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"Bil..wake up" I whispered softly to Billie as shes asleep in her usual chair next to finneas' bed but instead the room was empty "billie.." I pepper her face with light kisses as she slowly starts to wake up, she opens her eyes and looks around for a few seconds before realising Finneas was gone, his bed too.

She jumped up from her chair and looked around, it was clear she started to panic, thinking only the worst. I got up and wrapped my arms around her, she fought me for a few second until I spoke up "finneas is absolutely fine, he went for a CT scan and claudia went with him" she looked down at me with tears in her eyes "what about my parents?"

"Bil it's okay. Your mom went to go get clothes for you, me and claudia, your dad went to go pick up some proper food for us to eat" as I explained more on where everyone was I flelt Billies breathing slow down until she had completely calmed down and was no longer shaking.

"Well it's going to be a while before Finneas and claudia are back so we can do whatever we want for the time being" I smiled at her and we slowly parted from our long embrace.

We decided on just walking around the city to waste time, we had both never really been around this area so we thought we'd do some shopping, explore the area, see what there is too see.

"So bil, how's your food?" I asked billie as we were sat down in some restaurant eating together "it's pretty good, I like this place" she replied nodding her head slowly as she chewed her food.

Out of nowhere my phone started ringing, it made both me and Billie jump a little and we laughed about it for a few minutes before I actually answered the call.

"Hello is this Olivia Miller?"

"Hi, yes this is her"

"Wonderful, I'm Janet from the hospital you were discharged from a couple months again"

"Oh alright, what's the occasion?"

"I am calling to let you know about Gustav Elijah Åhr"

As soon as I heard the women on the other end of the phone said his name i felt sick with worry and started to think all the worst scenarios.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen to him?"

"Of course, everything is great he hustlewanted me to give you call and let you know he's getting out of here in about an hour"

"Oh great, tell him I'll do my best to come down there"

I ended the call and looked at Billie, she gave me a look filled with confusion "what was that?" She asked as she chewed away at her food, I smiled and put my phone back down on the table "you remember gus, I told you about when I met him in the hospital, well.." billie looked at me raising her eyebrows to get me to continue "...hes getting out in about an hour"

She looked down to think about gus for a moment before looking back up to me with a smile "oh yeah. I remember you telling me about him, I'm pretty sure we have enough time to see him when hes out before we need to be back at the hospital for finneas"

When she said that my jaw practically dropped to the floor since Billie had refused to leave finneas' side since he was brought into the hospital after the accident "really? We dont have to if you dont want to" I said back to her but she shook her head "no I want to meet him since hes your friend" i smiled at her and continued to eat.


An hour had gone by and we had spent it wondering around the town to see what there was to see but we managed to catch a bus down to where the hospital was.

As our stop got closer and closer I got more and more excited to see gus and it was starting to show a lot more than I thought "this guy is pretty important I'm guessing..?" Billie spoke out from beside me, I could hear the bluntness in her tone as she talked. I turned to her and looked at her, I could help but smile when I saw her getting a little jealous.

I leaned in towards her and kissed her cheek gently "of course but so are you bil.." i whispered against her cheek softly, she instantly smiled and pulled me in from a kiss, i kissed back but quickly pulled back when i heard the street name the hospital was on getting called out on the speakers.

I quickly jumped up grabbing Billies hand to drag her along with me, she started laughing and I pulled her off the bus with me after thanking the driver "come on!! Billie!" I laughed outside I rushed towards the entrance.

We walked inside the front doors and gus was there with a woman who is probably him mom, Cheryl, and a couple of the men in white. He swung around hearing me crashing through the front door in excitement, I let go of Billies hand and ran into his arms instantly gripping onto him.

We stayed in a tight embrace for a few minutes before I looked up at him and he looked back down at me "I missed you so much liv" he said quietly as his eyes started to get a little glossy, he placed a light kiss on my forehead before we broke off our hug.

Me and Billie both greeted Cheryl and briefly got her up to date on things, then I introduced myself to gus' mom then finally I introduced Billie to gus.

"So bil, this is Gustav" I smiled at her and she looked up at gus who was much taller than both of us "gus this is Billie" gus smiled at her and held his hand out, billie hesitated for a moment then took his hand and shook it "it's nice to meet you Gustav.." she said lowly "likewise, please call me gus though" he smile as Billie pulled her hand away from his.

I felt the tension rising on Billies side and she was obviously uncomfortable so I made sure to wrap thing up with gus quickly and give him my number so we'd be able to see each other again.

"I'm glad I got to see you gus, like out on the outside" I joke making us both laugh as we broth ourselves back into another hug "you too, you have no idea how boring it's been. Aaron and Lucas both got out about a week ago" I was surprised to hear they got out before gus but I was happy for them.

I kissed gus on the cheek like I usually would but as I did that I felt billies eyes in particular burning into my back, I said goodbye to him and turned back to Billie. She had a stern look on her face "bil, is everything okay?" I asked as I stepped closer to her to hold her hand, she moved her hand around and nodded to my question.

We headed back up to the normal hospital where Finneas was but the whole ride Billie was being all weird and off towards me so I thought I'd give her some space by leaving her in Finneas' room with him since he'd just go back from all the tests.

Me and claudia were down in the cafeteria type of place getting ourselves some food "so how was you day with Billie?" Claudia asked with a smile.

I explained to her the whole day and how Billie started to act strange after meeting gus.

"Someone's definitely a little jealous, get her out of finn's room and hang out with her for a bit, I'm sure she'll be fine"

a/n: hey guys I'm so so sorry it's been a while since I've given you another chapter, I'm been really stressed with school and other personal matter with have has be really down and unmotivated to do any writing. I'm going to start trying to update regularly like before but it might be a bit slow for a while just so I can build up my confidence in writing again since I've just felt like nothing ive written has been good enough until this chapter. I hope you guys understand me and enjoy :)

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