm down! Your fucked up sister hurt Olivia! You need to throw her back in the fucking mental hospital!" He cursed at me as he stepped forward to me "Brandon...stop it.." Olivia slurred out quietly as Claudia tried to calm Brandon down.

"Dont fucking talk about my sister like that!" I shouted as he started to get me angrier and angrier until we all stopped and turned to Olivia as she spoke up "it's my fault...I said some fucked up shit to her.." Brandon stepped back as I moved closer to the bed "what did you say?" I stared down at her waiting for an answer "finn you need to stop shes not in the state to be talking about this right now" Claudia said calmly making me fell a little better.

Brandon left the room in a bad mood, he went to go walk around and clam down "I want billie.." Olivia whispered "what do you mean liv?" I asked.

"I want to see billie..I want to apologise" I looked at claudia and she nodded to me "please finneas.." I smiled at her as she looked up at me "I'll bring billie here later on" she smiled after i said that then she started to drift off to sleep softly.

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