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A spent the next few days with billie, finneas and claudia. They all really made me feel a lot better about the situations I hadn't spoken to Brandon at all I've been ignoring all of his calls because I cant look at him or even hear his voice. I've been to work one day this week and I did my absolute best to avoid him but it ended up being to hard so I told my manager john I would be off for a couple days due to personal reasons.

John was cool with me being off for some time, I think he noticed the slight tension between me and Brandon so he didn't question it and just said he'd still give me a little pay for the missing days.

"Liv wake up" I heard in a familiar sing-song voice, I instantly knew it was billie. I slowly opened my eyes and she was layed up next to me in bed, she looked so beautiful in the mornings, her hair was in a messy bun and she had a vest and a pair of shorts on.

I had been borrowing billies clothes so I wa just wearing one of her oversized shirts and that's it.

"Good morning bil" I smiled at her as I sat up and stretched my arms a little, I could feel Billies eyes burning straight into my back so I turned to her and we both started laughing because she had been caught staring.

We were cut off from our laughs by my phone vibrating on the bedside table and the sound of my ringtone, I picked it up and the name on the screen read, Brandon, I looked at billie and her smile soon faded when she saw the name.

A waited for a few minutes then we heard claudia from outside the door "liv I think you should answer, I mean you're still in a relationship with him.." she said as she poked her head in the crack in the door.

I looked at her, then billie, then back at my phone an di nodded to myself slowly as I went to hit the answer button.

(Olivia:bold Brandon:italic)

"Fucking hell you answered, shit, Olivia baby I'm so sorry"

"What do you want Brandon? You have 5 minutes to say whatever you want before I end the call"

"Fuck okay, look babe I'm so sorry, you know I was really drunk and I had been smoking. If I had been sober I would've listened to you and i wouldn't have ever layed a finger on you"

I sat there listening to him hearing the hurt and pain in him voice, I had been ignoring him and not giving him a single chance to explain himsel but then again there really wasn't anything to explain.

I looked over to billie and she had pure disgust on her face by just hearing his voice.

"Please baby, I promise you I'll never hurt you again, I'll never keep pushing you like that, and I for sure will never ever have you around me when I'm drunk and high"

As I listened I just felt more and more guilty for ghosting him like that for some time.

"Alright Brandon, I'll speak to you tomorrow at work"

"Thank you so much for letting me apologise baby"


I hung up and put my phone down, I took a little breath before looking back up to claudia who was still stood by the door, now with finneas too "you did good, you handled that really well liv" I smiled at them then glanced to billie who was just sat there silently.

Claudia whispered something into finneas' ear then they both walked out and closed the door behind then.

"Bil, it's going to be okay" I said and she kept her reply short and simple "no it's not" billie then moved to the edge of the bed and got up. "What do you mean?" I asked "I dont like him, and I dont trust him around you.." she said a sheet looked back towards me.

I felt guilty knowing billie worried about me being near Brandon.

I stood up form the bed and took billies hand making her instantly swing round to looked at me "billie I promise you I'll be fine, I'll be at work, they will be people everywhere" I smiled and she soon gave me and little smile out of the corner of her mouth.

I pulled her hand closer to my chest making her move closer and I hugged her tightly "thank you for worrying about me bil, but I'll be okay" I whispered softly I to her ear as she tightened to grip around me.


"Good morning baby!" Called out a cheerful and happy voice, a familiar voice, Brandon's voice. I stopped standing the different products up of the shelves when I heard him and I turned around, he was stood there with a bunch of Flowers and a bright smile.

"Hey Brandon" I said quietly trying to not seem happy to see him. "Look liv I want to say how sorry I am for all that bullshit before, you know I would never intentionally hurt you baby, please forgive me" he looked so innocently and apologetic. I couldn't stay angry at him after his little apology.

"I bought you these flowers to show you how much I regret hurting you and I would like to invite you on a date" he smiled and held the flowers out to me.

I looked at him then the flowers as I thought about hwo I should answer him.





a/n: hey guys, I hope you are all enjoying this book, let me know how you feel about this book? :)

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