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Billie just looked down breaking our intense eye contact after what she had said. I felt a rush of happiness when I replayed what she had said in my head really realising what she had just said to me.

I cupped her face in my hands forcing her to look into my eyes "billie I love you too" her eyes looked as if they were glowing after I had spoken, I then felt her hands grip around me pulling me into a long everlasting kiss.

In seconds I was sitting on top of Billie straddling her lap as we continued with our steamy make out session until I pulled away very slowly and looked into her eyes "do you ever think we rushed our first time..?" This time I broke the short period of eye contact we had been holding "sort of in a way, obviously it was amazing but I think we could have taken things slower" billie sia back giving me a soft smile.

I felt a weird pressure in my body release as I listened to her words knowing it wasn't just me who felt this way.

"Thank God you feel like that too" I dramatically sighed making both of us start laughing "how about a..second first time where we take it at our own pace this time?" We laughed more until we quieted down leaving us in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence, more of a peaceful silence.

"I would like that" I whispered quietly as I felt myself moving closer to billie until we had our heads pressed gently together "I want you" those were the only words I needed to hear in her raspy voice to get me in the mood for the events coming.

I run my hands under Billies shit and up back giving her a slight shiver as I slowly start and grind against her leg, I feel lips on my neck as I begin to pull her shirt up and over her head revealing her gorgeous chest.

I moved down and started kissing her neck as I made my way down to her chest, I managed to leave a few hickeys dotted around her neck but that didn't stop either of us. I kept moving down her chest leaving a trail of light kisses until I reached her boobs.

"you're so beautiful.." I said in a breathy tone, I wanted to make her feel just a beautiful as she is. I connect my lips with one of her nipples as I continuously massaged her other boob lightly pinching her nipple, as i teased both her nipples she gasped and let out a low moan.

Eventually I moved from teasing her nipples to pulling off the sweatpants and underwear she had been wearing and I began to kiss her thighs making my way closer to her heat.

"Stop teasing me please..." billie moaned out as she looked down at me with begging eyes, I smirked to myself  began to please her. I ran my tongue through all her folds and over her clit very slowly to drive her crazy as I whispered "as you wish" as I did what I did her moans started to speed up and get louder.

I then started to suck on her clit hard as I also began to massage and squeeze one of her boobs, I felt Billies fingers getting tangled up in my hair as she tugs on it gently only making me suck more.

"Fuckk...keep going.." billie says as she let's out a much louder moan, I glanced up at her shake my head very slowly "you need to be quiet bil, there people sleeping next..door" I say quietly until I get to the last word where I quickly stick my index finger and my middle finger together inside her forcing her to let out more of a screaming moan.

We went on and on and I made Billie cum right into my mouse filling the whole room with her loud moans.

"That was amazing.." billie sighed as she layed back on te bed all sweaty "oh yeah? So a good second first time" I giggled and layed back next to her placing my hea don her shoulder.

"I'm about to ask you something crazy so stay with me here..." billie said looking down at me "go ahead bil, I'm all ears" I smiled and waited for her next words which would make me so much happier than I already was.

"Olivia you have made me feel so many weird but good feeling that I have never felt before on such short time so I was wondering if..you'd be my girlfriend..?" my eyes widened a as I  looked up to her, ever since I had met Billie I had been waiting to hear these words come out her mouth.

"Billie are you serious? Of course I will!" I cheerfully said as i pulled her into a soft kiss, I could feel Billies lips curve into a grin only making me smile more.

After us becoming official we talked more about when we would properly tell claudia and Finneas about us even though they had probably already guessed there was something going on between us.

The next morning we both got up from a long night and we straight away headed to finneas' room after getting ready for the day.

"Morning claud, how are things this morning?" I say happily to claudia as me I walk down to the corridor finneas' room is on, billie waves at claudia then walks into the room leaving just the two of us "good morning liv, finneas is getting better but it's still pretty slow" she smiles but it fades into more of a smirk when she looks at my neck where Billie had left one hickey which wa okay compared to the three I left to hers.

"I would ask how you are but from yours and bils necks I can tell things are great" I look down feeling my cheeks heat up when I think about the night I had just had "yeah, things went well.." I lowly said as I looked at billie through the little window in the door.

"I shouldn't really be saying this but I need to just tell someone" I smile at claudia and she gives me a look full of confusion "me and bil are...official" claudia cheers me on and hugs me.

"I knew you guys would get together someday"

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