!!please read!!

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Hey guy I do have some exciting new but first I would like to say huge thank you to every one of you that voted for my book an commented, I loved reading all your comments on the different chapters.

I especially liked the hate comments on Brandon, he is one disgusting excuse for a man which I'm sure you'll all agree on.

Anyways thank you guys soooooo much it means the world that people have read and enjoyed my book.

Okay now onto that exciting news I mentioned at the beginning. One of the main reasons the recent updates were up so slow was because lately I've been working on another book and I wanted to at least write the first ten chapter before publishing it and telling you all about it.

 One of the main reasons the recent updates were up so slow was because lately I've been working on another book and I wanted to at least write the first ten chapter before publishing it and telling you all about it

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This is my new book "forbidden love"

Also sorry that pictures looks so low quality, when I made it it looked better so I'm not sure what happened but you are still able to read the words so it works.

I also have another book.
It's called "Change Of Plans"

I really do hope you take a look at either of these books, I'd really appreciate it but it's fine if not.

That's it from me, I've said all that I need to. I hope to see you all in the comments of my new books!

Byeee :)

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