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I just walked around, I circled around  a couple streets so I wouldn't get list whilst I waited for the claudia to let me nwo when It was safe to come home, I was just praying that Billie would take the news well.

I wondered around for 30 minutes before i got a text from claudia.


Claudia: Hey bil knows and she wants
to see you.

Me: Is she mad at me?

Claudia: of course not, she just wanted to see you and make sure you're okay

Me: okay im on my way back now

I put my phone back in my pocket and began walking home, I thought how claudia said Billie wasn't mad at me, she just wanted to see I was okay. I hoped that was true.

It didn't take long until I approached the house, I saw Billie waiting at the window until she locked eyes with me and she rushed off. Seconds later she hurried out the front door to me.

She ran over to me and hugged me tightly slightly lifting me off the ground, I held onto her hoping this pregnancy news had upset her because it clearly didn't make her mad.

"You're pregnant?" Billie said as she gently put me down, I nodded slowly and looked down "yeah..." a few seconds past and I felt Billies hands lightly place around my face and she tilted my head up so I was looking at her "its okay, we're going to be okay"

We held onto each other for a few more minutes before we went inside and both claudia and Finneas were looking at us straight away "are you guys alright?" Claudia asked.

Billie nodded before I could even say a word, I smiled at her seeing how eager she was to show that we were still happy and okay "perfect, I told you liv, you guys are made for each other" claudia cheered clapping her hands a little.

We all laughed for a little bit then sat down and watched a couple movies together until it was pretty late so we decided to all head to bed.

I headed off to my room before everyone especially claudia because I swear she takes years to change and get ready for bed.

I sat down on my bed looking through my phone for anything important that I should know about when I heard a little knock on my door. I looked up from my phone and Billie was stood by my door with a smile, I smile back and beckoned her in "hey bil"

She came in and sat next to me, she placed a sweet little kiss on my cheek "are we going to be okay, you know with the baby?" I looked down breaking the eye contact we had "I'm not going anywhere I promise" that was all she said and it was all she needed to sya to assure me she'd be with me all the way through this.

We talked a little more about the baby and what we're going to do when the times comes and we're holding little newborn but obviously we could make any proper plans since it was something we really had to talk to Finneas and clauabout since it was their house.

I layed on Billies chest as we spoke and she kept her arms wrapped around me tightly "I love you liv, and i will love you no matter what" she whispered softly, I looked up to her with a smile.

"I love you to bil"

The end.

I'm not completely evil so I will give you a little snippet of what happened on the end for Billie and Olivia so here you go...


After Olivia found out she was pregnant with Brandon's baby and she had told everyone she needed to which included Billie, finneas, gus, all gus' friends, and a couple other close friends, she took her first step on the long journey of pregnancy. She tried to tell her parents but they couldn't have cared any less.

Those nine months between the between the beginning and end of Olivia's pregnancy flew by faster than anyone had suspected but with claudia getting all excited and over buying all sorts of baby things and Finneas panicking trying to baby proof the entire house Olivia was very prepared to bring this baby into the world.

Finally after the long but short feeling wait Olivia went into labour, unlike most her experience of birthing a child went extremely well and smoothly. Before she knew it she had a beautiful baby girl in her arms and Billie stood next to her holding her hand tightly.

Billie and olivia took much care in deciding a name for their newly born baby girl, in the end they came up with the name Evelyn Eilish Miller but both Billie and olivia hoped that in the future they get to rename their daughter Evelyn Eilish O'Connell after the marriage that they hope to reach.

That's all for now, I'll let you make up the rest of their story in your head.

a/n: please read the next chapter for some very important things.
Thank you for reading :)

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