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'3:00am' the clock read, I had been staying here for three days so far and both the nights I had hardly slept, it just felt crazy that I'm actually here and to stay.

"Psst" I heard someone go as my door opened a little to show Billie standing there "bil what re you doing its three in the morning?" I sat up in bed and looked up at her quietly turning on the little light "I cant sleep.." she whispered slowly.

I motioned for her to come and sit with me in bed so she did, she quietly made her way over to my bed and sat down with me. We sat in bed under the covers In silence for a for minutes before Billie finally broke of the awkwardness and spoke up "what was it like?" I looked over at her in confusion "what was what like?" I asked "Be fostered, all that moving around?"

"It was weird, I felt like nothing was ever going to be permanent and like everything was temporary..." I started up at the ceiling and I spoke "I didn't feel welcome anywhere, like I was an intruder to every home I went to" I glanced over to Billie after feeling her eyes burning I to the side of my face.

Billie turned onto her sid eand moved closer to me after the last thing I said "I'm sorry you had to go through that, I missed having you here" she whispered quietly making me feel calm and relaxed. I turned to my side like her and we just stared into each others eyes "I missed you too" I said in a soft but breathy tone.

As Billie breathed I felt her breath hit my lips making me lust her more than ever, Billie moved closer to me to the point where our lips were just inches from touching.

"Please dont ever leave liv" she said "I wont, I promise" I replied and she flashed me a little smile before saying the words that I've wanted to hear come out her mouth since I met her "can I kiss you..?" I didn't answer her and I just kissed her.

Her lips were soft like how I imagined clouds to be, as I kissed her I felt her hands snaking around my waist and under my shirt, she rubbed her hands up and down my waist. Feeling her touch made me feel so many things at once, I let out a breathy moan against her lips.

Eventually this kiss broke off slowly and I just looked at her, we both smiled and start laughing. Billie layed onto her back and I moved over to her and placed my head down on her chest, instantly felt her arms tighten around me.

We stayed like that just talking for a while before when drifted off to sleep and I wa slept listening to her light snores.


"Rise and shine" I heard claudia Chime out, I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at her then around to see Billie was gone, she probably woke up early and went to her own room.

I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed "so how'd you sleep?" She asked and I thought about my night, the image of me kissing Billie I instantly came into my head "I slept great actually" I smiled and so did claudia.

"Good, well Finneas is making breakfast now so it will done soon" she said before walking out the room.

I sat there for a moment just waking myself up before I picked up my phone after hearing it go off.


❤Brandon❤:hey babe, heard you're back. I want to see your fine ass 😉😉

I looked at the text and sighed, I'm still with Brandon, shit.

I put my phone down and walked out the room to go and brush my teeth, I walked past Billies room and the door was opened a crack, I glanced in a walked past but it was dark and nothing could be seen.

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